Maylie suffered cancer

*After almost six month's*

(In morning David woke up he saw that Maylie wasn't on the bed he stood up and checked her in the bathroom,she wasn't even there then he saw the clock it was 5:00 in the morning.He went out of the room and started searching her.He was going to check her in the kitchen and suddenly heard someone coughing,he went to the backyard someone was sitting on the chair.He asked who's there

Maylie turned back and look towards David.)

"Ohh you're here"

"yeah, actually I was having some chest pain so I came outside",she replied while coughing.

(David ran towards her and checked her temperature by his hands)

"your body temperature is fine,then why is it happening",he asked.

"I don't know"

"okay come let's go inside"

They both left the yard and went to their room,during day time Maylie was coughing badly.Miss Dora noticed her and she even asked her that is she alright she said yes she's fine.At night David arrived home and saw Maylie coughing,she looked at him and smiled she was about to forward a step toward him ,all of a sudden she fell down on the floor in front of his eyes.

(Shouted) "Maylieeeeee"

Miss Dora and lara came out of the kitchen and saw Maylie laying on the floor.

" Maylie,my child",said.Miss Dora.

"sir what happened to her?",Lara asked.

"I don't know,when I came she saw me she was coughing and suddenly fell down.I'm taking her to the hospital",he replied.

"I'm coming with you"

"then what about Harry.someome have to stay at home with him"

Lara,"don't worry sir I'll take care of him".

"okay then let's go.lara please take care of Harry".

"Don't worry sir".

David carried Maylie in his arms and then reached hospital,David putted her on the stretcher and ward boys handed her to the doctor,After 20 minute's doctor came outside. how's my wife?is she okay ??

"we have taken her blood samples and sent them to laboratory,before getting the reports we can't say anything right because of heavy doses she's sleeping.can I ask something?",doctor said calmly.

"yes sure sir"

"have she ever suffered miscarriage?",doctor asked.

"yes doctor",he replied.

"for how many times?"

"3 times"

"do you have a baby?"

"yes sir a baby boy"

Doctor sighed and asked,"how old he's?"

"he's 7 month's old now",he replied in confusion.

"is he physically fit?"

"yes sir he's absolutely fit and fine"

Doctor took his spectacles off and said,"huhhh,okay I'll come back with the reports"

"sure doctor".

*David and Miss Dora in tensed condition*

after 30_40 minutes a boy came with reports

and handed over them to the doctor and he came to them after examining the reports.

"your wife's reports are here",the doctor said.

"sir is she okay?",he asked with a cracking voice.

the doctor shook his head.

*Awkward silence*

Miss Dora glanced at him in confusion and asked,"what does it means sir?"

"listen to me very calmly I know it wouldn't be an easy thing to you but...",doctor said.

David started trembling.


"actually due to miscarriages choriocarcinoma forms when cells that were the part of placenta in normal pregnancy become cancerous",doctor started telling them about her reports.

cancerous??? what do you mean by this? please tell me clearly,David asked.

"your wife is suffering from "choriocarcinoma" cancer",doctor stated.

"ca..cancer?",a completely shaky tone.

Doctor,"yes.cancer,she's suffering cancer from almost 4 and a half years.and the maximum survival time for the patient is 5 years approximately,as I told you before she have it from more than 4year's...ahhh..huhhh..."

"what is the treatment for it? I can do anything for her.please save her,he said while his eyes turned watery.

Miss Dora,"doctor please save my child".

"she's at the last stage and she can't treated.....",he said and latter Davids shoulder.

"what does it mean she can't be treated I want her alive anyhow...?do something I know you can save her please save her doctor please,I'm begging you,I can't live without her.... I can't live without herrrrrrr..."

"the thing is that she have just 4 to 5 months to live take care of her and spend time with her as much as you can try to make her happy and relax",doctor instructed.

David looked at his mom with eyes full of tears and hugged his mom,Doctor patted his shoulder and left.

"why this all happened to her mom? whyyyyyyy???"

Miss Dora caressed his back,"it was destiny have patience my child",

(they both were crying )

ward boy came and said,"you can take your

patient to home this is the list of medicines doctor have prescribed it will make her feel calm and she'll never feel the pain".


"try to act normal in front of her please",advised him.

"I'll try mom",he replied while wiping his tears from his cheeks.