Father Weizhe is the second leader of the Green Valley School for Boys, Father Weizhe is ambitious is that being in power above all else even if he needs to betray his school for that.

It was like this, with both father and son, father was always trying to outdo the other, to be the first person in history to succeed, and to become top in everything. His goal wasn't just to rule over all others, but also to be better than anyone, and to make them fear him.

His ambitions were so strong that he didn't know any different, it was impossible to see past his desire to reach the top and he never stopped until he achieved his goal. He was willing to do anything to get what he wanted, even murder his own son, to achieve his goals.

He has done things like this for years now, and as much as he tried to hide his true intentions from his son he knew it wouldn't last forever, he would find out eventually. It was inevitable, sooner or later his son would understand, and it won't take long before he realizes why he's being hunted. Father Weizhe is a smart man, but sometimes intelligence can't save you when your actions are questionable. He knew he could not let his son find out, even if he wants to.

He doesn't care about winning the title of top student at college, he cares more about making sure he is the best person there. He cares more about having his way, no matter who it hurts in the process.

It' is the same old story he told himself over and over again, he was good enough to beat everyone else, and that means he'll be the next great leader of the school. The reason why they don't want him is because they think he is too weak to rule them, too fragile to lead them. He was born a victim of circumstance, something he has been trained to overcome ever since, he knows how to survive.

But his son doesn't, his son thinks the world revolves around him, and that means he will never accept him for who he really is. If he does then things might turn out differently, but it isn't worth risking everything just for an easy victory. Besides, what kind of parent is he if he allows his son to be the villain? His son can't do anything, and he couldn't do anything either, all he had was himself, and his dream.

He has given up everything for the sake of becoming the greatest leader, he cannot fail, he can't show weakness, he must remain the strongest. No one can stop him; not the school, and certainly not his own son. He is the only one who can defeat him, and he can do it alone.

He is nothing without his son, he is nothing without the world that used to revolve around his son, and he is nothing without his son.

Father Weizhe then made a plan, Father Weizhe murdered the leader of his school calling Manuel and ran away from the school soon is followed by the killing of two other leaders.

The first one was the leader of another high school, and he died shortly after his death was reported by police, and Father Weizhe killed him in cold blood.

That was the beginning of the end for his son.

He was on his way to the next target, the leader of the University for Girls. He had his trusty gun in his pocket ready to pull the trigger at a moment's notice, but unfortunately, fate did not agree with him. He got caught as he was reaching the campus, and was held captive by the police.

As expected the news of the murders spread quickly among students, parents, and teachers alike.

The whole university was shaken, and no one believed in the innocence of the murderer. He was seen in police custody, and it didn't help that he was wearing the green uniform and holding the Green Valley diploma.

Father Weizhe didn't escape unscathed, the police questioned him extensively as a result, and after several hours of questioning he confessed everything, he admitted that he planned everything, the murders, the killings, and all he ever wanted was power.

Once again he was arrested and taken back to prison where he was placed under house arrest.

However, life continued on without him. Students began to forget about his crimes.

but getting arrested was Father Weizhe's plan all along, Father Weizhe wanted to show his power is what

he was able.

one day, Father Weizhe managed to get out of prison, if no one knew, he went straight to the Green Valley School for Boys and went to the patio where the Students were talking.

Father Weizhe took out his pistol, aimed at the first student he saw, and pulled the trigger. A gunshot echoed through the air, and a student fell to the ground lifelessly while the other students scattered in fear.

Father Weizhe looked up at the balcony and smiled, he was the first one to complete this mission, and he finally felt proud of himself.

This would be his legacy as the greatest leader of the school, the founder of Green .