Chapter 36- I Get My Ass Moving On (Jade)

I was laying bed - I wasn't ready to call it my bed yet, even though I'd been living in it for about two weeks now. - waiting for the tears to come like they did everytime I woke up, oddly enough, today I found my eyes dry.

Since the accident, every ten seconds when I first wake up, I don't remember anything. For ten seconds I'm back in my bed, in my home. Down the hall dad's getting ready and right before he puts on boots he'll knock on my door to say goodbye.

Then I open my eyes and stare at the deep purple walls, I'm in the bed that is over stuffed, with a thread count that we could never afford.

The room is a mess with boxes that I can never seem to find the energy to unpack.

I let out a long sigh and bunched the pillow up under my head, it was still damp from last nights round of tears.

Jack and Mayline didn't bother much, I knew I was missing lessons, but they never pushed me about it.