Chapter 7

"I, Uh, brought this necklace, you seem to have dropped it." she said stuttering as she handed it me.

"I forget, I even had that, thank for bringing it."

"Uh, do you wanna come in?" I offered, I bumbled.

"No maybe next time." she said looking at me.

"Well, can I at least walk you back home?" I offered.

"Okay." she said, I closed the door behind me. She took hold of my hand as we walked. I turned to look at her baffled, but she was already looking at me.

"I hope, I didn't disturb." she said with worry in eyes.

"No, I was about even come to your place."

"So, I, uh, what were doing before I came?" she asked looking at me with a small smile on her face.

"Nothing important, I was just watching a movie." I said looking down.

"What movie were you watching?" she asked with a soft smile on.

"Charlie St. Cloud." I said and she just chuckled, "I love that movie."

"We could do something like, go to the movies." I said, she just looked at me and smiled.

"you mean like a date?" she said.

"Well, uh, not like a real date, more like....."

"Yes, I would love that." she said in a soft voice, before I could finish my sentence, we walked for about 20mins talking and laughing. We reached her house said our goodbyes and we hugged, honestly I just wished I spent more time with her.

The next day and I was back at school, walking in the hallway I ran into her again but I just pretended to not to have seen her, but to my surprise she stopped me.

"Andrew!" I turned to look at her.

This was my chance to set thing straight.

"Listen Mary, I get that hate you but I want..." I mumbled, but she stopped me before I could finish.

"Just stop okay! I don't hate you, I actually." she said closing the distance between us, I was getting nervous. "I love you." she said seriously, I was in disbelieve.

"Your kidding?" I said with surprise on my face.

"I've for a while now." she said her gaze on me, as she walked closer to me until we're only a feet apart, she hold both my hand in hers.

She knows that am with her cuz Elisa, going on even those its not really official but still.

"Listen, Mary, am glad that you don't hate me, but I like your cousin." I said taking my hands from hers.

Her face changed from a serious to frown.

"I'll see you later." I said as I turned to walk away, but I was stopped.

"She is only playing you, you know." she said with certainty in her voice, I didn't want to believe it but once the seed of doubt as been planted that's it.

"Your Lying, you just saying that out of... jealous." I said angrily.

"Soon you'll see that the only person, who truly love you is me." she said running her hand on my cheek, she turned and walked away.

I was left standing there wondering, if it could be true or was she lying, that moment ruined the rest of the day for me.

Later and I was seating in class, my hand on my head, I couldn't concentrate, the went by so slow that I thought I was going to be here for forever, lunch time bell rang and everyone was just busy doing their only thing.

But I remained seated until I felt a soft hit on the shoulder, I turned to Brian standing in front of me, I didn't even notice he was there.

"Dude, you okay? You look abstracted." he said looking at me, but

before I could answer him, she walked, Elisa and I somehow felt a little better just by seeing her.

"Hey guys." she said and sat beside me.

"I've not seen you all morning, what's doing on?" she said with concerned in her eyes, holding my hand in hers.

"I, uh, I think someone is calling me." Brian said before storm out of the class room.

"I was just busy." I said avoiding eye contact, she looked at peculiarly.

"What are you doing?" she asked not wanting to make a big ideal of it.

"Nothing." I said, I just glanced at her. "Great, I want to show you something." she said, standing me up to go with her.

After school I was prepare for my date, but for some reason Mary was stuck on my mind, I couldn't get lead of what she said no matter how hard I tried, so I just decided to get to the bottom of this and prove her wrong I hoped. I finished getting dressed and was on my way, but before I could walk out my mom call me.

"Where you going? Liking so handsome, are you going to see a girl?" Mom asked smiling.

"No! Am actually going to see a friend." I said.

"Who is this friend? Do I her?" she asked curiously.

"It's a he, mom." I said trying to convince her but it was a lost cause.


"Bye Mom." I just stormed out of the house, I was on my way, reach Alisa place, I compose myself and walk to the door, took a deep breath and rang the door bell, it rang once and the door opened and her uncle was standing at door waiting.

"Andrew!" her uncle said, with a smile on his face.

"Hi, Mr ." I said holding out my hand, he took it. "Bring her back before 10." he said seriously and I just nodded.

Finally she walked out and my eyes widened in astonishment, she wear a black dress this time, she looked so beautiful, it actually made me wonder if this was happening or was it all a dream that I was gonna wake from.

She looked me as she walked in my direction, I could help but smile.

She reached us, "You look beautiful." her uncle said with a smile on his face, that kind of scare me.

"Thanks, uncle." she said as she gave her uncle a hugged. She let go and turned to me, and I was just speechless.

"shall we." I said.

"Bye uncle." she said, as I led her out side, I was looking at with a smile on my face.

"Take care of yourself, okay." her uncle said, as we walk off.

"You look beautiful." I said staring at her and just smiled.

"Thank you and you don't look bad yourself." she said, I looked back and saw Mary peeking through the window and all a suddenly, I was taken back to that moment.

I looked at her and wondered if could it be true, she back at me and saw that I wasn't okay.

"Is there something troubling?" she asked looking at me with concern on her face.

"Do you like me?" I asked looking her in the eyes.

She stopped in her steps.

"Just where is this coming from?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face, I turned and took holding both of her hands in mine.

"Can you just answer the question, please" I said.

"More than I ever liked anyone in my life." she said with her right hand on my cheek, that brought a smile to my face it also made me feel better, but didn't eliminate the fruit of doubt. I took her right hand in mine and just kissed it.