Harry's 3rd Birthday.

*Time flies*

Finally it was Harry's birthday in morning David woke up he was still on his bed,he was was about to stand up as his sight fell on the photo frame.

It was the last picture of David and harry with Maylie.The last day they spent together (David's anniversaries picture).

He took the picture and sat on the sofa.His eyes filled with tears all of the memories of Maylie were roaming in his eyes at that time.

After almost half an hour he stood up and went to the bathroom.Miss Dora knocked the door nobody responded.She again knocked the door David came out.He was in his towel.

David : Mom?

Miss Dora : it seems that you were taking shower...hah

David : No,actually I was playing cricket in towel....(made a weird face)

Miss Dora : Your sense of humor is so good just like your dad.

David : why you came here?

Miss Dora : For breakfast.

David : I'll come in 15 minutes.

Miss Dora : waiting for you on the table.

She left and David went inside.He joined them on the table.All of them were having breakfast David was wondering that why Miss Dora isn't taking about harry's birthday.

He thought may be she have already planned something for it so that's why.He didn't even asked her about it.

Miss Dora was so much involved in the wedding preparations she had forgotten the birthday of harry.

Lara had an urgent price of work at her home so she took a leave last night already.David went to his office,in evening as he came back he saw nobody as he was expecting a crowd for Harry's birthday.

There was large box decorated with a tie and bow.Miss Dora saw him coming inside and asked him that is everything's alright why he came earlier.

The second question was also very shocking for him she asked him,"what is in this box is it a gift for Kay?"

Then he came to know that she didn't even remember harry's birthday.He burst into anger he gave her a death glare and asked about harry.

She told him that he's in his room,he didn't even said a single word and left her there with a blank face.

David went to Harry's room he was there playing with his toys as he saw his dad coming he fell threw his toys down and ran towards him.

David took him in his arms and kissed his forehead.David picked up his phone and ordered a cake.

Then both dad and son started playing together in harry's room.David opened a little box there was a neck chain in it and showed it to Harry.

David : look here's your birthday gift from your mom.

Harry : mom....mamaaa

David : (Smiled) yeah by your mama.

Harry : wher...where is she now dad?

David : She's in heaven and watching you from there

Harry : Heaven? what is it?

David : A very beautiful place.

Harry : why mom isn't with us?

David : (A tear dropped out of his eye)

Harry : (He removed that tear with his little hand and said politely) sorry Dad I'll not ask anything about it please don't ...don't cry.

David sat on the floor and made him sit on his lap.

David : You wanna see my gift ?

Harry : yes.

David : so here we go (he opened the box there was a set of mini cars in it) you like it?

Harry : yes... (there was a shine in his eyes)

*Door bell rang*

Miss Dora opened the door there was a delivery boy who was holding a box she asked him why he came here so he told her that Mr David have ordered a cake.

She picked the cake and after closing the door she thought that why he have ordered a cake.

She went to his room and knocked the door.David opened the door he saw the cake in her hand he took it fro her and was about to close the door she asked him why he ordered cake.

He gave her a death glare and without answering her he went inside.Door was still open Miss Dora felt very strange.

David unboxed the cake and placed it on the table he took harry in his arms and said look here's you birthday cake.

David : We'll celebrate it alone.I don't care about anybody.

Harry : let's eat it dad...yayy

David held Harry's hand and cut the cake.

David : Happy birthday to you dear Harry...happy birthday son.

Miss Dora's eyes widened when she heard the birthday melody she came inside the room she cursed herself that how is it possible she forgot her grandson's birthday.

David looked at her and but didn't said anything.She came near him and patted harry's head.

She was in guilt but there was no use of it.As we all heard this example from our parents or elder that,"Its is useless to cry over split milk".

Miss Dora : I'm sorry my child,I'm very sorry...

David : Whatever...

Miss Dora : don't be rude I'm saying that I'm feeling guilty for what I did.

David : oh really....you know what you're changed mom I wasn't expecting this from you,I'm just out of mahhh mind.

Miss Dora : I'm sorry....

David : Now please don't make me feel like I'm doing a sin or doing something wrong.

Harry : Grandma taste this cake its too good.

Miss Dora : Oh my baby I'll....I'll.

David looked at her mom he felt a little bad because the words he used he realized that they were very hard.

Miss Dora's eyes were filled with tears she was about to cry,he made her calm and patted her shoulder to make her feel good.

She was looking down at that time but when he putted his hand on her shoulder she looked up and again said sorry.

He hugged her and pretended that now he's not angry with her anymore.

That's how Harry's 3rd birthday was celebrated......