Mine is bigger than yours!

" System level up! Now! I have some noob to humiliate! - I ordered system.

" Please select on of the perks and Gacha try"

- Large lungs - can improve your endurance and allow you to ran and hold breath longer.

- Experienced right hand - allows faster bolt-action rifle firing

- Ballistic calculator - allows you to predict the trajectory of the bullet

- Silent steps ( minor) - decreases noise level while moving.

- Tinkerer( minor) - allows minor upgrade, modification and tuning of weapons

Damn! Seems even system is on my side. Ballistic calculator and Large lungs are quite useful perks. However in my current situation Ballistic calculator is the right option. Ability to shoot further and with better aim is amazing bonus on my sniper path. So I choose it.

While readying myself for Gacha my paranoia screamed out loud saying that I shouldn't expect anything good since I already got amazing perk. However I crossed my fingers and prayed to all fat red cats to bring me good luck.

" Oh great Garfield grant me your luck!" - I whispered and opened a small box.

It turned out to be...a small donut pillow with large letters saying haemorrhoid cushion.

That moment I have really felt infamous butthurt. I was so angry that I should have flames coming out of my ass and propelling me upwards.

" You useless fat piece of shit! I hope someone will take a shit in your lasagne! - I kept swearing and releasing my anger towards Garfield whom I asked for good luck.

After a while I was able to fully calm down and found out that donut pillow is actually pretty good thing. Now I am safe from haemorrhoids and freezing my ass off from cold soil.

Ok back to action. I need to test out my new perk and prepare myself for life-or-death game with enemy sniper.

I have put on my ghillie suit and went hundred meters behind trenches where I could find some nice place to blend with grass and bushes. I clearly lack skills of professional sniper but from another point enemy sniper is not used to dealing with ghillie suit.

I started adjusting branches and leaves to give me the best cover possible. I decided to wait for my enemy here since this area was my major hunting place so I will not be surprised if in few days he will turn up here. Instead of just waiting I will start shooting at anything that walks or provokes me. This will speed up things for me. And there are a lot of places to hide here so I can make it easy for me.

But to my great disappointment they just kept sitting in their trenches. It was another hour when I finally saw some young men digging in trenches and could see shovel blades. I decided to play a game with them. When one of them prepared to throw some soil out I shoot hitting shovel blade.

Poor guys got so scared that they stopped working. But after a while they continued digging and shot another shovel blade again. Work stopped. Few minutes and they try dig but I was able to shoot at shovel again. This time they started waving one their shovels and I decided to make a little drawing on it. By bullets.

" Activate Ballistic Calculator." - I whispered and now I can see a ray similar to laser that shows where my bullet will land. It was not straight line rather a parabolic but still it seemed to me like a laser ray.

I quickly loaded few bullets. I took aim at waving shovel blade and hit it. Guys got scared at first but then they also started considering this a game and tried to wave faster or change the direction suddenly.

Hahah. Alright lads let's do it!

Next half an hour I spend shooting at shovel. In the end I was able to make famous Smiley with bullet holes. I hope guys enjoyed our little game.

To my big surprise republicans started waving white flag. Seems they want to send Parliamentarian. I prepared my rifle and started following him.

Lt. Murphy went out of trenches and started walking towards parliamentarian. They were talking then I saw Lt. shouting something and one of our guys went towards me.

" Akela ! Akela! Lt. wants you to come and meet republican! - he shouted.

Alright. Let's see what happens.

I slowly crawled back to nearest trench path. There I got rid of my ghillie suit and started walking towards Lt. Murphy and parliamentarian.

After few minutes I was in the middle of No-man's land and saw republican holding a shovel with Smiley on it.

" You must be that infamous sharpshooter that hunts for us." - republican said out loud.

" Well it depends on point of view." - I replied mentally preparing in case things go south since his words didn't seem to be nice.

" Yes, you can say so. Anyways I just wanted to confirm that this is your work. Is that so? - he asked pointing at shovel.

" That's definetly my piece of artwork. Can't you recognise my style?" - I started minor trolling

" Hah I see you are man of culture. Well don't you mind if I keep it? " - republican replied with small laughter.

" I don't mind you keeping it. Just beware of fakes. There will be a lot of people saying that they got the original." - I replied with serious tone.

" I will keep that in mind. Also before we part our ways I wanted to tell you that hunter is coming tomorrow and he wants your head." - republican said turning towards his position preparing to leave.

" Well, tell him that I will be waiting for him here. And please pass him the following message. Why don't you wish in one hand, and shit in the other. See which one fills up first. I hope he can understand." - I said in serious tone but in the end I started smiling la Joker style.

My words made republican laugh and he just waved his hand while walking back to his positions.

On a way back Lt. Murphy asked me whether it was good idea to provoke enemy sniper.

I just told him to relax. In case he is not really happy about then just try to enjoy the situation and keep thinking about kingdom.

So next day I spent preparing few fake positions and dummies for enemy sniper. By the afternoon I saw small commotion in enemy lines. Did he finally arrive right now? Ok let's see who is better.

I started observing enemy positions when I saw flashes similar to binoculars. I started aiming towards that area but something felt wrong. Then I realised, size and strength of the flash, its way too big for sniper scope.

Look at that cunning bastard, he want's to lure me out and shoot like he is hunting animal predator. Well smartass let me show you the difference between hunting animals and humans.

I pulled a string attached to dummy's rifle few meters away from me. Small mirror on dummy flashed while rifle made a shot. In few moment dummy got hit with a bullet and I was able to identify enemy position.

I saw small movement near one of the sandbags and very small almost unnoticeable flash. I aimed a bit to a left and down and pulled a trigger. I saw how bullet followed an invisible to everyone except me ray and hit the target at the end of it.


Enemies positions got into complete turmoil. Seems they started celebrating too early and just realised that they screwed up big time.

It was another white flag and parliamentarian walking towards us accompanies with a man holding his right shoulder. Similar to yesterday I got called forward and now I am walking to see what's going on.

" So it was you who got me." - said a man in his early 40s holding his shoulder covered in bondages.

" Aye. you tried your cavemen times tactic and I used my modern ways. As we can see I am better. The future is now, old man." - I replied turning on troll mode while maintaining ice-cold face.

" Listen here you little shit! I am not that old! - he angrily replied but then he calmed down as I prepared to get my handgun.

This calmed him down as he realised that I was ready in case situation gets sour.

" Although I Jean Lacroix admit my defeat to you! - he replied with calm voice. - " However, why you didn't kill me. You just wounded me although you had all chances to shoot me right between the eyes."

" Well then I couldn't say you something important." - here it comes.

" What is it?" - asked Jean intrigued.

I prepared and cleared my throat and then said.

" Mine Is Bigger Than Yours!" - and laughed menacingly.

" You little...." - but I just turned back and went towards my trenches not paying attention to Jean and how parliamentarian tries to stop him.

After a while when I was enjoying my cigarette with cherry flavour when Lt. Murphy returned to trenches.

" You know that sometimes you can be quite pain in a neck" - he said and went to his quarters.

" Aye aye but not just in a neck. One bastard experienced all the pain by his ass" - I said silently enjoying my cigarette and polishing my rifle.