"Can you believe it?!"

"Yes, it seems impossible."

"It must be impossible. I don't know anyone who has enough money to hire someone to kidnap their kid."

"Maybe they just don't want us to know about the kidnapping."

"But what else could it be?"

Everyone turned to the source of the voices. Alexander felt frozen in terror when he saw that none other than Alexander's father was standing there staring at him with an intense glare.

"Father..." Alexander gulped silently. "Did you... Did you call him?"

Alexander winced and stepped backwards as his father stormed towards him. Everyone in the hall stared fearfully at the scene unfolding right in front of their eyes.

Alexander flinched and tried to run away, but his father blocked his path effortlessly. Alexander gasped as his father pushed him forcefully to the ground, pinning him down with one hand on his neck. Tears welled up in Alexander's eyes as he struggled desperately against his father, desperate to get free. But he wasn't strong enough. He felt a sharp pain shoot through his ribs and cried out. His struggles became weaker as his breathing became shallower and his vision started getting blurry. He felt coldness spread through his body and realized that he was bleeding. He couldn't move a muscle. He didn' care about anything anymore except trying desperately to escape from this nightmare. He was going to die here and no one, not even his mother or David, would ever know about it. Everything was slipping away from him, leaving behind nothing more than cold darkness. Darkness where his family and friends would never be able to find him, darkness where his future lay hidden and unknown, darkness where he would spend eternity alone forevermore…

No. This isn't my end... This isn't how it ends. Alexander choked out between gasps as he fought against the grip around his throat. The last thing Alexander remembered seeing was the flash of his mother's horrified expression as he passed out, and then blackness took him once again.

When Alexander came to, he was lying in a bed in what appeared to be a hospital room. He blinked in confusion as a nurse walked towards him. Before she had gotten anywhere near, he jerked upright and grabbed hold of the edge of the sheets with his hands, struggling to keep his balance. A sharp stab of pain shot through his head.

"Easy now..."

The nurse carefully removed his grasp on the sheets and helped him settle back down in the bed. She smiled gently at him reassuringly.

"Where am I? Where's my family?" Alexander demanded anxiously.

"Relax, Alexander." The nurse soothed. "Your family is perfectly fine. You've been unconscious for the past two days. Your father and brother are sitting right outside. There was some sort of accident involving an ambulance and the police and several cars hit an animal crossing and a bunch of people were injured." She explained calmly. "They brought you here immediately after your surgery and you're going to have quite the recovery period."

Alexander swallowed anxiously.

"How bad is it?" He asked softly.

"I can't say for sure. All I know is that the doctor said that you lost a lot of blood and sustained a minor concussion." The nurse replied compassionately. "You'll probably have to stay under supervision for a few days until we determine whether or not you're going to be okay."

Alexander looked down at his legs which were covered by a light blanket and noticed bandages covering most of his upper thighs. He wondered how many bones he'd broken. His eyes wandered up to his chest and stomach, noticing bandages covering his chest, stomach and abdomen as well, and multiple scratches covering his arms and legs. He also caught sight of the stitches that were still sewed into his abdomen, the doctors had done their job perfectly. The nurse noticed Alexander's gaze and chuckled lightly.

"Don't worry, it will heal up quite nicely." She assured him kindly. "We' all got pretty banged up ourselves though." She added jokingly.

Alexander grinned weakly as he glanced across at the window. Through the glass he saw the familiar face of his father leaning against the brick wall of the building. Jonathan waved cheerily at him through the window, his smile widening as he spotted Alexander gazing back at him.

"He really cares for you doesn't he?" The nurse commented with a soft chuckle.

Alexander nodded slowly.

"He has every right to. He's always had my best interests at heart." Alexander answered simply.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed down the corridor, causing both Alexander and the nurse to turn sharply. Moments later, Alexander's mother burst into the room, followed closely by Joseph, who had just emerged from his own apartment. Both stopped short upon seeing Alexander's condition.

Joseph hurried forwards and knelt beside Alexander's bed, placing a gentle hand on Alexander's forehead to check his temperature.

"Are you alright?" Joseph asked quietly, concern etched onto his features.

"Hey there handsome." Alec smirked feebly.

Joseph rolled his eyes at his husband's antics.

"You're not supposed to tease him while he's in this state, you know." Joseph scolded.

Alexander giggled and winced at the sudden pain that shot through his sides.

"What's wrong?" Mary exclaimed worriedly. "Have you been having pains like that recently?"

Alexander nodded slowly.

"Has he told you anything else about yesterday?" Joseph inquired.

"Nothing." Alec frowned. "I was just going to ask him about it when we met each other."

Joseph raised a brow at his brother and continued examining him.

Mary sighed deeply and placed her hands on Alexander's shoulders.

"Do you remember when I first brought you home? Do you remember when your father and I first arrived?"

