Estella knocked at the door of the principal's office." Come in." She answered from inside.

"Hello, ma'am." She gestured Estella to sit.

"Estella I know you don't want to play the role of snow-white. But I believe you suit in the role." She told after hearing her out.

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

"Yes Miss Jasmine." Saying this she left the room.

"Is my mother in there?" Dara walked to Estella.


"I'll be right back, I needed some money."

"Sure, I'll wait for you here." She smiled.

Miss Jasmine is Dara's mother.


"Cut," Dane shouted." Let's take a break."

The next scene was snow-white being poisoned and the prince falling in love with the dead body.

"You are too good to play the role of the witch," Estella told Dara who was fixing her crooked nose.


"Can we please skip the kiss?" She whispered to Théoden who leaned into her

"Princess," he grin. " it's necessary." He winked at her as he leaned closer and kissed her on the cheek. Auditorium, lights twinkled in his blue eyes.

Estella and Dara went to the dorm together after the rehearsal.

Estella: "Dara."

Dara: "Hmm."

Estella: "I'm tired."

Dara: "Me too."

Estella: " I forgot to tell you something. I'm visiting my home tomorrow, Nico ( Estella's older brother.) Called me tomorrow. He felt guilty that he couldn't be there for mother's funeral."

Dara opened the door and they both walked in. Laying down on the bed they kicked off of their shoes.

"God I'm tired," Dara spoke but Estella was already browsing.

"Whos there?" Watchman flashed his torchlight.

"Can't you be more careless?" Théoden whispered, demanded.

They jumped down the window and they went to the club.

A girl in a black short glittery dress cat walked to the olden holding two glasses of Chapman. With every moment she got closer to him making him wish to kill her that instant.

"Girl are you a leach, sucking on my blood," he whispered over the loud music. she reached nearer that her disgusting alcoholic breath tingled on his skin.

"Do you want to have some fun?" He asked as a devilish smirk got on his face. And to which she nodded in a yes.

He dragged her away from the crowd into a small back room.

"Don't be a bad boy." She flattened her palm on his chest as he closed the door behind him. Her fingers unbuttoned his shirt with every moment of silence.

"Bitch if you want to do it why not do it in hell." He pulled out his hand from the pocket, a silver blade stuck between his fingers as he traced it down from face to her neck.

He could see fear in those brown chocolate eyes. her eyes pleading for help but she didn't dare to make a noise.

"It's time you should return to where you belong." The blade pierced through her skin as the blood dripped from her neck and into her dress.

"Maybe if you knew how poisonous I was you wouldn't have messed with me." He left through the window leaving her in the darkroom with her faint beating.


Estella suddenly woke up covered in sweat.

"Ah, where did I put my mobile." She searched for it and found it under her pillow. The time showed 2:30

She scrolled down her pictures as tears blurred her vision." I miss you, mom." She whispered. Years rolled down her face and into the pillows.

She slipped the mobile back under her pillow and got up from under her sheets.

Estella stood in the passageway her elbows resting on the cold silver metal.

"We meet again." A man dressed in black appeared from behind.

"You are Théoden, aren't you?" She gazed in those blue eyes which she was sure belonged to him.