What was he like?

'Talking to their werecat'

~Mind-link ~

Lilith's P.O.V.

There are a couple seconds of silence before Kate bolts up off of me. "You found your MATE?! What's his name? What does he look like? Is he hot? Please tell me that he is hot. How old is he? What was it like? You have to tell me Lil ple..."

I cut her off mid rant by covering her mouth with my hand. "One question at a time Kate."

Without getting an answer I quickly pull my hand away in disgusts. As she had licked my hand like a child would covering my palm in saliva. "Ew! That is, so gross how old are you three?"

Kate grins at me playfully as I wipe my hand off on my jeans. " Actually, I am three and a half. That half makes all the difference."

At that I can't help but laugh at her antics which leads to the both of us laughing. "Okay, but seriously what was he like?"

"I don't know. I didn't talk to him."

"What do you mean you didn't talk to him? Didn't he notice you? I mean that beautiful red hair of your kind of makes it hard for anyone not to notice you. Though even if he didn't see you, he should have been able to pick up your scent. Either way why didn't you go up to him then?"

"I don't know how he didn't notice my scent, but he didn't see me because I had hid from him?"

Kate looks at me in shock and confusion. "Lilith why in the name of the sun goddess would you..."

Kate stops mid-sentence and right away her graze softens as she realizes why I hid and refused to approach him. Grabbing me she hugs me tightly as she apologizes. "I'm, so sorry Lil I'm, so stupid I didn't even think."

I hug her back as I remember how horrible Dante treated Ali and I. "Don't you start with that. You aren't stupid. You just see having a mate in a better light then I do."

Letting go of each other she gives me a small comforting smile. "If you don't want to talk about your mate you don't have too."

"I don't mind it actually. It feels good to get this off my chest. It's also very confusing emotional, so I could probably use, some of your advice on what to do. Besides we did pinky promise didn't we?"

"Alright then if you are sure then tell me everything."

"Alright well let's see. He is definitely tall he can't be any shorter than six feet. I could tell he spends a lot of time in the sun. Though he doesn't have much of a tan it's more of a light tan. He probably does a lot of heavy labor outside because he has very broad shoulders and is definitely not skinny. Oh, and his hair is a very dark almost dark brown though it's more of a dark honey brown. It was, so disheveled that he looked like he had just woken up and gotten out of bed. I don't know if he is a student at the college, but he definitely looked a couple years older than us. He could be a warrior in his pride, I think. Possibly I'm not sure I'm just guessing."

"Oh, so you and Ali like older men then?"

I roll my eyes and try to brush it off as Kate giggles, but I can feel the heat forming on my cheeks. "So, what makes you think that he is a warrior? Is it because of his size and build?"

"Well yes and no. Yes, because I mean he has a better build then our warriors, but it is also his face."

"His face?"

"Yeah, he has a massive scar on the left side of his face."

Placing the tip of my finger on the soft spot of my temple right above my eyebrow. I trace the path of his scar along my face exactly how I remember it. As I come to a stop at the corner of my mouth. "It was definitely an old scar and very jagged too. It must have been a very nasty wound."

"Damn yeah it sounds like it. Well, who knows maybe you will run into him again one day and you can ask him. I know why you don't want a mate which is reasonable. Though I know that I can never truly understand what you went through when you were with him. But you did say that you wanted my advice on what to do."

I nod in agreement, but to be honest I am very nervous on what she has to say. As Kate is known for being blunt when it comes with advice. Though I love her for her honesty it can be a bit terrifying especially with a matter like this. "Now let me start by saying I can't tell you how to live your life especially after what you went through. All I can do is give you my opinion on your situation with your mate. As your best friend I don't want you to give up a chance at falling in love because of that bastard. Now I am not saying you need to move on or get over what happen to you. As I know that is part of you, but you shouldn't let it hold you back either."

