chapter 2

Kyra's pov

Wow that hurt as hell so she hates me that much I thought inwardly after brownie left me behind out gash my attention is then diverted to her ass it's so nice I feel good looking at it .it looks soft I wonder how it feels of I touched it. Oh my gash my mind what am I thinking amnt this dirty minded why do I become so pervy when it comes to this one girl Marika Godwins how I love bullying her I like that pleading face she wears when I bully her .Well I know I hurt her in the process but it's not my fault that I eventually became obsessed with her I wanna be near her from morning till evening.

I felt her look at me this afternoon when Alexa spilled chocolate in her hair am sorry to say this but it's a small punishment I had to give her after missing school for the whole of last week. I missed her like hell and so I had to create a scene I love looking in her sea blue eyes . She widened with this afternoon when Alexa called her a slut. How dare she call my brownie a slut I felt like jumping at her and beat her up but instead contained myself and just shot her a deadly glare.

I then moved out of the hall and headed to where our lockers were with burning rage after hearing what Alexa had said a slut how could she call Marika that It really hurt. i then opened my locker and got out my pack of cigarettes and a lighter and headed to my usual smoking area it was behind one of the blocks at school . I smoked while thinking about only one person God why am I do obsessed with her I can't do anything without thinking of her. After I was done I headed back .

"ohh where had you gone Kyra"Alexa asked immediately I had appeared at the corner of the hall . I just have her a lady stare then went to where they were standing .

"what's up guys" I said.

"nothing "all replied in a chorus.

"Alexa this is the last time you are ever gonna speak to Marika Godwins like the way you spoke today .how dare you call her a slut . you were busy calling her names yet you are a slut yourself "I said staring at Alexa whose eyes increased in size coz of shock from what i had just said .

"ain't you the one who told me to pour hot chocolate in her hair "Alexa said.

" in that statement you have said have you said anything like slut" I shouted .

" no but what's up with you Kyra why you over reacting about a word "

"ofcourse I have to over react about how you handle Marika coz am the only one who says or tells you want to do to her"

"wow so you are trying to side with Marika like your friends with her after all you have done to her .or do two have a thing"Alexa said.

"Kyra and Alexa please stop it that's enough your gonna attract attention her we need none in this matter"Emma said looking from one of us to the other .

"guys she's right please drop this and talk about sensible issues"Iris added.

"sensible issues is there anything that you think is more sensible to me than Marika right now."I said .

" oh my gash is it what i think it is"Emma said looking at me with widened eyes .

"what" i asked

"I think someone is in love "Emma replied in a whisper .

"who???" we asked her in a chorus. Instead of replying she stared at me and the others looked at me too.

"why you all looking at me " I said while raising up my hands to show that am innocent.

" coz it's you who is in love " Emma replied with a smile.

" meee" I said pointing at myself. The burst into laughter after hearing what Emma had said.

"oh no girl what have you been taking lately .how can Kyra be in love. She never speaks to boys or pay any sort of attention to what they tell her"Iris asked .

"and who told you that she's in love with a boy" Emma asked .As they exchanged words Alexa and I were quite listening to them. Alexa had an expression i couldn't read on her face.

"so tell us Kyra is it true " Iris asked looking at me.

"what shows that I am"I asked back in a serious tone .

"your caring so much for somebody shows"Emma replied with a smile.

"ohhhh" I said .

" why you smiling Emma donot tell me you know who the person is"Alexa finally spoke.

"you guys don't behave like you don't know what am talking about you know me I sense things faster "Emma said.

"then tell us"

"unfortunately amnot the one who is supposed to tell you wait till Kyra tells us herself "Emma concluded .

"amnot telling anyone anything coz amnot in love with anybody "I said.

The bell rang as we were still arguing. The three headed to class while I remained behind leaning against a wall thinking about what Emma had just said while scrolling through my phone.

I heard somebody come to the locker room but I didn't bother to see who it was . i felt somebody's stare on me . I looked up to only find those sea blue eyes staring at mine . My heart begun beating faster whats wrong heart calm down i thought. She walked towards her locker .