
Next morning,Kay woke up she was still on her bed.It was sharp seven and she had sleepy eye's."Good Morning to the most beautiful woman of the world",she said to herself.

She removed her blanket and stood up,she saw the mirror and winked then went to the washroom after taking shower she dressed up.

She wore a black gown with open hair her hair were curled and there was red nail paint on her nails with red frozen lipstick and golden drop ear rings.She was moving out as she saw the mirror.

"Ohh...aww,why so pretty ma'am,'re on fire",she said in a sexy tone while looking at the mirror.

"Ma'am what about breakfast",lily asked her(lily her maid)."Ahh....I don't have any plans for breakfast right now I'm getting late take care of home and yourself too",Kay said to her.

She moved a step forward then she turned back and said,"Don't you think that I'm looking pretty"."of course ma'am you're looking absolutely pretty,have a good day",Lily replied.Then Kay left.

She went to her cafe actually she had a meeting with a property dealer because she wanted to open a new branch of her cafe so that's why she dressed up like that.

"Mr Bryson Jase" a rich man whose business was buying properties and sold them out with huge profits.He was an expert business man.

He was a handsome young man.His age was about 27 years,he had hazel eyes and his personality was absolutely dashing.

His height was about 6 feet.

Kay reached cafe,the time which was decided for the meeting was 12 : 00 PM it was already 12 : 15 PM.She thought that may be Bryson isn't interested in making a deal with her.

She was sitting on the chair as she was waiting for the him(Bryson)so she started moving the chair,suddenly the door knocked."May I come in",an unknown voice.

As she was thinking about Bryson she didn't noticed that who asked permission to come in "come in",she said .

She turned her chair and looked from down to up.There was a handsome man wearing plain black shirt with gray dress pant with Gucci's belt and his shirts cuff were folded.

He was wearing a branded watch in his right wrist and white sneakers.His eye's were hazel and he had black hair.He had wore black shade's which was making his personality more dashing

Kay was staring at him and suddenly her tongue slipped out "what a sexy man",she said in a flirty way.

"Oh,I'm sorry actually it's my habit to adore stuff whatever I like",she tried to cover up her statement.

"Well that's fine,it just happens sometimes even with me too"he replied.They both stared at each other.

"I think there is something wrong with my eye's,I can't take them off of you",she said and smiled.

Bryson started blushing and Kay was continuously looking at him.He introduced himself to her.

"Myself 'BJ' Bryson Jase the owner of 'BJ empire',he said while moving his hand towards her he was supposed to had a hand shake with her.

"Oh...hello Mr BJ really nice to see you, I'm Kay the one who've called you for meeting... remember",she replied and held his hand.

Ma'am...ahm can I ask you something?BJ asked politely."yeah yeah sure please don't be formal ask me whatever you want to ask",she rapidly replied.

"Are you as beautiful in the inside as you're on outside",he said in flirty way.

"Ohh come on",she blushed.She requested him to have a seat on the sofa who was right in front of her table.They both sat down.

"What would you like to have coffee or tea?she offered him."Right now nothing please shall we talk about the deal",he replied.

"yeah sure.So the thing is that Mr BJ this is my own property I wanna open a new branch of my cafe somewhere else,suggest me a good place for a cafe",she asked him.

"Well I have a suitable property for you let me show you (he opened his phone and showed her a picture of a 1 storey building) I think it is simply perfect for you",he said.

"Not bad actually",she replied."It is on just 20 minutes distance",he informed her.

"Okay give me the other details then I'll finalize it",she said in a satisfactory tone.

BJ gave her all the details she liked the property and asked him to visit the place once he agreed and allowed her to visit the place whenever she want.

*BJ's phone rang*

He received the call it was from his office he had an urgent meeting with someone else too so he stood up and asked her permission for leave.

"Okay so hope that you are satisfied with the meeting inform me about your decision",he said.

"Yes sure sir,by the way lovely meeting you sirrr...,hope so that we'll meet again",she was still trying to flirt with him.

He just smiled and said "goodbye ma'am", then she waved her hand and he left.

"Just being honest I like the property dealer more then the property",she said to herself.