
Waking up, Arthur found himself in a grey void. He got on his feet and looked around only to find a familiar face right next to him. It was his brother.

"Let's have a chat." David gestured to follow him and went past a corner that wasn't there into a garden, there was a table with chairs and they were surrounded by trees. A pond with koi fish and a small bridge were also nearby.

They sat down and two cups of tea appeared on the table.

"So, you are dead?" He asked.

"As dead as one can be... I never thought I would see you again, is this the afterlife?" Arthur almost broke down.

"Are you sure? You seem alive and well to me..."

Arthur looked at his brother, being taken aback by his words, and he noticed burn marks on his lips going in his mouth. He looked at his chest and there wasn't a hole anymore, it was completely covered and a beating heart was inside.

"What is this? What's going on?"

"Just drink the tea, you will know it all when you drink the blo... the tea, it's delicios, the best thing you ever tasted!" David got up and took the cup in his arm, he was pushing it towards Arthur but he of course got up and tried to go back where he came from but he couldn't penetrate the thick forest that was surrounding them.

His brother was getting closer so he ran to the bridge, on the other side there was a dirt path going trough a bamboo forest.

He looked back and saw that his brother wasn't his brother anymore, but instead that thing was a very tall shell of him with black ooze coming out of his mouth.

Arthur ran and ran, for hours, never looking back, he felt like the devil was chasing him, getting closer and closer. He felt his muscles getting tired, his eyelids getting heavier, and his breathing getting harder until he finally got out of the forest.

He went trough a thin bubble and after a few seconds he heard a loud bang like something heavy hit a wall at high speed. He looked back and saw the thing that pretended to be his brother with it's hand on an invizibile wall.

The monster knew that it can't pass it so he retreated back to the forest.

Arthur fell to the ground, tired, disoriented and thirsty. He honestly felt like shit. He was feeling like he was in the real world, but how did he get here, he was supposed to be dead, did he get a second chance? He had so many questions, like why does he not have his powers anymore?

After resting for a while, he finally got up and looked around.

He was on a hill overlooking the ocean, the weather was cloudy but there was no rain. He saw a small house nearby with something peculiar being half buried in the ground.

It was the dragon he was flying on, so that means Rebecca was here.

Arthur ran to the house, he was going as fast could and in a short while he finally reached it.

He knocked on the door and Rebecca swung it open before flying outside. She came to a stop and looked confused, she investigated the area but shrugged and went to the hillside where she sat and looked at the ocean.

Arthur was completely dumbfounded, he went to Rebecca and sat next to her, she wasn't seeing him, he then poked her shoulder and she felt that, she sprung to her feet and was looking around nervously.

"Something isn't right." She said before cautiously walking back to the house, Arthur followed her in and when he got inside he saw himself laying on the floor next to a fire.

He then realized she was wearing pretty warm clothes while he didn't feel any kind of temperature.

Rebecca sat next to Arthur, running her hand trough his hair. She looked sad and lonely and eventually broke down crying.

"Wake up already, please! I can feel your heart beating, I see that you are breathing but why won't you wake up? Please..." She cried for a while and eventually laid next to him and went to sleep. It was the 30th day of this routine.


One day after Arthur's passing, his wound healed and his heart was beating, she was thrilled about it and waited for him to wake up.

Some time later they got near Sweden and not knowing how to control the dragon she just struck her blade into it's brain and crashed into a cliff nearby, she and Arthur were fine but the monster died, she dragged him inside and nothing much happened since then, she just stayed by Arthur hoping he would wake up.


Realizing that the corpse on the ground was his Arthur bent down and touched it. His hand was getting sucked inside and he let it happen.

-4 hours later-

Arthur woke up and felt something warm right next to him, it was Rebecca snuggling close to him. Her face was still sad but seemed to have cleared up.

He snuggled close to her too and as she felt it he eyes opened and her face was one of shock. When she saw that Arthur was ok she couldn't resist kissing him. He felt the same so he was caressing her body and touching her inappropriately.

After taking both their clothes off they jumped on each other like animals, they had sex for an entire day and night not even saying a word to each other.

The next morning they went outside to look at the ocean and after he sat down Rebecca sat on his lap facing him, she just hugged him and cried for a while.

"Thank God you are ok. I don't know what I would have done if you died."

He just hugged her tighter.

"What should we do know then?" He finally said.

"Let's stay here for a while, it's really nice having a house over your head."

Arthur nodded and kissed her on the neck.