Kay met David and Harry.

"Kay was ready to say yes but she didn't showed her excitement to them and decided to be quiet for sometime.She was a gold digger and David was a rich man that's what she all wants."

"The secret part was that she already had a son from her first husband but she didn't told anyone about him.All she want was money.Miss Dora was already trapped by her.Now she was just planning to meet David and wanted to trap him in her beauty."

"She planned a scene for a meeting then she started searching about David and came to know that he always went to a park near his office with his little son Harry and then decided to meet him there but as an unknown person.Kay was very sharp minded."

"After 3 days it was Saturday David went to the park with his baby boy they both were playing with a football Kay was already there she was wearing blue jeans with white shirt her hair were open and she had ribbon which she tide on her hand."

"She came near David and waved her hand."

Kay : hello.

David : *ignored her*

Kay : I said hello sir.

David : *again ignored her*

Kay : excuse me sir....(she patted his arm)

David : *turned back and looked at her*

Kay : Heyyy...hello sir.I'm Kay.

David : hey.May I know you?

Kay : no...

David : then why you came?

Kay : Actually I saw you playing with this little baby is he's yours?

David : (smiled and said yes he's mine.)

Kay : aww..he is so cute.

David : Thank you.

Kay : Can I play with him?

David : ahh..yeah sure.

Kay : Aw..that's so sweet of you.You're so kind.

David : (he smiled and passed the ball to her.)

Kay : (she tried to make him sit on her lap but he started crying)

David : ohh..I'm sorry.

Kay : It's okay may be he doesn't like interacting with new people.(she had such an evil sight when she looked at harry but she pretended to be a good Innocent lady in front of David so she just tried to behave)

David : yeah may be.

Kay : Actually I'm Kay.

David : I'm David.

Kay : ohh..I mean I'm the one whom your mom have been selected for your marriage.We met in a cafe.She told me everything about you and I told her everything about me.Who I'm?where I'm from? what's my passion each and everything.

David : Ohh..I see.

Kay : Actually I wanted to meet you before saying yes or no to your mom.

David : please sit.

(they both sat on the bench near them)

Kay : I wanted to meet you because.....

David : you can ask me anything.

Kay : why do you want to get married again?

David : let me Clear you each and everything,I don't want to get married again but it's my mother's wish.I'm doing this just for the sake of my mother and this little Angel (pointing towards harry).

Kay : (after knowing the answer of David she lost in her own thoughts)

David : But, I'm not that psycho the one who'll be my wife, I'll surely take care of her but.....

Kay : but... (she asked him mysteriously)

David : This world is a seat of learning.Time is the teacher here.Man is the architect

of his own destiny.I don't know who you are and why you wanna marry me but it's my duty to clear my point in front of you.

Kay : obviously.

David : "After the death of Maylie,I always wondered that how long I had to live I thought that I might live for years.It was difficult for me to bear that pain,But I overcame that and now I'm here in front of you."

"I'm strong enough but still she's the one and only person whom I love the most.So don't expect that kind of love,attention and Care from me.And never compare yourself with her."

Kay : I respect all of your limits

(she smiled).Your mom told me about her indeed she was really a beautiful soul.

David : Indeed she's.

Kay : Your choice is amazing.

David : now it's totally up to you.

Kay : Honestly I'm just in love with your character,your honesty,love and care for the one's whom you love.

David : Ahh..thanks.

Kay : What are your thoughts about me?

David : about you..???

Kay : yes about me.

David : Actually I don't know that much about you I never asked mom about you.

Kay : ohh,I see.

David : yeah.

Kay : What about now? (she asked him in a sweet voice)

David : I...I can't say anything.

Kay : It means you you didn't like me.

David : no....no absolutely not,you're getting me wrong.

Kay : oh really?

David : It was really nice talking to you Miss. You're pretty.

Kay : Aww..Thanks (she said in a way of flirt)

"She stood up looked towards him smiled and said,"it's a yes". *she left*

(there was a cold nip in the air)

David came back home with Harry.He was thinking about Kay."Not a bad option she is as a care taker of Harry",he said and smiled.

On the other hand there was Kay she was thinking that David is so impressed by her.She thought that he has started leaning her.She was so self obsessed.She came to her room stood in front of her mirror and said,

"so..so...so finally hahhh.....You trapped him,of course nobody can't be escaped from your magical beauty",and smirked.

"Now it's the time to take the next step",she said and laid down on the bed.

Miss Dora and Lara were waiting for her reply they were curious to know that what she is going to say.Because they were not aware of the meeting of David and Kay.It was a mystery.A few days passed but they didn't received any kind of answer from her side so Miss Dora was worried that what if she said no.