Alec hesitated slightly before nodding his head hesitantly.

"Well I was afraid you wouldn't remember me at first because of the accident…" Mary continued nervously.

"Mary what are you saying?" Joseph interrupted sternly.

Mary took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she prepared herself for the inevitable explosion coming her way.

"I went to your father's office one evening to talk to him about our son. He seemed rather preoccupied so I just left and didn't bother telling him about you." Mary paused briefly as her voice broke. "I'm sorry…"

Joseph looked at her incredulously.

"Why in god's name would you go behind your father's back like that?! We could have been killed, you idiot!" Joseph growled angrily.

Mary' face was completely white with shock. Her mouth hung open in surprise.

"I'm sorry, Joseph." She mumbled sheepishly.

Joseph rubbed the top of his head as he sighed and tried to calm himself down.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Mary." He replied. "As long as we're all safe, that's what matters."

He reached across the bed and hugged Mary tightly.

"I'm so glad you're home, Alexander." Joseph whispered happily.

"Me too." Alexander replied softly as he wrapped his arms around his father.

"So, do you think this has something to do with those strange packages your father left for us in the mail?" Joseph asked curiously as he loosened his grip from around Alexander's waist.

"Yeah." Alexander said softly. "My father called me this morning and told me that he wanted us to meet him at a place he knew. I guess the mystery man was waiting for us."

"A secret meeting?" Mary questioned. "Why does it matter anyway? Is it about the package he gave you?"

"I don't know." Alexander replied softly. "I guess if it turns out to be dangerous, maybe it's worth it."

"Oh boy." Joseph sighed heavily as he glanced across at Alexander. "There goes my chance to go fishing."

"Dad, relax." Alexander reassured his father. "It's not really going to work if I can't go hunting anyways..."

"I don't think any of this is funny." Mary snapped. "That man could have hurt Alexander! It sounds like he was planning something big."

"But he hasn't tried anything yet." Joseph pointed out.

"And what if he decides to try?" Mary replied. "Or what if he just takes the opportunity and tries to kill you?"

Alexander opened his mouth to speak when they heard a loud noise from downstairs. Alexander's eyes widened as the sound of someone breaking into their house rang throughout the entire apartment. Joseph and Mary exchanged panicked glances. Joseph quickly jumped off the bed and ran out of the door without another word.

Alexander stared blankly at his empty hospital bed. He turned over on the side of the bed as pain shot through his stomach and head. He groaned and buried his head in his pillow. As soon as he laid back down, tears began streaming down his face. He clutched at the edge of the pillow, his fingernails digging painfully into it, unable to prevent the tears. After a moment, the door swung open suddenly. Joseph barged in.

"Are you awake?" Joseph asked breathlessly.

Alexander nodded silently, looking up at his older brother with fearful eyes. Joseph rushed across the room towards him.

"I need to see your wound again." He murmured. "It looks painful."

Alexander nodded reluctantly and lifted the hem of the hospital gown to expose the stitches along his midsection. Joseph reached out a finger to trace them lightly. As he did so, Alexander let out a low gasp as pain flared through him, causing him to clench his eyes shut and bury his face in the pillow.

"What is it?" Joseph asked, alarmed, as he watched Alexander writhing in agony on the bed. "Is that the same thing that attacked you last time? What happened?"

"No." Alexander muttered. "This feels different... It doesn't feel like the same creature."

His eyes opened suddenly, wide with alarm and fear.

"Wait a second... My father and the others are here... They're all safe."

Joseph's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"What exactly are you talking about?"

Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve

Alexander struggled to stand up shakily as he leaned against a nearby pillar. Pain radiated from his abdomen, making it impossible for him to stand straight. Joseph helped him over to the sink where he proceeded to wash his injuries before applying antiseptic and dressing the wounds properly. Once everything was finally patched up, Alexander hobbled back to the bed and lay down exhausted. He felt tired and drowsy after spending so much time asleep.

Joseph sat on the edge of the bed and held Alexander's hand gently.

"Don't worry Alexander, you're okay now," he repeated softly.

The silence fell between the three men. It seemed as if none of them really knew what to say next. Finally Joseph decided to break the silence.

"So, you managed to get injured whilst fighting off an evil spirit?" He queried sarcastically.

"Yes." Alexander replied simply, turning to look at Joseph. "He was trying to kill all of us. And the only reason I survived is because of the people in that other world."

"Other world?" Joseph repeated quizzically.

"That is what my father calls it. He calls it the realm beyond death and it is filled with many more people. And the spirits of deceased people roam about, killing anyone who comes across them."

"But why did the spirit attack you?" Joseph asked in astonishment.

"Because I am the only heir to his throne." Alexander explained calmly. "He wants the power he once had but now he is powerless. And since the land of the dead cannot move around unless he allows it to