Schools and colleges are fighting for the maximum power of the country, only one will emerge victorious and will have the power and total control of the country and the nation. The United States is currently facing Spain, which has a population of about two million people, a population of about thirty billion.

Schools and colleges have been at war for years, there have been at least half a dozen wars in the last twenty-four years. There is a big gap between countries.

The most popular universities and colleges were the ones that managed to avoid any conflict or any kind of conflict to stay with their disciplines. Some schools even had to go into hiding as they did not face war and therefore no conflict.

However, due to an unknown reason, schools, colleges and universities went into lockdown more than two months ago. No new information is being released or leaked from schools and colleges, and governments have decided not to say much until something changes. Students at the various schools and colleges, while worried about what is happening, are not sure whether to worry too much or not. Many of them already know what wars and fighting can be like, but the amount of fighting they are facing is shocking.

A large number of colleges and universities, including those close to each other, are also struggling to overcome the siege. It is very difficult to get a plane anywhere within a fifty-mile radius of where you are staying because all flights are canceled and all planes are being searched.

the college and colleges were fighting in the war for the total power of the country and the country, most of the forces that were on the other side were the military forces of both sides. The main objective was simply to destroy the forces on the other side so that they never had a chance to start over. This battle lasted almost six weeks. However, it ended quickly, as the opposing side's forces began to flee when they realized they were losing. They fled into the forest in fear and ran towards their bases.

After the last person fled, the war finally ended and both teams stopped fighting to look around. Most of the students, except for a few who had been sent elsewhere, were still there, looking around in shock. Their minds were still trying to understand what was happening.

There was no clear winner. A lot of people didn't see it, but there were still many corpses lying around the field. Some of these soldiers were killed during the fighting, others were captured and some of them died in a way that could only be described as horrible. Some of these soldiers were wounded and still alive, they just couldn't speak or move very fast, so they stayed behind, trying not to make a sound that might alert someone to their presence. Those ones

24 years

all the country was is peace

all the schools and colleges were having classes on this very day, and the students were returning home to spend the weekend with their families and friends. But no one was really paying attention, they didn't realize that something important had happened today. Everyone thought it was just another normal Saturday.

But it wasn't a normal Saturday. And neither do the news.

Huguel Henrique killed the leader of the military school and stole his post. This led to an attack on the government.

A university student was taken hostage by the military. He was kept in the basement until they could figure out how to extract him without alerting everyone else.

All of this happened yesterday morning, but it wasn't just the normal weekend for those involved in the war, it was also the first day after the start of the war.

The world went crazy.

The media, the news stations, everything. Everyone tried to talk to each other. Everyone tried to calm down and explain what was going on, but nothing really made sense. People said they didn't believe it, but no one seemed to believe anything when they said it.

All hell broke loose as people stared at the sun, wondering why it hadn't set yet. Why weren't they dead. The people who were left in the world were scared, angry and confused. Nobody knew why this had happened. Everything had started out perfectly well. Nothing seemed to go wrong, everything seemed normal, except for the fact that things were starting to affect everyone.

People were starting to lose hope of surviving the night. There were still a few people left, but most gave up and decided to live their lives the way they always had. They didn't want more death

war broke out between schools and colleges, and most students wanted to leave.

Some boys were planning to flee earlier this week, before the war reached full force. Others, however, decided that leaving now would not do them any good.

Many would wait until the next day and flee while it was still dark. Some were planning to run away right now. Some planned to steal a car that was parked nearby. Some wanted to run. Some wanted to hide.

But most students planned to wait and hope to wake up tomorrow as if none of this had happened.

No one was sure how long the war would last. All they knew was that the people would die and suffer as their lives slowly faded away. If people didn't do something soon, then that's exactly what would happen. The future looked bleak and horrible, but everyone agreed it couldn't get any worse. After all, nothing bad had happened in this town.

So it was no surprise when everyone decided to wait. But no one could blame them for being cautious. No matter how much they didn't want to think about it or deal with it, something bad had happened and it could happen again, and it could lead to the end of the world.

