Lara Missing.

Miss Dora called Lara because it was too late and Lara didn't came back yet so it was quite strange she was worried and stressed as well she was trying to contact her but she didn't responded to anything .

Someone driving Lara's car roughly and someone is there laying in the back seat unconsciously it was Lara and the one who was driving was Kay.She stopped the car near a bridge.

She came outside and gave a death glare to Lara "so Lara darling it was your last trip with me lucky lucky youuu baby",she said like a psychopath.

She opened the car door and grabbed Lara's hand towards her.Lara was coming into her senses she was feeling dizzy and her eye's were half opened she saw someone's hand on her hand and pulling it towards outside.

Her vision was still blur.Lara tried to free her from the grip but as she was weak she failed and Kay pulled her out of the car and stood near the stand of the bridge.

"Listen Lara darling I never had any kinda problem with you I swear but you just did one thing wrong you heard something really inappropriate,bad habit nehhh",Kay said while holding Lara from her neck.

Lara was coming into her senses she tried to move back but Kay strengthen her grip ,"don't you dare to move,by the way why are you leaving us like this how will Dora aunty live without you,please don't die,please don't commit suicide", she said and removed an invisible tear from her face with the tip of her middle finger and smirked.

"W_what the hell are yo_you sayy_ing?I'm not commuting suicide don't you dare to do anything_anything wi_with me David will kill you",Lara said all of a sudden in response Kay slapped her and said,"Oh really! whatever ahah... well Good bye baby,I swear I'll never miss you again see yah in heaven".

She released her hands which were tied with a rope and and then opened the rope of her feet she felt relieved and sigh's hah it was the last time she sighed in relieved.

"Good bye Lara well I'll miss you a little don't mind what I said before and don't complain to God about mehh okay,muahhh",Kay said.

Just after saying this she pushed Lara from the bridge as she fell into the river she gave an Ooopss!!!! reaction and went back to the car.She drove it to Stevenson Mansion and after a while she reached there.

She rang the bell Miss Dora opened it and her expressions were surprising."Kay my child you're here where is Lara?",Miss Dora asked curiously.

"La_Lara how would I_I know aunt that, you're asking as if she was with me",she replied while cleaning her sweat from her forehead.

"What she wasn't with you???what does it mean, I told her to brought you to the designer for the wedding outfits selection but its too late and she's still not here,I thought she would be with you but now you're saying she's not with you...hah",Miss Dora said while sitting on the couch she putted her on her forehead as she was tensed.

Kay was tensed as she just murdered her and now someone is asking about her she was sweating hard she was confused what to say or what not to say as Miss Dora was tensed she tried to make her calm down.

David came back home with harry Kay noticed him while coming into the hall a smile appeared on her face she fixed her hair and said hello to both of them Harry just ignored her and ran towards her granny.

"Ohh my child thank god you're here I'm just so tensed",she said while placing Harry in her lap and gave a look to David.

"What happens mom is everything is alright? he asked her.She told him everything and said she never did this before she always tells me before doing anything that's why I'm afraid.

"Mom! don't worry I'll call the cops and file a report she'll be fine don't worry",He said while making a call to the police.

After an hour police came Kay was in a worst state because now she was regretting want she had done just few hours before because what if police will come to know that she murdered Lara.

"Kay just be confident you have done everything so sharply you left no prove there so just take a chill pill okay calm down...calm down everything gonna be fine", she said in her her mind.

A policeman came towards her and asked her who are you introduce yourself she told him that she's going to be the wife of David she's his fiance she gave him her address as well as the information he asked in a very confident way.

After the investigation the policeman called the team and gave them the whole information of the current case and ordered them to inquire about it as soon as it is possible .

"We'll find out her very soon,ma'am don't worry she'll be fine just after getting any information we'll let you know but now we have to take your leave",police officer said and left the house with his entire team.

Kay also took leave from them as it was 9 o'clock which was a little late So Miss Dora suggested her to go to her home she said good bye to Miss Dora and was about to hug David he turned his face and moved towards his room while ignoring her.

She ignored him and left the house.She was worried seemed like someone just stole her peace from her.Next day in the morning she called Miss Dora to inform her that they have found anything about Lara but she told her that there is nothing.She sighed in relief.

Two day's passed but still Lara was missing police officer called David that they've found a dead body from the river please come and check it out that is it yours of not.He informed his mom and after that he took her to the place where the police asked them to come.

As the police officer removed the cloth from the body's face Miss Dora fell down due to shock because it was Lara.