
In the morning, a strong gust of wind woke Arthur, he ignored it, preferring to stay in Rebecca's warm embrace, but then an ice cold droplet landed on his face and immediately froze it.

Arthur felt the cold and touched his cheek that he could barely feel anymore, when his finger landed on the zone that was hit, his skin cracked and a chunk of meat fell off.

He was shocked, he was barely even hit since the apocalypse began, now that he felt true pain he didn't even realize he was hurting.

But even deep in thought his mind was still on Rebecca, he needed to shelter her, and fast, some more droplets landed on him, and one on Rebecca's leg. She woke up to find Arthur enlarging his body on top of her.

He originally wanted to get under the dragon so neither of them had to suffer under the cold and painful rain.

"Arthur! What's going on?"

"…I don't really know. Just don't move too much, I got an idea."

He grew a hand on his chest and lifted her a little then with another hand sliced the skin of the dragon.

The monster was overwhelmed from the rain and didn't even feel the big slice on his back. Arthur made the wound even bigger until it fit Rebecca, he then put her inside and covered the hole with a giant centipede plate made from a hand that he cut off.

'Now that she is out of danger, it's time for you to die!'

He rose to his feet not even feeling the pain anymore as his body was getting covered in jet black plates in a wolf design he stole from a manga James had.

Now instead of hurting from the ice rain all it seemed to do was actually reinforce his armor, seemingly getting more and adapted to the harsh environment.

Far away, hidden by the morning rays of sunlight a flying monster was creeping up to him. It was a silver dragon, and this one was an actual dragon, unlike to monster he was riding.

As the dragon got closer, thick clouds appeared in the sky, they looked like they were made of ice and the wind they brought was just as cold.

Arthur was running electricity trough the plates to warm them up so he would not freeze to death.

The dragon flew above Arthur and the warmth he was producing was barely enough to keep blood running through his veins, he wasn't sure if he would survive standing on the dragon or if he could even be accurate enough to actually teleport on it. But he had to, or else...

He raised his hand above his head, and getting his plates thicker and hotter, then without a warning, with the sound of a small gust of wind that was drowned in the strong winds already whistling around him, his hand did a full rotation around his body but as it passed every part of it, his skin, muscles and even bones disappeared only to appear in the next moment on the back of the dragon.

His teleportation was only a little off as his feet were stuck inside the scales of the dragon, he had no option than to cut them off since even their atoms were intertwined.

He first struck the dragon with his bladed hand but he couldn't get it deep enough to be able to hold on to it until his feet regenerate so he did the absurd, he also got his hands stuck in the dragon and grew other arms to free his legs, the giant monster didn't even feel the small wounds the ordeal caused and it wasn't even aware that Arthur was on it's back.

After he freed himself Arthur walked to the place where he felt the most electrical activity, it's heart, the monster didn't have much more activity in the brain than a normal pigeon, and even if he did cut it's head off, which he wasn't sure he could, the dragon would surely notice him before he got up there and would kill him.

'How the fu... Oh, I got an idea, if I coat my hand in venom and lodge it in there then maybe it will die, it's my best chance anyway.'

And so he did, originally the dragon seemed unaffected but after a little while it's flight got unstable, it's muscles moved harder and it's eyes were getting shut, but it went into a gliding position just as it's muscles were getting tightened, it was unconscious.

But out of nowhere, the flesh around Arthur's hand opened up and as he looked down, he could see it was stuck in a stopped heart, right on top of the head of a small girl.

The girl didn't look older than maybe seven four old. She had white hair similar to Arthur's but had small twisted horns on the side of her head, she was wearing a white and black outfit made out of a jacket and short pants covered by a skirt. She was curled up in a fetal position while she opened her eyes and looked at an unknown man that looked a little similar to her.

"Papa... I'm... sorry..." She said before she fainted. Arthur not wanting to let her alone took her in his arms before eyeing the orb she was holding.

It was a yellow orb, but this one was a little bigger and was rather golden, inside of it was a baby dragon, it had white scales and big wings that were covering most of it's body.

Arthur let her hold it for now since he saw another orb, it was a simple red orb that had some liquid nitrogen inside, he pocketed it and teleported back on the monster with the little girl.

He freed Rebecca and when she saw the little girl she shot him a glance that said 'Really?'

"It's not like that, I found her inside the dragon. She called me papa, I couldn't just leave her there to crash into the cold ocean."

"What fucking dragon? You put me inside this disgusting thing while you fought a damn dragon? Are you crazy, I could have helped!"

"Babe, calm down. The temperature was like -100°C up there, you would have frozen almost instantly if I took you with me, and the rain that was coming out of the sky was liquid nitrogen, it literally 'burned' holes in my skin..."

"... Ugh, fine, I forgive you. Anyway, do you even know how to take care of a child? We might barely have to eat but her? I don't have breast milk you know?" She sounded a little annoyed but got worried toward the end of her line.

"She looks old enough to eat normal food... I think, maybe she's like us, otherwise how would she survive this long?"

"Do you even hear yourself? Didn't you say you found her in a damn dragon?"

"Oh, yeah... I forgot."

"... Mama? Papa?" A small voice was heard.