Chapter 18

In the morning Estella woke up alone. Theoden who was beside her had gone.

"Theo." She called for him but there was no reply. She started to fear in that big house.

-----------. ------------

Theo laid down on the soft mattress with his arms locked around Estella's waist as he watched the sun rise up from it's horizon. The phone buzzed on his night shade as he stretched out his hand to grab it.

"Hello." He received the call.

"Meet me in the five star hotel." Uncle David spoke.


"In twenty minutes."

"Ok " he declined the call.

"Huh, your falling in to the trap your self." He got up from the bed careful enough not to wake her up.

He changed in to a buttoned shirt and black pants. He grabbed his wrist watch from the drawers . He pressed his lips lightly on her forehead and left the room without making a noice.

" Why is that you wanted to tell me. Uncle David." He stressed his word.

" I'm leaving. My flight is at seven O'Clock I thought I'd meet you the last time." They stood in the parking lot.

"I feel you're in a hurry." Theoden spoke.

David pulled out a gun from his pants pocket and aimed at his head. Theoden kicked his hand as the gun flew in the air and Theoden grabbed it.

" Don't worry you'll catch your flight."

"Theoden , what are you doing?" David was confused.

He glanced back and saw a CCTV camera behind, he stepped back untill they were in view.

Theoden took large steps towards him.

"Your game is over David." He loaded the gun and shoot him in the eye, blood showered from his socket.

"That's for my mother." He shouted.

"And that's for my brother." He pulled the trigger as the the bullet passed his second eye.

"That's for what you did to Estella." He shoot him in the stomach ." And lastly it's from me."

Just when the last bullet left the gun police surrounded them.

"Surrender.″ A police man demanded their guns pointing at him.

″ wow, seem's like you fear my presence, that's why bought a dozen of police man with you.″ he spoke pleasure in his voice.

[damn how can someone act so cool infront of corps.]

to the left David's body had fallen on the ground. crimson blood flowed out of his body and on to the ground his eyesockets hollow.

″He look beautiful, don't he?″ Theoden spoke again.

Theoden's attitude still reached the sky after the fact that he was behind the bars.

″ Where is he?″ A woman walked in her heels ticking on the marble floor. She wore black pants, white turtle neck and a black coat. her short brown hairs in a small ponytail as she walked towards Theoden.

″Estella.″ he walked to her.

″ Heres the plan. I know a lawyer shouldn't do it.″ she told him the plan.″Make sure nothing gets wrong.″ God knows who told her that Theoden was at a police station.

It was night probably Estella jammed the CCTV cameras he took out the robbers key from his pocket and slid it in the lock. he did suceeded in escaping.

″Change in to these clothes that , I've have bought for you, hurry and here is the gun.″ After Theoden changed Estella drove to the highway.

″ It won't take them long to notice that you're gone.″ she spoke as she drove the car on full speed. It was a matter of seconds that they could hear the siren of a police car.

″ Just drop me here, dont worry I'll be all good. your passboard and your tickets are in the bag at the back seat. Drive safely to china.″ She blew him a kiss.

″ Are you sure.″

″Yes I am. Now go.″ she shut the door close.

″ Hey lady.″ a man spoke grabbing Estellas attention.


The police man took her to the station and she had to pay fine for driving the car fast ,the thing was Theo had taken it with him. Estella told him that he was getting late for the flight and they were guilty for driving fast. Surprisingly the police man was kind.

A week later.

"Dara I'm already getting late can we keep going."

"Just a second." She walked out of the room carrying a paper bag." Here's a gift for you."

"Aww, thanks. But can I open it in the car."

"Yeah, sure." She replied as the sat in the car.

"I'll miss you." Dara hugged Estella.

"Me too." She kissed on her cheeks and left. A back pack on her right shoulder and rolled a trolly bag.

"Ladies and gentleman your flight for Kanago to Bejing are ready for departure , all passengers requested please proceed to aircraft." The lady announced.

"I'll inform you when I get there." She told Dara." Bye." She hugged her for a good two minutes.

She stood in the elevator of Theoden's company as she tapped her foot in frustration. The door opened and she walked to the counter.

"Excuse me can I meet CEO."

"Ma'am do you have an appointment with him."

"No I don't ."

"Then you'll have to wait a little I'll ask him if he's free or not."

"Just tell me where's his room I want to give him surprise."

"Sure ma'am. Just take right from here." She pointed in the direction."

Estella walked in his room Theoden was standing in the middle of the room as he examined the file. Just few inches away she stopped as she grabbed his tie and pulled him in. His lips crashed on to hers depening in to a kiss.