Chapter 23: Training (3)
~Jack POV~
"Alright, sir here's some Fire Dust."
"Thanks for the Dust and here's the Lien."
"No problem kid, a guy needs their Dust."
Paying for the Dust from the local shop from Patch I managed to obtain some Fire Dust for me to use as I'm going to use it in the future as well as try to see what I can do about this.
And if Mana/Magic is out the next best thing is to weaponize my soul to the fullest.
With that, I began to move ahead and get going to look around the place as it seems like your ordinary town in Patch but feels more like a village really with the wooden and stone homes around the place.
I can dig it.
Returning to my walk I began to go along the path that Tai showed yesterday as I used my Inventory to hold my Fire Dust as I plan to use them to create some allies.
Although it's very unlikely I could but what I do need is to know the exact amount I would need to release my Aura though…
This will certainly help me out more in the future that is certain.
Now time for some practice with this.
Let's see how handling my own personal strength is compared to when not buffed out.
Better time than any to start seeing my limits.
~Third POV~
Continuing to increase his Skill levels Jack has been busy exercising his body trying to gain some muscles in the process.
By working on his body for the past few hours he was hoping that he could at least raise one of his stats as he provided himself shamelessly with the Saitama training method.
Ironic he already knew but was effective.
The One Punch Man workout comes from the manga and subsequent anime series of the same name. ... Saitama claims to have developed his strength by following the One Punch Man workout, which consists of 100 situps, 100 pushups, 100 squats, and a 6.2-mile (10-km) run.
However, that was when Jack realized at those moments of Daily Quest, "Wait… I was originally doing that!!!"
To be able to do this every single day for years is practically impossible for the normal man as it rips the muscle fibers with too little to no time at all for them to recover with the Saitama schedule destroying the muscle fibers of the body over and over.
Jack recalls this from the Death Battle show when Popeye the Sailorman faced off against Saitama as he already knew it would be hard, but it would help him raise his stats at the moment.
Even if it would become useless at the end of the day when it reached the point, he couldn't raise it by training alone.
And the results show that he gets more used to his physical strength.
As Jack was doing some pushups again by another set the girls finally arrived carrying their wonderful dog Zwei they see Jack doing some pushups as Ruby spoke, "Hey Jack! Meet our dog Zwei the cutest little corgi on Remnant! Isn't that right little guy yes you are yes you are Zwei who's a good boy! Who's best doggo?"
"Oh yes, you are Zwei!"
Raising his eyebrow at this Yang laughs slightly at the scene as she views his body while replying to him and apologizes for Ruby's affections, "Hahaha…. Sorry about that. That's how Ruby is with Zwei so… how many pushups have you been doing so far?"
Laughing slightly at the question Jack began to reply to Yang as he continues his focus raising his stats as he replied, "Yeah I need to work for my stats. I think I'm about 44 pushups in. I'm aiming for 1000 to increase my body strength you know. Although your eyes do betray you glancing at my body."
Yang shrugs with a shit-eating grin on her face as she asked Jack as she sees him sweat a bit of what's his doing, "Guilty as charged handsomely. But anyway, though you need some water? You must have been busy for quite a while, now right?"
Jack nodded at this as Yang went away to get the water he thinks to himself seeing Zwei as he continues to work out, 'Hmm… since I have the chance I might as well see what Zwei's level is at. Now…
[Zwei – Lv.? Toby Fox, Ozpin Equal, The Brothers Above All, The One that Shut Salem Up, The Fans Favorite, The legendary bonk Monster – he now knows you're looking at his titles…. Zwei is deciding to use
His eyes widen at this as Jack clears his eyes seeing Zwei's titles he began to sweat up looking at his titles as thinks to himself, 'Nani…?!! That can't be right…?!! No, it has to be a mistake he can't be that powerful!
[Zwei – Lv. 10 Best Doggo]
"Hey, Jack why are you breathing a sigh of relief?"
As Jack breathed out a sigh of relief and Ruby questioned him he replied to the Huntress-in-training as he replied, "Nothing. I just thought I found something really concerning but I thought wrong… Zwei is best, doggo right?"
