First quest

Time skip 1 year later]. System he wants to see if this Will work shop as he said this a window pop an he saw four thing he can buy bloodlines skills/marital arts the next one said bloodlines max click and saw 5 bloodlines what max want to do is get the android he can get that sweet infinite energy and stamina but he could just wish for it now that is done status max.

Name Max

Level 5

Power 100

Stamina 57

Speed. 80

Mind. 20

Power lvl 5000

Age 4 years six months

DING: quest kill your family

Bonuses kill then while unmasked plus 10k villain points rewards

50k villain points mid grade crate 1000k origin points let's do this, first went to his grandfather

He went inside his room as he saw his grandfather still awake before that he bought

The skill called ki sword takes 15 ki per second

Oh hi my boy how is your train-before he could fully said it a red ki blade went though his chest

How COULD YOU!!! Before he died as max was still smiling and said you use your usefulness before max shot a ki destroy him HAHA IM A GOD 1 down 3 more as the grandmother was with before she did anything she saw the dead body max realize this blitzed and use his ki blade to cut her head off.DING 500 villain points for killing your grandfather while do in front of your grandmother plus 1000 DING you have gained 500 villain and extra points for chop her head off

Wow this worth and plus he lvl 5 times from this

Once I get into the force I can get even more