Harry's Birth

It was a stormy night.All of them were sleeping,suddenly Maylie woke up,she felt unconscious.It was the exact mid of the night.

David woke up and ran to Miss Dora's room and told her about the condition of Maylie.

She came to her and after seeing the situation of her she sent David to receive the doctor for Maylie."It's hurting so bad David I can't bear this pain anymore,do something or else I think I'm gonna die",Maylie said.

Miss Dora entered in the room and said,"Ohh my dear I know it is not easy for you but please try to calm down David isn't here.I already sent him to receive your doctor now please keep calm".

(After 15 minutes David arrived home with the doctor and staff.He entered in the room kissed her forehead)

"Don't worry my love everything is going to be okay",he said.

"sir please now let me do my work because we can't delay it she is not in such a condition of bearing this pain anymore.You may leave now,I'll deal it with my staff.",the doctor said aggressively.

Maylie's condition was a bit critical because she had suffered miscarriage 3,4 times so that's why the doctor was worried about her condition and insisted David to leave the room on urgent basis.

David left the room and started walking in the hall.Miss Dora was already there.Maylie was crying badly because she was in absolute pain*labour pain*.

After hearing her crying voice David faded.After 10 to 15 minute's they just heard the voice of a baby,and suddenly their faded faces started glowing.

"Mr David many congratulations to you you're blessed with a baby boy"

"A baby..bab...babyyyy boyy.."

" yes sir a baby boy."

(David hugged his mother in joy )

"wha_what about my wife how's she?is she okay now"

"Don't worry sir she's absolutely fine. Both mother and baby are healthy,there's no need to worry"

Miss Dora came and patted his shoulder,"My baby blessed with a baby.I can't even express that how much happy I'm right now"

"sir we want treat from you.what about a party"

Miss Dora excitedly replied," of course why not.Be ready for the treat darling.A grand party will be held in the Stevenson mansion"

She kissed David's forehead and hugged him.David asked for permission to meet her wife,nurse said you're allowed to go inside please sir.without wasting a single second he went to his room,firstly looked at his wife and then his baby who was in the baby coat.

He smiled after seeing Maylie and moved towards the bed ,them calmly he sat on the bed held her hand and kissed her forehead,he slightly whispered.

"are you okay?How are you feeling now?

"I'm feeling well,have you seen our boy",

"not yet let me see my baby"


(David carried the baby in his arms and smiled peacefully)

"you have gifted me the most beautiful and expensive thing in the world"

"He is the mole of our love"


"I love you more than before"

David pecked her for head,"love you too more than before".

(they both blushed)

Miss Dora suddenly entered into the room and said,"I love you both,my pretty babies".

(All of them smiled,after a moment the baby started crying)

"I think he felt bad because we didn't said I love you to him"

all of them chuckled.

(Maylie carried the baby in her arms and then he stopped crying,everyone laughed)

"Have anybody decided the baby's name.Or else I do?,David asked.

"Mom I want you to decide a name for baby",she replied.

Miss Dora,"M_ma_meee...."

yes you,please"

Miss Dora whispered in baby's ear.

(Harry.... Harry David Stevenson)

"what a beautiful name",David said in excitement.

"Indeed it is"

Miss Dora stood up and said,"Maylie my dear

child take some rest,take care of yourself and harry if you need anything just push the button beside you I'll be here,and you David come with me I want to talk to you".

(Both David and Miss Dora left the room)

David asked, "Is everything is okay mom?"

Miss Dora smiled and said,"yes child there is no need to worry everything is okay.I just wanted to share some of my ideas for the grand celebration of Harry's birth.

David came,"Mom what if we talk about it tomorrow because I'm really tired,and Maylie will also join us.If you don't mind".

Miss Dora yeah sure you must take rest we'll talk about it tomorrow.

"Good night mom"

( he left the room and went to his room, he saw that both Maylie and harry were sleeping he saw them for a while it was a very peaceful moment of his life, without disturbing them he laid down on the sofa and fell asleep)