I can't believe it, this just cannot be real right now, the same girl I met on my way back from school is standing right in front of me, as a new student in my high-school, oh no this cant be real.

Headmaster" Okay students that will be all for todays morning assembly please return to your classes and patiently wait for the commence of your morning lessons"

Hold on a second if she is going to the same school as me then that means she could tell everyone what happened yesterday, it's not like I'm at fault or anything but If she goes and blabs it all out the wrong way she could make me look like the bad guy and ruin my reputation, not to mention if she says anything about the slap, no I can't let that happen I've got to keep her from talking.

(In the school's assembly hall)

(Maxwell approaches Zoey and pulls her aside from the group of girls surrounding her)

Maxwell" Hey we need to talk"

Zoey" What do you think your doing let go of me you creep, I have absolutely nothing to say to you and why are you here anyway how did you know where I go to school, have you been stalking me!?"

Maxwell " Following you?? sorry you've got it all wrong lady I go here too, I would never stalk you who do you think you are anyway"

Zoey " Oh please spare me that's what they all say I'm sure you go around declaring every girl your girlfriend and saving her from thugs like some kind of prince charming, that's really lame you know * mocks Max with a funny face*"

Maxwell " oh don't be so full of yourself I don't just go around claiming every girl as my girlfriend'

" Hey boyfriend!!" screams Ella from afar as she walks towards Maxwell and Zoey

AHHH!!!! talk about horrible timing!! Ella totally slipped my mind I totally forgot I'd made her my girlfriend yesterday, man I'm sure this doesn't look good

Ella " Oh hello there, you must be the new student senior Zoey right, my name's Ella it's nice to meet you"

Zoey " Hello Ella it's nice to meet you too, so do you know this creep"

Ella " Maxwell? yes he's my boyfriend"

Zoey " Really, how long have you two been together?"

Ella " Well me and senior Max just started dating yesterday actually but we didn't really know each other before yesterday actually so i guess you could say it was love at first sight"

Yeah this definitely doesn't look good.

Zoey " Is that right? well good for you"

Maxwell " Uhm hey Ella can I talk to you alone for a second"

Ella " Sure....baabee, what do you wanna talk about?"

I can't let that girl say anything to Ella that will just hurt her and I don't want Ella getting hurt just because of some misunderstanding with some girl met yesterday.

Maxwell " Well you see the thing is I was thinking maybe we should go catch a movie or something because we really haven't done anything as a couple yet"

Ella " Oh I see alright!! I can't wait I'll go get ready right now!!"

Maxwell " Uhm I'm pretty sure school still last for about 7 more hours"

Ella " Well okay then how about Thursday after school"

Maxwell " Alright then you should get to class" Ella smiles and makes her way back to her class.

Ella is a really nice girl I don't want to make her sad by doing something dumb, what's wrong with me anyway I'm not usually this tense about things. Ughh it's all that ungrateful girls fault, I'll set her straight.

Maxwell walks over to Zoey" hey you listen here..."

Zoey " Don't worry I won't say anything to Ella, but don't take my kindness the wrong way I'm only keeping quiet about yesterday because Ella seems like a nice girl so there's no need for me to make her feel bad like that, but just know I will be watching you hero boy"

Maxwell " Oh man what have I gotten myself into"

(Later that day).

John " Hey Max, what's up bro"

Maxwell " Oh hey John what's up man"

John " I saw you talking that hot new girl from class 8, she one of your new girlfriend's or something you guys looked real close"

Maxwell " Don't be absurd you know I'm with Ella I won't just go after her"

John "Oh come on man don't be such a simp man you can always just take them both I mean you are the Max I know right? you can get them both easy or don't tell me your actually falling for that girl"

Maxwell " What of course not don't be ridiculous, I can get her no problem"

John " I knew you wouldn't let me down man, me and the guys are gonna go grab a drink this weekend at some new club you should get the new girl to come with you"

Maxwell " Sure of course"

A simp, a coward, a loser, a pushover. I refuse to be called those things, never again, it doesn't matter what I have to do to maintain my image as the primate high-school king, I won't go back to how I used to be, I can't go back to how I used to be. ANYTHING IT TAKES!!.

John " Anyway before I forget, the headmaster wants to see you"

(In the principle's office)

* knocking*

" come in"

Headmaster " Ah Maxwell come in"

Maxwell " You wanted to see me sir"

Headmaster " Yes, you see the high-school draft exams will be upon us soon and as the student council president I would like you to tutor the class 5 students"

The high-school draft exams, basically it's an exam taken by all the transiting students that is the students from class 5 in all the schools all over the country, the top student from each school will then be shifted to a different school in that country to complete that school year as in representation of their own school.

Maxwell " of course sir I will do my best"

Headmaster " Alright but you should only commence tutoring after your double promotion exams come to an end"

Maxwell " I understand headmaster you need not worry, leave it to me"

Yes this is who I am the primate high-schooler Maxwell Freeman, the perfect guy, someone that everyone can trust and that every likes and looks up to and I'll do anything and everything in my power to make sure that that never changes.

( At the end of the school day)

(In front of the school gate)

Students chattering in the school yard " Okay see you tomorrow" " Alright don't forget to help me out with that" " Okay byee"

Maxwell " Alright see you tomorrow guys"

Random girls " Bye senior Max!!!"

