Chapter 7

Students waited nervously outside the room. It felt like an eternity since the last time the students practiced fighting.

The teacher asked the students to stand in a circle while he prepared to teach them how to fight.

The teacher starts teaching them basic defense techniques. He then proceeds to teach them how to cast spells.

The teacher said students I won't make you fight today but today you will learn to defend yourself from spells.

the students looked at each other worriedly as they waited to see what the teacher would do.

The teacher continues teaching defensive spells while instructing how to do magic.

As soon as everyone finished practicing, the Professor dismissed them, saying that they would continue practicing after lunch.

Everyone was excited to practice with their friends and relatives, but they also wanted to talk about the masked man responsible for the students' deaths.

As the students were leaving the classroom, they overheard one of the teachers talking to the vice president.

The vice president said sir, do you mean there's more than one?

The teacher says yes, but it looks like the others haven't arrived yet, so let's wait until they arrive, then we can deal with each other.

The students walked at a slow pace as they discussed the news they received yesterday. Some were afraid that students at Green Valley School for Boys would come back and finish what they started.

Benjamin Reed, Nicolás Reed, Luana were summoned as commanders to lead Crossroads University and Green Valley School for Boys in the war against the masked man.

they all entered the classroom as they gathered and looked at Professor Dumbledore as he sat down in his chair.

The professor explained that since the masked man has not yet introduced himself, we can assume that he is still alive. We should be wary of those who show up and who we're struggling with, but don't forget that we still have support from other schools like Green Valley School for Girls and Green Valley School for Boys.

Benjamin says

The professor says this may be true, but don't underestimate them because we have no idea what kind of power they have. As long as he stays hidden, he should be fine, but if he goes out and starts causing trouble and if they attack us, things can get dangerous.

Nicolás says that he will try to find out who the masked master is and try to find out what they are planning.

The masked man appeared behind the students who were seated at the front of the class. He removed the mask revealing his face.

Students sigh at the sight of him

The students exclaimed in fear.

The masked man tells the students that they are free to go

But before they could move, the masked man conjured a sword that aimed at the students.

Benjamin exclaims upon seeing the swords.

The masked man had yellow skin and red hair and yellow eyes and had a demonic appearance.

Students quickly approach the teachers and the teachers hug them to protect them.

The students began to panic in fear of what would happen to them.

the masked man said

said Benjamin.

benjamin screams

The students looked at Benjamin confused. What did he say?

the masked man replied

Benjamin said

Benjamin says

The students screamed and screamed in pain as they squeezed their hearts.

the masked man said, then he disappeared into thin air leaving some students lying on the floor motionless and bleeding. The rest of the students ran and out the door.

the students then realized what had happened.

Then they ran away crying and screaming.

The students then started screaming at the top of their lungs and running as fast as they could.

The students screamed in fear. Some students even started crying as they ran.

Some of the students ran out of the building in tears. Others ran in circles in fear. Some students were already crying. Students tried to run away from school because they didn't know what to do.

The students were trying to avoid the masked man as they were terrified and afraid to confront him.

After the masked man left, the teachers started calling the students and tried to help them. However, there was no one who could stop the masked man.

the students screamed and sobbed. The teachers tried to comfort the students. Some students couldn't stop crying. They just couldn't accept what had happened.

Some students were not happy with the situation, but they understood that their lives were in danger and they needed to get out of there. Some students didn't care at all and were happy because they were finally experiencing the freedom they longed for.

The students who didn't leave were still crying and hugging each other as they hugged whoever was closest. They cried, hugged and apologized to each other in fear of dying.

A few minutes later, the students were slowly calming down as they let go and looked out the windows. They noticed that most of them were gone. Only a small handful of them were still crying and clinging to each other. Some of them looked out the window expecting to see their friends, but all they saw was darkness.

As the teachers searched for the students, they found two girls and a boy who were hiding behind a tree.

The boy asked, why did you hide, why are you crying?

The girl said they heard everything.

The boy said there must be a mistake.

The girl said that they saw what happened.

Morneiros appears before the students with a scary smile

Morners say you can run but you can't hide,

Morneiros then call the gates and the masked man appears and opens the gate along with

Mornings, and when the gates open all the demons of hell come out. The demon from hell came out and started attacking the students as they fought each other. The students began to die one after the other. The demon's attack caused more casualties among the students.

As the demons attack the students, the teachers start killing the demons. When the demons were defeated, the teachers returned to the classrooms and began teaching the students to defend themselves from the demons' attacks.

One by one, the students began to learn self-defense. They learned spells that allow them to deflect or block attacks and learned to cast protective spells.

Benjamin, Nicolás and Luana were assigned to teach defensive magic to the students.

When the students were taught by the three academy members, they showed the student their new spell.

Students are amazed and amazed at the skill and abilities of the 3 gym members. After the students finished learning their defensive spells, they all started training to defend themselves from the monsters' attacks.

The monster's attacks got worse as the students grew stronger. His powers were getting stronger too. Many students were able to defeat monsters and monsters that were powerful enough to kill them.

students are now very skilled at fighting monsters and can defeat any ordinary person in battle.

the students were training so hard they were tired.

The days went by

the masked man is Morneiros summon the blood rain is giant demons is skeleton soldiers to attack universities Crossroads University is Green Valley School for Boys has been attacked several times by skeletons.

The students continued their studies.

The students are now strong enough to protect the students. They were able to save many people, including their families.

Benjamin, Nicolás and Luana were all extremely happy. They are finally safe from the monsters and their parents.

After a month of training and successful student protection, the students reached their senior year.

The students were all nervous and scared. They've never seen anything like it in their entire lives. They were afraid this would become an everyday thing and they wouldn't be able to escape this nightmare until they died.

Students were busy cleaning up the destroyed classrooms and bodies lying on the floor. They tried to clean their bodies so that no one would see them.

Students and faculty have decided to make their first official announcement:

The students looked at each other nervously. They were expecting something bad. They thought this announcement would be a good thing that would put an end to their anxiety.

Students were confused by what the ads were about. Why would teachers announce such a thing?

Benjamin ask the teacher.

asked Nicolas.

Luana asks

The students started looking around trying to see the source of their voices. Nobody is responding.

said Luna.

Professor Dant says all of you grab your weapons, if you spend your families and be prepared because we are going to fight the masked man is Morneiros

the students understood the warning and soon all the students took their weapons and went to say goodbye to their families, and then went to the battlefield against the

Morneiros is the masked man

1 million students from the two universities Green Valley School for Boys and Crossroads University were on the battlefield against the masked man is Morneiros