Nila And Nick Are Pregnant

"I'm pregnant." Jess said.

"Did you tell Trish yet?" Nila asked.

"Not yet and she'll be here an-..." Jess said as Trish came to the door and kissed Jess.

"What's wrong?" Trish asked once they pulled away and Jess has tears in her eyes.

"I'm pregnant..." Jess said.

"That's great news baby!" Trish said.

"Your not mad?" Jess asked.

"Why would I be?" Trish asked.

"I want to have kids." Danny and Rex said pouting.

"We can try later." Nila and I said.

"Okay promise?" Danny and Rex asked.

"Promise love." Nila and I said.

Hours passed we turned off our camera's and muted ourselves as we tried to make babies. Danny did the same with Jess he turned off his camera and muted himself. Once we were done for today we unmuted ourselves and turned on our camera's again

Jess hung up 24 hours into the call. Danny and Rex went to get a few pregnancy tests. When they came back home we went into the bathroom and took them. Once they beeped all of the tests said negative we were disappointed so we went to the doctors.

We left our phones at home. Danny and Rex signed us in. When the nurse called us in. The doctor showed up he looked like Nila maybe he's her father? But I didn't know until she said this and then I knew he was/is her father.

"Hey dad." Nila said.

"Hey sweetheart." Doctor James said.

"We're trying to get pregnant." Nila said.

"Lay down and lift up your shirt." Doctor James said.

"Yes sir." I said.

"Yes dad." Nila said she didn't want to disappoint her father.

We did as told he put cold gel on our stomach as he moved the wand. He looks at the screen and sees a small thing. We see it as well and looked scared. This is the first time we are having kids so.

"What is it dad?" Nila asked.

"There's your babies." Doctor James said.

"But the pregnancy tests said." Nila said.

"Your to tired to look at them my dear." Doctor James said.

"Sir I told her to get more sleep last night." I said.

"Thanks Nick." Doctor James said.

"How?" I asked.

"I was the one that did the surgery." Doctor James said.

"Oh yeah!!!!" I said.

"It's okay if you forgot about me. " Doctor James said.

"No it's not." I said.

"Hey Rex." Doctor James said.

"How do you know him?" I asked.

"Hey uncle James." Rex said

"You never told me you were related to Nila." I said.

"You never asked." Rex and Nila said.

"True." Danny said.

"Shush love." Nila said.

"True." I said.

"When's the wedding?" Nila asked.

"Whenever I propose." Rex said as he took out his phone and I heard a message from Skype.

"True." Nila said.

"Exactly." Rex said.

"When will that be in a year?" Nila texts from Danny's phone.

"Sometime and maybe." Rex texts.

"Okay I hope your good to him." Nila texts.

"Always." Rex texts.

"You better." Nila texts.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I love you." Rex said.

"I love you too." I said.

"Love you more." Rex said.

"No." I said.

"Yes." Rex said.

"No." I said.

"Yes." Rex said.

"No." I said.

"Yes." Rex said.

"No." I said.

"Yes." Rex said.

"No." I said.

"Ye-." Rex was about to say until I kissed him.

We went home. We love each other so much. It's been 36 hours on the call. We all did something and Nila was last I was third Danny was second and Rex was first. Which is fine but weird anyways.

"I love you but your to horny at times!" Me and Nila said.

"We need to fix that we know." Danny and Rex said.

Jess and Zoey tried to call me, Nila, Rex and Danny. Danny is the only one that answered the call. They were all talking at once me and Nila had a headache so we took painkillers because our head hurt.

"What's going on?" Danny asked.

"So Rex and Nila are cousins?" Trish asked.

"You and Nick are pregnant?" Seven asked.

"Yeah." Nila said.

"Wow." They all said.

"Yep." I said.

"Okay?" Danny asked.

"Yeah." Nila said.

"I love you." Rex said.

"Love you too." I said.

"Love you." Danny said.

"Love you too." Nila said.

"Is that the first time Danny said "I love you" first?" Trish asked.

"That's kind of weird." I said.

"Yeah it is the first time he said it first." Nila said.

"How is that weird?" Danny asked.

"It's different." I said.

"I love you." Nila said.

"That's better." We all said.

"Love you too." Danny said as he rolled his eyes.

Nila giggles as she put on a black and white dress with pantyhose and heals that are black. Danny is confused until he remembered that me and Rex are taking them out. To celebrate mine and Nila's four years of leg surgery.

Nila is getting on her black earrings. Me and Rex are matching. I'm wearing a red and blue tux. He is wearing blue and red. Danny puts on a red tux with a blue tie then we all leave. So when I turned on the radio it started playing "crazy stupid love" by the movie.

It was great and one of our songs. Another is "I love you" by Avril Lavigne. Anyways as me and Rex were at the bar when we met these two songs started playing. It's so cute and sweet how we remember our songs.

"One of our songs." Rex said.

"Remember our songs love?" Nila asked.

"Yeah " Thank you next" and "pretty little psycho." Danny said as he turned on the radio and "thank you next" started playing.

"Did I just realize I didn't shave my legs?" Nila asked as Danny drives.

"Why did you forget that?" Danny asked.

"I was to busy talking to my cousin's lover." Nila said.

"Hey." I said as Nila called me.