A/N: This fic is now on Fanfiction.Net if anyone for a PC users to see. Just go to search and name the title of this fic to get the results.
Chapter 18: Ruby Rose (4)
~Third POV~
Shaking a bit getting his bearings together Jack heard Ruby ask him in some concern, "Ah! Mister are you ok and was that your semblance – "
Jack ignored Ruby for a bit as he saw multiple notifications pop up when I got the strength to stand on his legs again.
[Through tanking a blast of fire, a skill to tank fire and resist it has been generated.]
[Skill learned
[Through continuous beating, skill has been generated the body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken.]
[Skill learned
"How are you ok?!!"
A woman in a purple cape is now in front of Ruby, casting a circle of protection over them with her wand but the look of shock was expressed on her face seeing Jack's body seeing no signs of burn or damage on him.
At least in appearance but the painful expression on his face expressed it making Glynda shake off the worry off focus her attention on the criminals.
As Ruby and Jack look on, Glynda Goodwitch waves her weapon and summons several streaks of purple at the craft. Roman is thrown around in the back till…
Glaring his eyes at Roman Jack gave him the middle finger to fully express his anger towards the guy.
Glynda frowns at this but doesn't respond as Roman goes to the cockpit, where a woman in red, her face unseen, is struggling with the controls as he began to explain to her that a Huntress is after them.
This makes the woman get up and head toward the back as Roman takes the controls.
Glynda glows purple for a moment and aims another blast above the craft, resulting in a dark storm-cloud right over the jet causing him to be confused.
With a flick of her wand, a large jagged hail starts falling that pummels the jet and even breaks through the window, narrowly missing Roman's head.
The woman reaches the back and her arms and chest light up like fire, aiming a burst of energy at Glynda. The Huntress blocks it, but the flame splatters behind her and glows hot with the enemy's raised hand.
Glynda back-flips out of the explosion, which destroys part of the roof, and magically gathers the shards to create a large arrow, which she throws at the craft.
The fiery woman shatters the arrow with several blasts, but it reforms just in time to hit the side of the jet due to Roman's quick aerial lean.
The wreckage separates and reshapes into more arrows that encircle the jet, but the woman summons several glowing rings around herself that expand and destroy the shards.
Ruby and Jack, finally act again as Ruby reverts her scythe into its rifle form to fire at the woman, who blocks each shot and creates several blazing circles around her two opponents.
Glynda telekinetically pushes Ruby and Jack as she rolls herself out of the explosion's radius; looking up to see the hatch close and the craft fly away.
Jack took a glance at the person who attacked he narrowed his eyes at the knowing culprit as he used his
[Cinder Fall – Lv.? Fall Maiden?]
When everything was over as Ruby was looking at Glynda putting on a pleading, awe-stricken face as she spoke happily, "You're a Huntress! Can I have your autograph?!"
Jack sighs at this knowing he's going to have to explain some things about himself and answer some questions.
~Jack POV~
I already this was coming but was the whole process of being dragged around by this woman really necessary?
When everything was done Ruby's expression is filled with shame as Glynda, with a tablet computer, paces around the table where seated, right underneath a bright light in the otherwise dark room.
I began to use my Observe skill on her as I saw her title and everything else.
[Glynda Goodwitch – Lv.? The Circle]
Why the hell couldn't I see Glynda's details unlike with Neo or Ruby?
Is it perhaps the difference in levels is that high that my
That might be the case considering she is stronger than most people for the time being.
Glynda then began to speak trying to discipline our behavior about stopping the criminal as she continued, "I hope that you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, young lady. You put yourself and others in great danger."
Nodding in understanding Ruby replied back with some defiance in her tone, "They started it!"
Glynda then notices Ruby's smile as she demonstrates with her riding crop, which Ruby barely avoids as she gives out a surprised reaction, "If it were up to me, you'd be sent home... With a pat on the back... And a slap on the wrist. But... there is someone here who would like to meet you both."
She moves out of the way that we both can see a man in green come through the doorway, holding a mug and a plate of cookies as he responds while he leans in to look at her face making her nervous, "Ruby Rose... You... have silver eyes."
[Ozma Lv.? – The Infinite Man]
Figures as much.
Ozpin then began to turn his attention towards me as he gave me a questioning expression on his face about me, "And you young man?"
Glancing at the immortal man I gave out a questioning look as I replied to his question as well as questioned his real name getting his attention, "It would be Jack Nights… is your name real name Ozma correct? Or would you be preferred to be named Ozpin sir?"
Eyes of a flash of surprise as he looked surprised as well as the tightened grip of his cane as that was the expected reaction I wanted to see. Ozpin gave me some questioning gaze as I got his immediate attention narrowing his eyes at me.
