''finally we meet again Théoden Gray.'' he spoke in an appealing voice.

'' I agree with you Justin Charmless.''

''It's Charles.'' he spoke in an annoying yet amused way.

''what ever, like I give a fuck to you .''

Justin played a recording through hi phone.

'' you killed your mom, didn't you?'' David asked.

'' huh, I killed my mom.'' Noah spoke.

anger boiled in Théoden as he heard the recording.

'' And before you leave I have a condition for you. kill Noah and save Estella just as simple.''

''you wish.'' Théoden's voice full of anger and hatred. Just when he was about to leave his phone ringed in his pocket.

''hello, uncle David.''

'' kid where are you? Its an emergency, police came in our house to investigate. They found a secret passage way through Noah's cupboard which leads to a underground grave yard of women wrapped in silk, and the police is making me really annoyed. I told them its been only a week since i came to visit you, how could i know what was happening in our house.''

'' I have something urgent. I know you can take good care of the corps.'' and with that he declined the call.

'' Where are you?'' he asked Noah as soon as he attended his call. ''Stay there I'll be right there''. after Théoden left Justin called the one who he was working for.'' Sir he left in anger there is a 100 percent chance that he'll kill him.''

'' your money will be transferred to your bank account once we receive his dead body.''

'' yes sir.''


Théoden scared his face as he poured all his revenge, anger, regret on his dead body, damaging his facial expression badly. '' you deserve this.'' he let his knife dig in to the dead body's opened mouth. His eye sockets bleeding crimson blood. Blood staining the necklace which his mother gave it to him on the last birthday they celebrated together.

'' well done.'' a man appeared from behind as he clapped his hands. From behind walked Estella her face covered with bruise and cuts, fresh blood draping from them. The bite marks had turned purple. Her lips dried and had cuts with dried blood. Her eyes held pain and fear which once used to be fearless and daring. Tired of all the mess.

Just then Théoden regretted it all. Breaking in to her house, killing her mom and meeting her. He wanted to go back in time and never head to her house. If he knew that the first person he killed was her dad he would have never done that.

His heart was melting, he felt really bad for her. He blinked his eyes as he held his tears back. He didn't even remember the last time he cried, may be at his mothers funeral.

'' Take her to the hospital, maybe you'll be able to safe her after how many drugs we gave her.'' the man stated. Théoden pulled out his gun and aimed at him.

'' Boy if you want her life ,then leave or I'll kill her.'' his gun pointing to her head. Théoden put his gun back making the man do the same.

''THEO.'' were the last words she said before she fainted and begin to fall on the ground but before she could hit the surface he held her in his arms. Despite the fact that she had gone so weak over past few days and was weight less ,the pain rose from Théoden's left arm and in to his whole body.

'' princess, just hold there a little longer. ''he told her as he ran to his car.


'' We gave her the antidote but she is not out of danger ,the rest of the recovery depends on the patients will. The dosage was so high that she could have died. We too are amazed that how did she hold that long. Its some thing that's keeping her alive.'' the doctor explained to Théoden.

''Revenge.'' he murmured under his breath.


'' it nothing, can i meet the patient.''

''It's no use she's in a deep sleep. You can leave if you want. We'll inform you when she gets to her scenes cause right now we also don't know when she gets to her scenes.''

And for last he stole a glace at her and left.


Théoden sat beside his mom's grave. ''Mom you know after a lot of years I met some one whom I could love with whole my heart. But you see our happiness ends before it even starts.'' he let out a small laugh. '' Now because of me she's in pain cause I couldn't protect her. I couldn't be a good man as my dad was.'' He let his tears fall on the grass and disappeared as they were never there.

'' Mom you know I decided to leave this country for a while may be I'll be back in a month or two.''


'' I'll be landing at the shanghai station tomorrow morning.'' he again left her mom alone.

He didn't go to his home before leaving. He took out some cash from the ATM and drove to the the airport. '' he didn't even wait for his brothers funeral. Here he boarded to land in shanghai and there tears rolled down Estella's cheeks and in to the soft pillows.