Will David come?

All of the guest were now arrived on the gate of the hall Mr and Mrs Micawber were waiting for Dora and Lara.As they were about to go back to meet other guest Dora and Lara reached there.

Mrs Micawber moved towards Miss Dora and greeted her and the next moment Mr Micawber asked her that where is David.She told him that He's at home he'll come here by himself.

"Don't you guy's worry let's go inside",Miss Dora said excitingly.Micawber's were a little stressed because of the sudden shock that David isn't with them.

David was at home he was still thinking that what is actually happening with him he's not happy with this decision but he have to do it for not himself but just for the sake of little harry.

He washed his face with cold water and moved towards his car.He started driving but then suddenly stopped his car in the center of road then took a U-turn after 10 minutes he came out of the car.

He was now in front of the grave yard he bought some flowers and went inside.He had no courage to sit beside Maylie's grave because he was still thinking that he's doing wrong with Maylie.

But he did a little courage went towards her grave and sat beside it.He had tears in his eyes,"I know you'll must be very angry right....ahm.....but you know how much I love you,nobody have the right to replace you",he said.

After a little pause he said,"I'm doing this for the sake of our baby,for his better future and for Mom".

He bowed his head after placing the flowers on her grave after a few minutes he said "Good bye" and left the yard.

Micawber's and Miss Dora all of them were worried about David because it was almost 1 o'clock and still there was no sign of his arrival.

Kay was sitting on the bride's decorated couch and was making weird faces because she was burning in fire of anger.

At the very next moment she stood up and was about to go from there David arrived with a file which was in his hand.

Miss Dora moved towards him and gave him a hug"where were you dear we were waiting for you from last 2 hours",she whispered in his ear.

"Mom",he was about to say something but Miss Dora interrupted and said,"Don't waste time now come on let's finish this".

They both went on the stage Kay was continuously looking at him he was completely irritated now. Mr Micawber announced that everybody pay your attention here finally the moment is here.

Finally they both exchanged there rings and suddenly a sound of "cheers" started roaming in the air.After having food and meet up guests congratulated them and left the marquee.

Miss Dora also said good bye to Micawber's and Kay.All of them went to their homes.

After few days Miss Dora asked David about his plan for Marriage so he replied that he don't have any kind of plan for anything and don't ask him again about this.

On the other side there were Micawber's who were stressed because of this marriage they wanted to fulfill there responsibilities as soon as it was possible.

Now-a-days Kay was busy in her business.She had a meeting with BJ again

This time she went to visit him on the decided restaurant-for-sale place.

(Kay had a little crush on every rich man she saw or she met)

That morning she woke,she had a different energy in her moves she took a shower and sore a beautiful crop top with high waist pant.

She applied a pink shade lipstick with white gloss on it and wore a watch in her and high heels.She was looking absolutely beautiful.

Lily asked her for breakfast but she refused and stepped outside.Mr Micawber called her from back.She stopped "now what the hell he want to do with meeh I don't know for how long I've to tolerate these two",she whispered while turning back.

Mr Micawber said,"Dear you forgot your phone inside".

She felt a little shame and took her phone from his hand and said,"bye dad".

BJ was in the restaurant he was waiting for her.(BJ was a nice man he was just a little flirty but never did anything wrong with anybody)

He was sitting in the office Kay knocked the door and asked his permission to come inside he turned back and stood up.

BJ : Ma'am you don't need any kind of permission please come inside.

Kay : Oh really...by the way thank you.

BJ : you're looking stunning today.

Kay : Just today? (she asked him in a flirty way)

BJ : ohh there is nothing like this.

Kay : Justttt kidding by the way Thank you again.

BJ : Please have a seat.

Kay : yeah sure.

BJ : Congratulations for your engagement.

Kay : (looked at him with a blind face)

there was a deep silence now BJ broke the silence.

BJ : ma'am?(he clapped to get her attention)

Kay : ah thank you but I haven't announced it yet so I'm wondering that ...

BJ : uhh..(fake cough) actually I've just assumed it but glad that it is true.

Kay : assumed?

BJ : yeah you're wearing a diamond ring in your love finger what does it means?

Kay : Oh I see.You're very sharp.(fake laugh)

BJ : So am I.

(kay was feeling nervous because BJ already knew about her engagement so she can't flirt with him anymore without wasting a single minute she came to the point)

Kay : okay then I've already seen the property it's very good I like it and I'm ready for the deal ready the documents we'll confirm it at my place.... someday.

BJ : OK I'll let you know ma'am.In this serious conversation I forgot to ask you what would you like to have tea or coffee?

Kay : actually nothing because I've to somewhere else too so....

BJ : My bad (made a cute face)

Kay : nooh my bad (she winked)

BJ : okay then.

Kay : (she stood up and said bye)

Then she left the office.BJ was thinking that why she was acting weird today may be she doesn't like that I interfered in her personal life...ahm may be or may be not.