Ruby smirks at this thinking that Jack agreed but in reality, Jack did so because he of what he saw earlier.
He might even speculate that Zwei was a god.
Yang soon comes back as she hands him a bottle of water Jack accepted as he began to drink the whole bottle as began to practice his skills as the two watched with some interest while Zwei was viewing with them.
Jack has begun, practicing his skills using
Ruby's eyes widen as she lets go of Zwei as he whimpers from the fall Ruby looks at the showy attacks as Jack drinks the water as she admired this, "Whoa! That's so cool- wait I thought your semblance was that of…
Finishing the small tap of his water he briefly explained to Ruby and Yang how he obtained this power as he explained to them, "It is but I need to train them from scratch. Would be cool to have a few Speed Types. I have another skill that boosts all Aura-related attacks called
Jack shivers at the fact recalling Glynda glaring at him while Ruby was surprised to hear he managed to copy a few semblances.
But then Ruby flinched at this remembering the interrogation room and harsh words of Glynda as Yang blankly looks at Jack with a blank voice, "Ok that is really a busted Semblance. Not only that but your Semblance literally gave you the ability to have more than one skill. Most people in Remnant only have one Semblance and you basically have more than just one?"
Jack agreed to this as he playfully smirks at her as he responds while Zwei was casually climbing up on his back adding more weight, "I agree. My powers are indeed unfair. But not without a disadvantage though being I have to train them to be perfect for fights. But for now, everyone has to start somewhere."
With that, they began to talk a few things about Jack's growth rate and his powers some more as he began to check out the settings and controls of his gamer powers.
When it became nighttime again Tai helped everyone cook dinner as Jack returned taking a shower and then returned to the table as he enjoys his time with them eating the food.
As everyone was eating the food Jack thinks to himself deeply about what to do about his situation before he finally talks to Tai about a certain subject, "Say Tai… how exactly do you use Aura or how do you view Aura?"
Tai blinks at this sudden question before he replied to Jack about the idea of Aura as he spoke, "About Aura? Hmm… I would say that Aura is an ability that all those with a soul can use, at least with enough practice. Because Aura is the manifestation of the soul, it can appear very differently depending on who is using it."
Frowning at the answer Tai saw this as he began to talk out loud as he chews a piece of food into his mouth, "The look on your face tells me that wasn't the answer you were wanting. In that case, how do you view Aura then?"
Hearing the question the two girls were interested to hear as Jack replied with no hesitation in his words, "Aura depending on what is a form of life force that exists an invisible etheric phenomenon/emanation produced by and surrounding a person or object. Aura is the energy formed from one's achievement of spiritual power through extreme mental focus and strong emotions."
Tai hums to himself hearing the response as he spoke quite curious about it, "Hmm… that's an interesting response. Why do you believe it to be the case?"
Hearing the response from Tai the two girls were interested to hear his response as he spoke out as if it was obvious, "Because of the power they have and used when I read the books relating to the aura. Aura users of this power can increase their natural abilities, attract and repel another person's aura, sense the aura, and project it. There should be more than the basics I read."
Yang raises an eyebrow at that remark as she mumbles to herself hearing the conversation of Aura topics Ruby shrugs it off as she continues to chow down on the food and play with Zwei as Jack asks more topics about Aura.
As the more they talk about subjects of Aura Jack took this info differently learning from Tai that everyone in Remnant has one key fact.
They are only using the basics of Aura.
While Jack he can use all their versatility of them and more.
Thinking of more ways to train he focuses all his might to become stronger.
Elsewhere inside the deepest ocean side of Remnant in-between the Atlas and Mistral seas lies a strange lifeform sleeping in the depth of the sea…
A large star-like creature shifts ever so slightly…
An enormous five-limbed alien starfish. Being largely navy blue in color has a singular huge, red eye. It has bright yellow and magenta markings.
Its eye twitched…
As it twitched spores began to flow out from its large pores beginning to shape out into smaller star shape forms…
Any creatures from the sea life soon caught the attention of small stars as they began to latch on to them releasing a neon-like color aura around the eye…