I silently listen to Kate, but I admit I am a bit surprised by her words. As she isn't done as she gives me her opinion on what I should do about my mate. "Honestly I don't think you should reject him. Now I am not saying that you should automatically accept him as your mate either. Say you do end up finding him again and this time you two actually talk. Explain to him that you were hurt in the past and because of that you want to take things slow. It doesn't even have to be as a couple it could just as getting to know each other as friends. He is your mate and there is a reason for it. He isn't Dante, so don't let him ruin your chance at happiness he hurt you enough already. I don't think you should reject him, but at least give him a chance before deciding what to do. I'm sorry I didn't mean to come off, so harsh."

Without any hesitation I hug Kate tightly. "No, you are right and that was what I really needed to hear that. You always tell me how it is even if it's not what I want to hear. It's one of the reasons I am, so grateful that you are my best friend."

Kate hugs me back and I can tell that there is a smile on her face. "If you keep talking like that you are going to make me cry. Then my make-up will run, and I will end up looking like raccoon."

I can't help, but chuckle as I know that she is trying to make me feel better. "You really think he would be okay with something like that?"

"Yes, I do. He is lucky to have you as his mate. I mean come on Lilith you are smart, beautiful, funny, sweet, and not to mention you are an amazing cook."

"What if he is already with someone?"

Kate pulls away from me slightly, so that she can look at me. "What would make you think of something like that?"

"Because when I saw him at the college he was with a woman. She is also pregnant like about to give birth in a month or two pregnant. I also saw her kiss him on the cheek."

Kate looks at me in shock as I say this. "Why didn't you say this to begin with?"

"I kind of wanted to forget about that part."

"Well did you see a mate mark on him?"

"Um... well no I didn't."

"Then how do you know that she isn't his sister or cousin. She could have been a friend or even just a member of the pride he is."

"Maybe, but then why was he with them instead of her mate?"

"Maybe her mate wasn't able to go with her. If he is her brother or family member, then he probably was asked by her or her mate to go with her since she is that far along in her pregnancy. If he isn't a family member or friend, then maybe he was with her to protect her. You did say that you think that he looked like a warrior. She could be the queen of the pride or second in command or even the second in command's mate. Even if she isn't any of those, she is still a very heavily pregnant shape shifter. Which means that she can't shift to protect herself if something happens. So, it would make sense for a warrior to accompany her as she wouldn't be on their pride's territory. Especially if her mate or family member can't be with her. I mean that's what our pride does to ensure the safety of anyone who is pregnant."

I sit there thinking that she actually has a valid point. "Okay I think that you might actually have a valid point."

Kate crosses her arms as she playfully scoffs at me. "Might have a valid point?"

We both laugh as I playfully roll my eyes at her. "Alright. Alright you definitely have many valid points."

A large grin spreads across her face as she uncrosses her arms. "I know I do."

This causes us both to start laughing again at the other's antics. "Now on another important note have you figured out what you are going to wear to the treaty signing tomorrow?"

"Oh um... yeah about that. I was just planning on staying home."

Kate's graze snaps to me as she looks at me as if I had just slapped her. "You can't just stay home Lilith our whole pride is supposed to be there. It is a very important treating signing."

"I know I know it's super important because it's the Dark Sun pride. Which I still think is a very weird name for a pride."

"I agree, but weird name or not they are still the most powerful pride in the country maybe even in the world."

"Right because their king is some rare barbary lion. Though I find that hard to believe barbary lions are extinct and if he really is a barbary lion where is the proof. I mean no one has ever seen him other than those who are members of his pride."

"True, but what if he actually does show up? I heard a rumor that he has the same curse as the evil lion Erebus from the legend our parents would tell us when we were children. Fur as black as a moonless night sky and eyes as crimson red as blood. Which means he was born without a mate. Which is kind of sad if you think about it."

I scoff before chuckling as she makes ghost noises at me. "That was just a story Kate, and he has never shown up to things like this before, so why would he show up now?"

"You never know there is always a first for everything maybe he has a reason to go this time. So, will you come with me pretty please? Don't want to go alone it would be no fun without my best friend."

Letting out a groan I easily cave as she looks at me with begging kitten eyes. "Alright fine. You win I'll go with you."

A massive grin spreads across her face as she hugs me. "Thank you. You are the most amazing person in the world. We are going to have to do early morning shopping to find you something."

Ali laughs as I am already regretting my decision as this is the kind of shopping is something I really hate doing.