Nobody talked about the possible end of the world.

colleges were invaded schools and took children and teenagers hostage. Colleges and universities attacked schools and schools retaliated and attacked colleges and universities. The students who survived fled into the woods and hid, not wanting to risk their lives coming out of the closet. The parents were crying, saying goodbye to their loved ones, but not wanting to leave their children in danger.

It wasn't a pretty sight.

People had to watch everything they were doing in front of them. It hurt everyone's eyes, especially as everyone had tears staining their cheeks. People screamed in pain and fear, and had to be dragged into ambulances by their parents and friends. They had to sit in chairs and wait for someone to tell them when they would be free from this torture, when doctors could help their children.

Everyone cried and cried. They couldn't stop sobbing until they couldn't anymore, and when they tried to keep talking, their screams only got louder. They were tired and hungry, and some were crying nonstop. They didn't feel safe; they felt insecure. Their homes and loved ones were taken from them. They were surrounded by monsters.

And it wasn't the only thing different; there were more monsters everywhere than people realized. Some of them looked a lot like the people they knew, but they weren't the same monsters. They couldn't remember seeing them before, and they didn't

the military college was trying to wipe out the enemy college

the battle was sacred to them. So much blood was spilled, it was unimaginable for everyone to have seen and known. There were some places that were completely destroyed, buildings were destroyed.

Even if it's not true, no one really expected that a simple war, which was supposed to involve just a few hundred people and a few hundred armed soldiers, would turn into something bigger than a football game and a war between schools and colleges. . It was beyond imagination.

"Why? How? What the hell is going on?"

These questions filled the minds of everyone who heard them. Some questioned. They asked what was happening, who caused it and how it happened. And some even began to ask how they would survive this, if they would continue to survive.

At first, there was no one who dared answer any of his questions. There were also those who denied the truth: "It's all propaganda" or "That's impossible." Some of those who spoke about it claimed that they didn't understand or that no one would dare say more.

It was hard to decide what to believe, but no one was able to accept the truth.

"How can something so small turn into this?"

"Is this just another war?"

"It couldn't happen again... Shall we fight them again?!"

"the school. military were fighting enemy faculties in court? Is this just a dream and are we going to wake up?"

"If this is real then what the hell is going on?"

And eventually, many started making escape plans, and those who didn't make plans would die. Some who made plans were already dead. Many plans were abandoned in favor of hiding from enemy forces. Some were too afraid to face the consequences of their actions and went into hiding. Some students became prisoners of war.

They were tortured, interrogated and experimented on. They tried to resist, but most gave in before long. As time passed, it became more difficult for them to fight and kill. Eventually, many stopped trying to win and surrendered peacefully.

Many died during the war; some of them never woke up again. Many people blamed the teachers and professors for what had happened, but it only caused the wars. Now that it was done, everyone knew the war wouldn't end until both schools were defeated and the war was won.

It was obvious he couldn't go on.

This war was not going to be fought over and over again.

The only option was to surrender.

There were many students who had no idea about the war, and no one would teach them about it.

but a student named Huguel Henrique appeared out of nowhere in Batanha between the military college and the colleges. Huguel appeared as a little boy with dirty blond hair and green eyes. He looked almost exactly like a little girl, but he looked so much like the president of the school that no one recognized him for the first two hours or so.

But as soon as the students realized he was not a little boy, Huguel Henrique took a different weapon and threw an explosive on the floor of the court near the students of the Colégio Militar and the faculty of the University of São Marcos.

He blew up the entire building.

As a result, all the students were killed, including the teacher and the principal.

When the explosion happened, the students started to wake up and run out onto the court to see what the commotion was all about. Most of them were not prepared,Huguel Herinque was aiming a blast gun at alubos and he says you now obey my command now I am the leader of the military college now I am also the leader of the University of San Marcos and I will rule the campus like my father, your king.

I will lead you to victory because I will lead you to victory.

You should look up when I speak. I won't allow anyone to ignore me, and if you don't listen to me, I will destroy you.