Chapter 121: Level Up

Chapter 121: Level Up

~Jack POV~



Name: Jack Nights

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Hero of Remnant

Level: 50 Exp: 0/350

HP: 4200/5000

AP: 300/5400

STR: 136

AGI: 91

VIT: 81

INT: 101

WIS: 75

LUCK: 65

Stat Points: 43-> 73+30-> 103



[You have INT stats to 100 points!]

[New Skill !]


In that case skill list .


(Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: The ability to instantly gather and understand any knowledge.

The user can gather and assimilate any kind of knowledge and understand it fully and instantaneously, when Passively the user reads, sees, or hears any knowledge they will understand it completely, whether it is natural or supernatural.

If the user comes into contact with any piece of "information" that is wrong, they intuitively know this and can discern what is correct and what is wrong.


Alright now, this skill will really be handy for me in the future, especially with what I have to planned to hopefully slowly introduce Remnant to a new fuel source.

Now then… time to finally earn my reward for killing Starro off.


[-You have met the conditions-]

[-Which skill would you like to copy from Bruce Wayne-



[-You have met the conditions-]

[-Which skill would you like to copy from Clark Kent-



[-You have met the conditions-]

[-Which skill would you like to copy from Diana Prince-



[-You have met the conditions-]

[-Which skill would you like to copy from Barry Allen-



[-You have met the conditions-]

[-Which skill would you like to copy from Victor Stone-



[-You have met the conditions-]

[-Which skill would you like to copy from Arthur Curry-



[-You have met the conditions-]

[-Which skill would you like to copy from Jessica Cruz-


Jesus Christ, I have to deal with all of these notifications that I can feel my ears ringing a bit from simply hearing them pop up all at once.

Now then… I'll go for these ones…


[You have successfully copied the skill !]


[You have successfully copied the skill !]


[You have successfully copied the skill !]


[You have successfully copied the skill !]


[You have successfully copied the skill !]

[Due to having the skill the skill has begun to use your psychic energy!]


[You have successfully copied the skill !]


[You have successfully copied the skill !]


That's a lot of new skills I got from this quest and I haven't even gotten through my choice of Cursed Chest or Blessed Chest yet.

Now then… what do each of these skills can do for me.

Skill list.


(Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0%

AP Cost: Varies

Description: The user can enhance the powers of themselves and/or others so that they can reach high-level mastery and control instantaneously, even reach a level of power that is usually beyond their limits alone. Users cannot steal or give power, only enhance the ones their targets already have.

(Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0%

AP Cost: Varies

Description: This skill allows the user to have the ability to become super-fast by leaving a trail of lightning every time he uses his Semblance.

(Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0%

Description: Users are primarily able to receive and transmit information from one person to another through mental means. However, many other mind-based abilities fall under telepathy due to those powers overlapping with the core concept of telepathy, allowing a telepath to interact with their own mind and the minds of others in a variety of ways.

Some of the more common abilities also considered telepathy would be reading the thoughts of others at will and detecting the presence of other minds through extrasensory means. More advanced users can completely control the minds of their targets and manipulate their thoughts and emotions at will. Potentially, they even control Psychic energy from their telepathic abilities, strengthening their previous powers and maybe even gaining new ones.

(Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0%

AP Cost: Varies

Description: This skill allows the user to control technology by channeling an electric current from their aura allowing the user to have control over technology or electricity.

(Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0%

AP Cost: Varies

Description: This skill gives the user the ability to summon their equipment at will whenever they need them in combat:

-Crown: Grants the user to be immune to mind-based skills.




-Every level of 25, 50, and 75 when one of each weapon slot is unlocked.

(Passive) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0%

Description: This skill gives the user the ability to detect patterns and unlock puzzles.

(Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0%

Cost: Only active during yellow sunlight.

Description: This skill grants the user to let him do anything that Dust can do mimicking their elemental properties allowing them to use their abilities while under the yellow sun meaning that during the nighttime this skill can't be used.


Holy hell that's a lot of skills I just got from this whole saving the world event with the Justice League members now that I have a lot of skills to go from here.


It keeps getting hard to track all of them and which ones to increase their levels just to keep ahead of the curve.

Still though getting all of these skills are really killer for me and especially with the bonus I got from the Stats and fighting against Starro and his mind-controlled people.


Still fighting off and killing off the Grimm has certainly been taxing but all of it was worth it and getting a date with Ruby and Yang seems to be worth the risk.


Yawning a bit from the tiring trip I already had 2B start the drive back to our home base of our island as the announcements of adventure against Starro were going to be a live interview with each Headmaster wanting to ask us in the following next week.

However, plans changed causing that plan to be postponed for another day. The reason why is obvious because of the Grimm.

Grimm activity suddenly spiked in the other Kingdoms when the aftermath of Starro warranted the cause for the paranoia of citizens or practically everyone making the older generation's attention focused on, the sudden attacks than our story.

At least this way the interview will be postponed till a later date with the older generation seemingly wanting to make this up because little literal kids save the day. Must burn the pride of the older warriors.

It, going to be a drag but for now, I could only bear with it for time being.

Hopefully, all of this will blow over soon and return to go back to normal again because I really need it after the emotional stress of everything, we all went through.

What I need right now is a good old fashion nap.





Just minutes away I was hoping to go to sleep before I finally open up my Scroll to hear an announcement of Beacon Academy opening up again after everything that has been happening since the invader event.

Reading through the contents ever since the Starro attack the whole wide Kingdom of the older generations is going to be extremely busy with hunting down the Neon Grimm and leftover Starro spawns all over Remnant.

Taking the moment, the younger generation and civilians need to calm down after noticing everything that has happened to be causing unrest within the kingdoms causing the spike rise of Grimm activity.

Hence the rescheduling that all students of the academies are returning to have the whole population relax after the alien attack.

Although looking at the new title on my screen I got curious and pressed it to see what benefits I gain from it.



Titles: Titles are those that have achieved a great feat that the world or Kingdom must recognize in order to obtain tittles with boosting effects given to them.

Tittle: Hero of Remnant

Description: Those who gained this tittle will receive a 5% Boost to all Stat effects and all skills gain a 10% boost. Another effect is people are more likely to be more friendly with their savior for saving their planet.



Lowering my Scroll, I could see the wide ocean view of everything thinking of the Grimm attacks of this being way too coordinated to be a coincidence. In fact, I'm willing to bet Salem must have launched an attack at this scale for some reason?

People wouldn't notice it being a planned attack because they assume Grimm are mindless monsters but to those that know this could be a planned attack to either lower the Kingdoms defenses or perhaps getting something else…

What the damn hell is Salem planning and what does she intend to do with Merlot Serum for Mutant Grimm…