You know the most painful thing is choosing to stop fighting when you haven't even tried
# Gevan Radian Juniarta
At that moment Rain's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She immediately lowered his face and continued to walk side by side with Gevan. With their hands still intertwined towards the corridor where their class is
"It's arrived, Princess," said Gevan
Rain just didn't know what to say, he just floated his face, smiled faintly. So maybe even Gevan couldn't see it, only he knew that he was smiling
But in fact not, Gevan saw it, seeing Rain smiling faintly was very clear. And Gevan desperately held his heart beating so it wouldn't move from its place
"Can I ask you something?"
"Can you smile for me? Just this once"
"Why only once?"
"Because I'm afraid that many times"
"It means?"
"If you smile often for me, I'll have a heart attack. I don't want to die young"
"Well then I don't have to smile"
"Why? I don't want Gevan to die young because of me"
"But I want to see you smile"
"Which one is the truth, Ge? You said I can't smile"
"May be beautiful"
"Yee, you are fickle"
"Hehehehehehehe, after all, if you smile, it's sweet. It's sweeter than sugar"
"Brother is loose," said Rain, laughing
Patience, van, patient, patient, loved by mother. Gevan said in his heart while stroking his chest
"Why are you Gevan? Sick?"
"You must be sick?"
"No," said Gevan, shaking his head
"Then why are you rubbing your chest like that?"
"I think Gevan is sick"
"No, why is it Beautiful? Worried?"
"A little"
"If that's the case, I'll just keep getting sick."
"Well… why is that?"
"Yeah, let me worry about you and keep watching"
"No need to be like that Ge, I will continue to watch Gevan even though Gevan is not sick"
"Ciahhh it's fun" Gevan exclaimed happily
Didn't realize they had arrived at the bench and they both sat their butts on their respective seats
"Now what lesson?" ask Gevan
"Well the killer teacher again, hopefully it will pass quickly. I can't wait to go home"
"I miss my soft bed"
"Oh my gosh"
Who are all the students together
"Any of you did not do the homework I gave you?" asked Miss Janet firmly
All the students fell silent and no one raised their hand
"Good, I always like teaching in this class. Because all the students are diligent and obedient in doing their assignments. Give us all a round of applause"
Immediately the class became noisy, all the students clapped loudly. For the first time during Miss Janet's class they weren't as tense as they used to be.
"Okay, let's continue learning, open the next chapter"
1 hour later…
The bell rang loudly. Indicating that the lesson was over and it was time for all students to return to their respective homes
"Okay, kids, let's end the meeting this time." said Miss Janet and left the class followed by other students, except for Gevan and Rain. They are still faithful in their seats waiting for the class to be quiet before they leave to go home
"Who are you going home with today?" asked Gevan to open the conversation
"Don't know yet, maybe waiting for the public transportation at the bus stop in front of the school"
"How about you come back with me?"
"Eh, you don't have to worry about it later"
"Just relax beautiful, you were with me this morning too. So I'm the one who handles bringing you home today"
"Is it really okay? if I try again?"
"It's okay beautiful"
"Thank you Gevan, you are always nice to me"
"For you, what's not?"
"Start again"
"What?" ask Gevan
"King of rags you Gevan"
"It's okay, I'm still fighting"
"Struggling to?"
"Getting someone's love" said Gevan lightly
"Why don't you have any intention of talking to me?" ask Rain
"You'll find out later."
"Gevan, it's not fun"
"Alright, let's go, class is quiet, let's park"
"Come on"
Gevan immediately grabbed Rain's hand leading him to the school parking lot
"Please come in, Princess," said Gevan, opening the car door
"Thank you prince" replied Rain intending to joke
But, unlike Gevan. His heart was beating fast again when Rain called him that. Until Gevan unconsciously fell silent in his position.
"Why are you silent? You won't go home, right, prince?"
Rain's words broke Gevan's daydream
"Um, let's go"
Gevan immediately closed the car door. And ran around the front of the car and opened the steering wheel door. Then swiftly Gevan sat down and closed the car door again.
"Where are you going, Princess?"
"Back home"
"Don't have any intention of stopping by first then?"
"Where is Gevan going?"
"Yeah, nothing"
"Well then, just go home."
"Really? Don't want to stop by anywhere?"
"No, just go home Gevan"
"Okay, ready to carry out commander" replied Gevan
There was silence for a moment, no one spoke until a few minutes later Gevan asked,
"What song do you want?" asked Gevan to open the conversation
"Taylor Swift is there?"
"Yes, what's the title?"
"Okay, I'll find it first"
Gevan tinkered with it by playing the songs one by one looking for the song Rain wanted. Then a few seconds later found it.
"Here found"
When the song finished playing Rain rubbed his face and smiled
That's when Gevan saw him. Seeing Rain shed another tear. And he wanted to ask,
"Who? Arkan again?"
There was no answer, Rain stayed where he was and didn't say a word
"If remembering it makes you sick, don't remember it Beautiful"
Silence no answer
"I know how it feels? Are you the tough one?"
Silence no answer
Crushed… in his heart Gevan was devastated when he had to choose to stop fighting before he even tried.