That was when Ozpin began gesturing with his head at the tablet showing Ruby's fighting including my own as he questions us, "Ahem! Sorry about that…. So! Where did you two both learn to do this?"
Ruby replied nervously as it was Signal academy and I replied with a simple answer, "No training really. I was just there no more no less sir."
Ozpin nods at this as he gave out another question as he began to talk to us in a light-hearted matter probably for Ruby's sake, "They taught you Ruby Rose to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed? And you young man where were you taught as well to fight unarmed?"
Ruby replied nervously as I waited patiently for her to respond to Ozpin, "Well, one teacher in particular."
Ozpin glances at me while Ruby's eyes were distracted by the cookies coming into the room as I remained silent, but he doesn't push me further… for now at least…
He puts the cookies on the table in front of Ruby. She tentatively picks one up, eats it in a single bite, and then, not seeing any rebuttal, shovels the rest into her mouth.
Ozpin then turns his gazes towards me as he gestures to me helping Ruby take the hit for her against the fire dust blast, "I see... As for you young man, from eyewitness reports, some say you managed to enhance yourself with the flickering glow of your aura. But also increased speed? How did you perhaps obtain multiple semblances or is it all related to one? Care to explain mister Nights."
Glynda narrows her eyes at me suspiciously as she has her own ideas, but I simply replied with my own answer but not before I glanced at the cameras as I replied to Ozpin, "For that question to be answered Headmaster Ozpin… I would like it to be kept a secret for personal reasons. I don't trust the incompetence of the police to keep it safe. Do that and I'll explain to the best of my abilities what I know of at least."
Ozpin began to narrow his eyes at me questioning gazes as I have my eyes still looking at him till he finally replied to my request as he responds to the both of us, "Hmm… very well then mister Nights. Glynda, could you please tell them? Now then miss Rose it's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before. A dusty, old crow..."
Ruby mumbles through her full mouth as she then swallows and wipes her mouth, embarrassed while she proceeds to make some karate-style poses and noises, "Oh! That's my uncle! Sorry. That's my Uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now, I'm all like— Hooowaaah! Witchaaaa!"
I made sure to keep my eyes on Glynda as she left next shifting my attention to Ozpin waiting for the green light as he began placing his cup on the table as he leans in, then sits down opposite Ruby, "So I've noticed. And what is an adorable girl such as yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors?"
Listening in to their conversations I heard Ruby wanting to be a huntress as Ozpin ask another question more clearly, "You want to slay monsters?"
Ruby then began talking faster and faster with her enthusiasm growing while she giggles while she flips out at the last part, staring at him with a wide, crazy smile, "Yeah! I only have two more years of training left at Signal! And then I'm going to apply to Beacon! You see, my sister's starting there this year, and she's trying to become a Huntress, and I'm trying to become a Huntress 'cause I wanna help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, Hey, I might as well make a career out of it! I mean the police are alright, but Huntsmen and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and cool and really, gosh, you know!"
Viewing Glynda returns again as she managed to hear what Ruby explained her goals are as the two studied her but she also gave a nod to him. After that, they have their talks about Ruby joining Ozpin school early as they continued talking.
Ozpin exchanges a glance with Glynda, who shows her disapproval with before he turns back to Ruby as he spoke to her and me, "Well, okay miss Rose you are welcome in my school. Now then mister Nights about the answer and your request. From this point further no one will listen any further. You can choose to leave miss Rose since our friend here wants this info private."
Ruby smiles, wide-eyed and open-mouthed but also frowns at this thinking I was in danger or in trouble but I reassured her with a smile, "Don't worry much Ruby. It won't be a problem hope you take care of yourself, friend."
Ruby pauses at this before she returned a smile of her own nodding as she left when I nodded it was private.
She's a sweet kid.
[-You have met the conditions-]
[-Which skill would you like to copy from Roman Torchwick-
-Blunt Weapon Mastery Lv.1
-Sniper Master Lv.1
-Deep Pockets Lv.1
-Planning Lv.1
My eyes widen at the scene seeing that my
Better take that
No way I'm taking the Silver Eyes as I don't want Salem to get me but perhaps I can copy Ruby's skills again.
That was when a small light flickered around me as I saw a skill book materialled in front of me then into my soul as I saw the notifications.
[You have successfully copied the skill
Skill list.
Description: This Semblance seemingly allows the user to absorb and store matter into themselves through the palm of their hands. The exact upper limits to how much the user can absorb are unknown. One limitation appears to be that the user must physically touch the object that they are absorbing. The user is able to then release said stored matter in whole.
"Excuse me mister night?"
Returning to the topic with Ozpin and Glynda I began to take in a deep breath as I began to explain to both of them my story that I hope they buy, "Ok since there is no one listening in how about I begin at the beginning at the very beginning when I awakened my… 'semblance'."