John" later bro, don't forget this Saturday"

Maxwell " Sure!!"

(close to Maxwell's apartment)

* Maxwell who is making his way home is stopped when he hears an familiar voice call out to him *

" Hero boy!!??"

Maxwell " Huh!!?? "

Zoey " What are you doing here again?!"

Maxwell " What do you mean what am I doing here, I could ask you the same thing"

Zoey " Wait are you some kind of weirdo pervert that's stalking me"

Maxwell " Huh? of course not, I would never stalk you of all people ungrateful twerp, I live around here so I just heading home"

Zoey " You know what I'll just let all this slide, I'm exhausted and I need to get home so this what we are gonna do, I will go through the alley so that you won't know where I live and try and peep on me in the shower "

Maxwell " Peep on you!!?? how self absorbed can one person be, you know what It's fine you can take the main road and I will go around the alley if you want, that way I won't know where you live and you can stay out of trouble"

Zoey " Aww is the little hero boy worried about me, well if you insist then fine I will take you up on your offer" Zoey dashes off with a cute smile on her face.

Maxwell " Hhhh damn that girl, well I better be on my way"

(The next day)

(Maxwell wakes up to the sound of his alarm ringing, early as usual, prepares for school with the same old routine of exercise, brushing his teeth and then making breakfast, then makes his way to the front door to leave for school )


( For a brief moment everywhere went quiet as Maxwell gazed over to the right side of his apartment in shock with his face pale as if he had just seen a ghost, over by his right was none other than his new school mate and now neighbor Zoey Parker, at this moment Maxwell couldn't think of anything to say and just stared in dismay)

Zoey " Well??"

Maxwell" Huh?"

Zoey " Aren't you gonna explain yourself stalker boy?"

Maxwell " Uhm I'm sorry" he said with a very pale face.

"hahahaha" Zoey bursts into laughter as Maxwell watched her in complete confusion.

Maxwell " Wait what's going on here"

(On the way to school)

(Maxwell and Zoey are walking together)

Maxwell" Hey why didn't you chew me out back there"

Zoey " Oh loosen up a little hero boy, I know it's not possible for you to stalk me that much that you'd follow me home, I can tell your not that kind of guy"

Maxwell " I was expecting you to completely off me right there and then"

Zoey " I know!! you should have seen you face, you were all like I'm sorry" she says while holding in her laughter. "It's good that you're getting used to me giving it to you, you should also be ready for more in the future"

Maxwell " I don't get you, yesterday you were ready to cut off my head and was convinced that I was a grade a stalker and now your acting all friendly"

Zoey " Don't read too much into it I still think you're a stalker but we're friends now and I guess can put up with your perverted ways but I'll still slap you If you try anything dumb"

Maxwell " Friends?"

Zoey " Yeah I mean come on, we're next door neighbors, we go to the same high-school and we've already met multiple times, call me old fashioned but I believe in faith and destiny and only a real moron wouldn't take a hint this clear, soo we're friends now" she says with a bright smile on her face.

Maxwell "You're a strange one aren't you and hey did you just call me a pervert"

Zoey " Oh don't play saint I've seen the way you stare at my boobs"

Maxwell " Huh!! I never once looked at you!!" he says as his face turns red

Zoey " But hey who can blame you, I do have an awesome rack"

Maxwell" there you go again always so self absorbed, maybe no one would try to harass or look at your chest if you weren't such such an exhibitionist"

Zoey " Ahn!! I knew you peeked at my boobs, and I am not an exhibitionist you pervert!"

Maxwell " That's exactly what an exhibitionist would say"

Zoey " Oh wouldn't you know Mr primate high-schooler"

( the two bickered for a few more minutes then out of no where a stray cat appears and grabs Maxwell's lunch)

Zoey " hey that cat just burgled your sandwich"

Maxwell " well yeah don't worry about it I'm used to it"

Zoey " What.... you can't just let it go, that was your lunch"

Maxwell " It's fine really"

( Before Maxwell could finish his sentence Zoey packed her hair with a rubber band and grabbed Maxwell by his hand started to chase after the cat, they both up and down the street following the cat with smiles on their faces. The chase comes to and end as Zoey grabs the cat and retrieves the stolen sandwich)

Maxwell " hahahaha" he bursts into a laugh while trying to catch his breathe" you're insane you know that little twerp"

Zoey " That's the first time I've actually seen you laugh"

Maxwell quickly clears his throat and pulls himself together" Why'd you do that i told it was no big deal"

Zoey " I already told you, you're my friend and if you're friend doesn't help you out while you're in trouble then who will, besides it'd be a waste to let a perfectly good sandwich go to waste. but it seems the cat already tore into the rapping" Zoey pulls out her sandwich from inside her bag and splits it in two. " here, we can share mine but be warned I'm not a very good cook"

Maxwell " Uhm well thanks"

Zoey " Wow look at the time, we were chasing the cat for so long I lost track, I should get going, and by the way hero boy! you should smile more often it makes you look like less of a stalker pervert" Zoey dashes off.

Waw I would have never expected that, what a strange morning * stares at the sandwich * friends huh? she's so dumb, but I wonder maybe if i could have met someone like her back then, just maybe....things would have ended up different.

( Maxwell then takes a bite of the sandwich made by Zoey)

Maxwell" Ahhhh!!!! is this...SALT!!!!??"