Chapter 62: RWBY Ice Queendom (10)
~Jack POV~
Blake soon made a comment about the changes going around in the area as I couldn't help but look at the area, "The walls are gone, but something new appeared."
That was when all our eyes lead towards Ruby as we began the next part of the plan.
Quickly escaping from the train and jumping on top of a nearby building I saw the Atlas or I guess Weiss robots as they –
Are you fucking kidding me?!
"Big Nicholas!"
"Big Nicholas!"
Oh hell Nah!
This IS like Attack on Titan right now.
The robots are raising their arms up in a certain Nazi pose saying Weiss's grandpa's name like Hitler in Germany...
Jesus Christ.
I was not prepared for the Nazi robot's counterpart's dream of otherworld robots today.
That was when Yang threw a coin as it materialized as one of those pay phones or parking signs on the street it transforms in purple light into a door as Yang spoke confidently, "We won't be thrown out now."
Ruby began to explain her part of the plan as I see her explain to her plan as I get ready following towards the door, "All right, let's get started with my plan. Jack go, ahead and… be safe."
Smiling at this I nodded as I replied to Ruby wishing them my luck on how this goes down, "Of course Ruby. No – Achoo! Ah… so that's the allergies working. Even my eyes are watery great…."
So, this counts as well huh?
Good to know.
At this Blake responds as I look at her placing her hand on her hip as she talked, "Having a bad reaction to the Nightmare?"
Yang smiles at this as she places her hand on my shoulder giving me words of encouragement about this, "You're still the only one who can move freely. We're counting on you and be safe pal!"
Sighing at this I merely entered through the alleyway…
Falling down on the ground seeing the city for the first time I began to make my sights out to that station as I quickly used my
Sneezing at this as I rub my nose and clearing my watery eyes by rubbing them out as I see the robot that Yang explained to me before getting to jump into the dream world.
[Lucid Atlas Bot – Lv.? Schnee Property]
However, thanks to Shion explaining to me I just avoid it entirely as everything in Weiss's dream ignores me like the plague and the robot doesn't even register me.
And seeing the vines on it really makes me want to destroy it but against my better judgment and feeling, I ignored it to find where the relic is around here if there is any, to begin with as I use my
Still, this station is weird as hell.
It feels more like a circus tent actually now that I think about it –
"Hello, hello!"
"Fucking Christ!"
"Big Nicholas!"
Getting jump scared by… a fucking talking door talking to me out of nowhere in… dream world…
This is a dream.
That was when I listen to the words of a talking door of all things in Weiss's head in a droopy tone of its voice, "I'm Dopey Klein, one of the seven butlers! I'm guarding the sillies here to make sure they don't esca – Huh? Weren't you a silly, too stranger? You're not supposed to be to go outside dummy!"
I knew I should've taken a box with me solid snake style.
That's really annoying coming from a door of all things to tell me to not go outside.
Feeling annoyed and having nothing better else to do at the moment except for finding the supposed relic I talked back to these seven butlers, "Wow… ain't you such an ass man…. And I can't believe I'm talking to a dream door of all things – Pyrrha?"
That was when my attention was solely focused on Pyrrha as she appeared along with my teammates locked up in this messed up jail with Ren and Nora to boot.
This certainly is a strange string of events happening here and I don't like it one bit that Weiss locked up my friends even if they are dreams but then again this could be a good time for me to search inside these jail houses where they keep the… sillies.
Why in the name of anything good would Weiss call them sillies you know what?
Never mind I can psycho-analyze Weiss and her issues at a later time.
I mean if I were to look for a relic then I would probably go to areas that can't be normally found or that Team RWBY can't enter like these jail tents for one.
Speaking up and god forbid me talking to a fucking door clearly with logic to convince this lucid dream of Klein to let me inside, "Hey would you mind letting me inside? Wasn't I a dummy to you? I mean we don't need to upset Weiss, right?"
"Ah of course!"
Just like that the Dopey Klein opens up the door letting me a way inside the place I smirked taking out the coat, I got from the dream world and wedging between the doorway along with my gauntlets blocking the way to close it.
Take that stupid door.
Hearing the sound that Dopey Klein was now stuck no longer able to shut the door began to slightly get confused about the situation as I hear him in earshot, "Huh? Why can't I close? Weird!"
