Chapter 19

I fired an arrow on top of my head and it multipied into multiple green arrow's and hit every single monster. All the monster's backed away and the Earth Sovereign Ruler was hit multiple time's and made earth tentacle's.

It looked at us with an angry expresion and the tentacle's attacked us all at once. The earth tentacle's came rushing at us. I stoped all of them using one arrow.

" The rule said that if you needed help in subjugating a monster. Then the monster is belong's to the teacher " I said and fired an arrow at it's crown.

It stoped it, But it was just an illusion and the real arrow was behind her. The arrow hit her crown and desstroyed it. She lost half of her power and all the earth type monster's ran away as she now had no control over them.

" Well, I can't really make a contract with it, So it's fine " Kyotaro said and had a sad exprision.

" You'll get you'r turn " I said and smiled at him.

I put my bow away and went near the Earth Sovereign Ruler. She was still trying to stop me using her earth element, But it was usseless against me as I had a water protection 24/7. It might not be able to stop a 8th-class, But it can stop a 7th-class spell's.

" Make a contract with me and I will spare you! " I said and it looked at me angerly.

" I woud rather die " She said and atacked me again.

She might have a S-rank strength, But her race has always been pridefull and will never bow there head to anyone. She never used any trick in any fight and just went head on with it's strength and it does not place any deffensive type spell's around her and just take the damage head on and she does not think of any stratigeis or anything of some sort.

She comanded the earth type monster's and killed those who tried to resist her power and even if she agree's to my request she woud just betray me one day.

' As I thought, She woud not agree ' I thought and felt a little sad.

" Good bye then [ Mirage ] " I said and destroyed her consciousness.

I made a [ Mirage ] of fire that woud burn her infinitely and amde a water around her head and she woud think that she was burning and she woud also feel as if she was underwater at the same time.

Her consciousness was destroyed immediately as I accelerated the illusion more and she woud think that 1 month passed away inside the illusion.

" She was weaker than I thought " I said and all of them were just dumbfounded.

They all think that a A-rank monster was so strong that they woud all get annihilated if they ever meet one. Will that is true, But that A-rank monster was just a mussle head and went all out in the beginning.

" Don't think that that was an expirenced A-rank monster " I said as the body of the Earth Sovereign Ruler started to fall apart.

They all nodded at me and knew that I was telling the truth. The Earth Sovereign Ruler body turned into dirt and stone. I took away it's core and put it into my gem.

" It's almost night time let's go find a camping spot " I said and all of them followed begind me.


We did the same thing like before and we were really far away from the cave. Monster's notice that the Earth Sovereign Ruler was dead and they wanted to obtain the cave for them selfes.The cave was full of hot magma from the core of the earth and is leterally perfect for cultivating, refining pill's or making a base.

I walked to the table where all of them were gathered and was eating brakefast. There was a spot for me in the end part of the table. They were always first to wake up or am I just late in waking up?

" Where next? " I said as I ate some stake.

" How about in the dessert temple " Sabrine said and all of them nodded.

" No, I will dicide " I said stoping all of them.

" I wan't a plant type familiar " I said looking at all of them.

" I will go to a S-rank rade and no one shall follow " I said making them sad.

I might not be able to win against a S-rank monster alone, But if I have Sofia and Gwen with me and I am not targeting a phisical monster, But a healing type and weapon type monster.

" I will drop you off in the military port and our journey end's here " I said and all of them were sad and wated to say something.

" Before we get you all 1 thing in this forest " I said and all of them lightened up.

" The three of you are done. Sabrine, what do you wan't from this forest? " I asked her and she swlowed her food before speaking.

" I already have the Potent Flower, si i'm fine " She said as she smilled at me.

" You'r quite lucky " I said to her and all of the other's was jealous.

The Potent Flower is as rare as a A-rank monster and can only bloom in the Forest of Sand every 10 year's. It can also regenerate you'r mana unconditionally. This might be a usseless flower for anyone who does not know it, But if you give it to someone who know's how to make a potion with it then the real strength of the flower will show.

" Manny you " I said as I looked at him.

" I already have the Flory Poison " He said instantly and went to emo mode again.

" Nurhaya " I said and looked at her.

" I only came here for expereince and I am good to just see an A+-rank monster " She said as she closed her eye and put her right index chin with a smile.

' Well, She's rich ' I thoughtvss I looked at another place.

" Next " I said and Shay Len nodded.

" I got a B-rank spell, I am good " Shay Len said instantly.

" You " I said and looked at her.

[ Name : Ketsuno Muno

Age : 19

Twin sister of Kyotaro Muno ]

She wore a kindo outfit with a violet lotus as her umbrella her pant's was red and her uper was white. Her element was Twin Lotus and it's on 8th-class, 1st-rank.

" I wan't the Seveth Pink Sword Stone " She said and bowed her head lightly.

" You will be subjugating it yourself " I said and she nodded to me.

" I wan't an ice spell, if possible " He said instantly and he already knew he was next.

[ Name : Ching Lee

Age : 18

Last name Ching not Lee, May lee's last name is also May and he is a contestant in South Korea ]

He had black hair and black eye's. He wore normal pant's, a black T-shirt with printing on it and a jacket. His main element is ice type and it's in 7th-class on 9th-rank. It also felt super weird when I saw him for the first time. He did not even ware a deffensive armor or anything like that.

" That will be hard. You can change it " I said and he nodded at me.

" I don't need anything " He said with an angry tone.

[ Name : Hunter Summerfeild

Age : 19

Contestant from U.S.A. ]

He wore a simple butler suit and he is also training to be a body guard and a butler. He had black hair and red eye's that is reder than blood. His main element is Spirit Flame 7th-claa on 2nd-rank. He's element atavk's the soul that s how he got to this point.

" What do you really wan't? " I said making an angry face.

" I wan't a flame type familiar " He said as he looked at the right side of his head.

" That will be hard to find, But ok " I said as I nodded.