chapter no 15

"Mom you know I won two cases as a lawyer." She stood up and saw Theoden as she stared in his beautiful blue eyes.

"God, why do you make me see him when he is not even there." She talked to herself as she walked out of the graveyard, reaching for her car keys in her pant pockets.

"Huh, I guess she's just doing fine without me," Theoden spoke.

He drove to his house. The door was unlocked when he entered the house the LCD was playing a movie, bowl of popcorn was put on the center table.

Theoden dialed a number on his phone and held it to his ear.



"You doing fine."


"Bye, call you later."

And from the kitchen walked in Uncle David.

"Hi." He pulled him into a hug

"You good," Theoden asked as he pushed him away.

"Yeah, what about you? You left without a trace. You didn't even attend your brother's funeral."

" I had applied for the business university in China and I got an email to join the next week so I had to go in a hurry.

By the way, did you save me the necklace which Noah wore? It was a gift from my mom. I thought maybe I could have something which belonged to my mother and my brother."

"Yeah, I even got it washed for you because of the bloodstain." He walked away to get it.


"Oh no, it's nothing."

Theoden left the house so he could see how things changed around him in a year. Just when he left David called his cyber expert friend.

"Hello, check who he called this afternoon and also send me the recording of the conversation."

David took his two men with him to the graveyard where Noah was buried.

"Dig the grave." He ordered them.

It appears a skeleton is covered in dirt.

"Carry him to the forensic lab and test his identity. I fear he is not Noah."

They did what they were told.

Theoden crashed into the house with two old people living together he threw his knives flying towards them both who sat on the couch watching a movie on television. A knife got into the man's stomach the other was going to hit her in the chest but the old man came in between and the blade rigged into his chest he fell lifeless in her lap as she too broke her breath. She fell on the sofa's back as she breathed with difficulty and finally died a painful death.

Theoden was passing by Estella's house when he saw her silhouette. To his surprise she opened up the window and snatched him inside shutting the window behind. She pinned him to the side as she reached for his mask and removed it from his face.

"I told you he was Theoden.I studied those eyes very perfectly and I can be never wrong.

By the way, why do you always show up in my thoughts when you are not here in actual.

But still when I dream about you my heartbeat starts to race and I don't know why.

You know today I saw him in the graveyard but again he has gone abroad for studies how could be he here."he realized she was drunk. Theoden smiled at her last sentence.

"Estella I'm here." He held her from falling.

"I know you aren't, your just saying so that I won't be sad.You know even though I have become a good lawyer I still don't feel happy. My brother visited me just a while ago I told him to go you know I was so lonely in the hospital No one visited me except for my best friend and Caleb her boyfriend.Even you didn't visit me." She played around with his shirt, sorrow in her voice.

Theoden was about to leave that specific state they were standing in when she pulled him closer to her.

"You can't leave on your will when I'm dreaming. Don't you dare move." She demanded pulling him closer.

He hugged her back."surprisingly you're warm."she breathed in his chest."and smells so good."

"Hmm." He let out a small laugh."c'mon I'll get you to bed." He lifted her in his arm and carried her to her bed.

"Don't leave, stay with me a little longer."she gripped his sleeve.

"Ok ,I'll be here with you." He sat down, her head resting on his lap as he ran down his fingers through her hairs.

"You good?"



"What about the forensic report.



Just act as planned." David spoke in the phone.

Theoden walked down the street when a bullet passed by touching his shoulder he didn't have time to move then another shooting sound came and a bullet flew towards him but just when it was about dig him in the chest Noah came between taking the bullet in his chest and shooting a bullet from his gun towards the direction it came from. Theoden lifted his head to see two people standing in the balcony, one of them was shot and other escaped. Theoden couldn't make out their face.

"Brother I..I love... You, The secret drawer." Noah's breath broke and he laied lifeless in his lap.

Theoden broke in to tears. " What did I ever do wrong to hold my mother and my brother in my arms when they are dying.

Brother please open you eyes. You can't leave me here alone."


"Your work is done master." Justin reported him. As the master held out a gun and shoot him to death.

"Your work here is done young one."

"Take him away." He demanded.


'' Where are you?'' he asked Noah as soon as he attended his call. ''Stay there I'll be right there''.after Theoden left Justin called the one who he was working for.'' Sir he left in anger there is a 100 percent chance that he'll kill him.''

'' your money will be tranfered to your bank account once we receive his dead body.''

'' yes sir.''

Theoden went to meet noah in the haunted house.

'' Is it true that you killed mom?'' Theoden questioned.

'' I swear I didn't. I know you won't belive me and I have no reson for you to belive me.''

'' I trust you with all of my heart.'' and he winked his eye as he lifted his eyebrows indicating that some one was watching them. Noah noded his head knowing what he had to do.

they cought the spy, killed him Noah took off his necklace and wore him in the neck. He took out his phone and slid in the dead persons body taking out his.

Noah wrote a message to the boss contact.

' The work is done.' for the time he hugged Theoden and left. On the way he dropped the spy's phone and drove to a far city than the one he already lived. They both swore to each other that they won't contact untill its urgent.

Theoden scared his face as he poured all his revenge, anger, regret on his dead body, damageing his facial expression badly. '' you deserve this.'' he let his knife dig in to the dead body's opened mouth.His eyesockets bleeding crimson blood. Blood staining the neclace which his mother gave it to him on the last bithday they celebrated togeather.