Entering inside I was honestly just struck with awe seeing the insides of the area as I was left honestly confused about what is inside this place.
Food stands with deserts, popcorn, apple cobs, frozen banana with sprinkles, and fruit stands inside this place.
Wasn't this a prison or something, not an actual circus in here?
"Mew! Mew!"
"Mew! Mew!"
And my teammates in the dream world of Weiss just meow like cats while giving me snow gear clothing in the process.
Even in the dream world, I can be sure they have my back even though they are useless because of my
Wearing them on my person I looked around the place as the lucid dreams of my teammates showed me around the place I took notice of a certain item I needed as I used my
[Yang Relic]
[This item is a manifestation will of Weiss Schnee to combat the Nightmare hiding underneath the shadows when the light of the dress is shown the shadow of the dreamer is where the Nightmare will hide.]
My eyes widen at that tidbit of info.
When the light dress shows the shadows is where the Nightmare Grimm is hiding?
Smiling at this taking the Yellow Relic belonging to Yang from the very same complicated sign again that said stop on the arrows as I took it out examining it, "Huh? Ruby said it would be red when she found hers but this one is yellow. Guess this one is meant for Yang and this –"
That was when I got a reaction from my Lucid Dream teammates but then I saw why as I saw the arrowheads on the sign began to light up and go signs appeared with this only raising more questions for myself here, "What the heck? Did I turn on something I wasn't supposed to have or – Oh God damn it – Ahh!"
"Tee hee hee!"
It was that moment I was trampled by what I call the power of fucking cuteness of loli Weiss as they ran over me while I get the chance to stand up.
I was literally surprised seeing a bunch of loli Weiss's being released rushing outside from the jail tent as they all rushed outside the door Dopey Klein was useless to stop them from rushing out as I began to leave through the entrance getting my items.
What the heck am I seeing here?
Not going to deny that all of this is very cute as hell and I want to pet one of them on the head but why were they locked up, to begin with?
Seriously I'm starting to think there might be something wrong with Weiss's head as these little Weiss's are too cute for their own good… as well as casually or acting like real kids jumping around willy-nilly without a care in the world.
Taking out my Scroll from my
"I wanna go out!"
"I love festivals!"
"Gimme a compliment!"
"I wanna be spoiled!"
"I wanna play!"
While having my Scroll out and keeping some of the photos I got from this cute event I began to call Ruby about the situation editing how I found out how to defeat the Nightmare, "Yo Ruby! Found the relic and a note from the real Weiss about how to defeat the Nightmare. Yeah, I was surprised as well. The note said to combat the Nightmare hiding underneath the shadows when the light of the dress is shown the shadow of the dreamer is where the Nightmare will hide."
That was when Ruby from the other end replied back in shock, "What!"
Hearing a loud booming sound from the group hearing my words as I lied about the note ever existing at least this way they won't snoop too much about how I knew that much and finish the Grimm for good.
Hearing a clicking sound from Ruby's side and promise to come towards me I get to see an interesting sight before me as I see a small army of Loli Weiss against a robot army and I see another Butler Seven trying to talk to them, "Hold it right there! As long as my eyes glow red, I, Grumpy Klein of the Seven Butlers, will not let dummies run free – "
Using my skill trapping the robots in place I yelled out to the little Weiss with a smirk on my face as my lucid teammates are around me, "Now go you beautiful adorable kids of Weiss's attack with the power of Cuteness to compel them!"
"Power of Cuteness!"
"Power of Cuteness!"
"Power of Cuteness!"
Holy shit I didn't think they would actually listen but it works!
Then again, they are little literal girls filled with energy as they can be swayed quite easily all the little Weiss's began to attack using their little weapons swiping them in one blow as their whole personality changed from seeing it.
"I wanna be free!"
"I wanna play outside with my buddies!"
"I wanna eat lots of sweets!"
"I wanna have fun talking to my family!"
Ok, that last part on the statue was just plain sad but also too scary to see them in action.
No man, machine, or object is safe from them.
The power of cuteness...
Such a godly and terrifying force to see...
Truly the power of cuteness is great but frighting power to behold… thank God that only exists in dreams.