After party at Stevenson's mansion.

The party ended and they came back home.Dora was too tired she carried Harry in her arms and went to her room.Kay entered David's room and placed on his bed while dreaming about evil unholy things."All of this is mine now,this mansion,all of this wealth and (pointing towards David's photograph) this hottest man".

David came into his room found her sitting on his bed,giving her a cold stare he went to his bathroom for a refreshing shower.She was looking at him with a dumb face like what the hell is going on.She again lost in her own thoughts.He came back after shower wearing only a towel around his waist covering his lower body.

The lust in her eye's was visible the unholy things were roaming around her mind.She was just losing her control on herself after seeing him half naked.His wet hair were making her crazy and the droplets pouring down from his hair were causing the heat storm inside her.

His bare chest with strong muscles and packs was clearly visible to her.She was looking at him jaw dropped and with lustfulness,"You can change your cloths now and wear something comfortable for a better sleep,I'm going in Harry's room",he said while drying his hair with towel.She was blank and didn't know that how to respond back,"what do you mean you're going to Harry's room?",she replied.

She felt like her unholy unfulfilled dream gonna break if she didn't tried at that time.

"I don't think that there is any need of these kind of questions,it's too late he'll must be feeling alone and may be scared so I'm going to his room,any problem",answers in a cold tone.

"This dumbo is going to leave his newly wedded wife for that stupid kid",she murmured.He ignored her and took his cloths from the wardrobe.

After changing cloths he came out of the room leaving her dumfounded.

"Are you for real?"

She tried to calm herself,she was furious because of this disrespect."You've to pay for it darling,just wait and watch,for that stupid kid you have left me right,(evil smirk) you'll regret doing this,soon very soon,because the the countdown begins from today",she said while looking at his photograph.

Next morning,Someone knocked her door she opened her eyes,"yes,come in",in a sleepy tone.

"Miss Dora is calling you for lunch she's already at the dinning table with Mr David and little Master Harry",the maid said.

She stood up and after a hot shower she joined them on the dining table."Hello dear child hope you slept well",Miss Dora said and passed a smile.

"Ask your stupid son who left his newly wedded beautiful and hot wife on the first night of their wedding",she murmured.

"Yes Mom",she replied and gave a death glare to Harry.After breakfast David pecked Harry's forehead she was expecting a hug but he ignored and left for his office.He went to his office Kay was about to go in her room Miss Dora interrupted.

"where are you going child?",she asked.

"In my room",she replied while turning back.

"You're new to Harry spend some time with him he'll start liking you very soon I'm sure about it",Miss Dora said.Kay's blood started boiling but there was no option so she picked him in her arms and replied,"okay mom I'll take care of him don't worry he'll start liking me very soon".Evil dark smirk appeared.

She went to the backyard,"because of you your stupid dad ignored me last night and broke my beautiful dream,now you've to face the consequences baby boy",she said in a husky voice and threw him on the grass which made him cry due to pain.Nobody was there to listen him.The poor child was crying hard and she was looking at him mercilessly.

left him crying in the yard she went to her room and started doing her nail art.

In evening Miss Dora came out from her room and asked maid about Harry and Kay she told him that he's sleeping in his room and Kay is also in her room.

David came back home early asked for Harry ,after knowing that he was sleeping he went to his room saw her sitting on the bed.

"You came already?",she asked.

"So what?",he replied.

"Nothing,so how was your day?"

"I'm tired the day was tiring",he replied in a cold tone and went to the bathroom after shower he came back and found nobody in the room he sighed in relief and walked out.

Harry was sleeping in his room,his forehead was red because of the wound he got when she threw him on the floor harshly.David came and sat near him he slide his hand in his hair a hiss came out of his mouth cause of pain due to touch at the wound and he woke up.A tear drop out from her eye and fell on his cheek.

David carried him in his lap and and kissed his forehead then noticed his red forehead.

"what is this how this happened?"

"Dad-dad,she ah she-"

Door opened Kay entered the room and cut his words,"we were playing in the back yard he wasn't listening to me,I was trying to feed him food but he was continuously making troubles and due to that he fell from the table.I even tried to put some medicine on it but he didn't even let me touch him",she said in an innocent tone.

"you should take care of him,I can't take any risk understood",he said coldly without glancing at her.

"yeah",rolled her eye's

"it's just an evil start darling,just a little punishment for last night,there is a whole movie a horror movie you will see right infront of your eye's,wait and watch",she in her thoughts.

"Now please take care of him",he requested and she nodded in response.

"I'll take good care of him",she said while her eye's darkened.Harry scared after seeing her,he closed his eye's in fear and hid his face in his dad's chest.