who is iron man[edited]

Manhattan, New York.

After an intense battle, Tony Stark finally defeated the enemy with the help of his beautiful assistant, Pepper Potts.

Iron Man once again proved how powerful the suit he created is to the world!

At this moment, Tony Stark, standing under countless spotlights, faced the questioning reporters, picked up the speech, and looked at it but then put it down.

"Superhero? Yes, of course, I am! But want me to hide my identity? No, that's not cool at all! I will be the first superhero who can identify himself!"

He raised his eyelids, "Actually, I am..." Countless people were watching him, and Tony also enjoyed this kind of high-profile feeling very much. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he was ready to make the headlines.

Before he could say 'I'm Iron Man,' suddenly, a beam of light penetrated the roof and enveloped him!

Standing next to Tony Stark, Colonel James Rhodes was bounced off by the beam of light but he got up from the ground very quickly, drew his pistol, and shouted: "Don't move, don't move, everyone! Hey, something is wrong. Come on!"

Tony was not too alarmed, only a little unhappy that someone had interrupted his performance.

He spread his hands and looked around, "What's this? Is this some terrorist trick?"

[The quiz game is about to begin, please be prepared]

The voice did not come from someone's mouth but seemed to be passed down from a very high altitude, magnificent and indifferent, with a suffocating majesty.

The media reporters in the venue, when the change happened, all fell on the ground honestly. Living in a disaster-prone country, being vigilant at any time and place was their most basic quality.

At this moment, they were all holding their breath, not even daring to shout.

"Game? Do you want to play games with me at this time!?" Tony smiled, "Asshole! Better don't let me know who you are, otherwise, I will beat the shit out of you!"

[first rule: Players must remain in calm at all times. Player Tony Stark, for violation of the rules, the first level of punishment will be imposed]

The loud voice fell to the ground, and a stout electric current hit Tony along the beam of light. The clothes that Pepper had carefully arranged for him immediately burned. His hair became a mess, wisps of scorched smoke were lingering, and there were a few more greys and black marks on his face.

The high-end privately-made suits also became rags under the impact of the electric shock, draping them all over the body. The young and promising president of the Stark group suddenly became a poor beggar.

"Tony! Tony, are you okay? Hey! What are you doing, save Tony!"

Pepper Potts saw this and wanted to rush over anxiously but was stopped by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. This weird beam of light was dangerous!

Tony also hurriedly stopped her while speaking, "Listen, relax, don't get anxious, okay?! Don't come over, I'm fine, you see, I'm fine!"

A loud voice reminded: [Please note that the player Tony Stark violated the rules once and was punished with a first-level penalty three times in total]

"Damn, I shouldn't have come to the press conference in a suit!" Tony stared at his helpless friend James. Of course, this was just a complaint. His steel suit had been damaged in the previous battle, and he hadn't had time to fix it...

"Look, my god, there is a curtain in the sky outside? I saw it right, why is there such a big curtain?"

"Is this a dangerous weapon made by a crazy and evil scientist? The earth is about to be destroyed?"

"Aliens! Aliens must have come to liberate America!"

"Shit, what kind of alien, it is a miracle of God, we all have sinned, God, please forgive our sins!"

There was already a mess outside the building. James rushed to the window and looked out, stunned: "What the hell! Tony, look at it, is that you?"

Tony Stark was also attracted by the noise from downstairs. He turned his head and looked out. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he just saw the sky outside with a huge light curtain across it!

He was looking at himself in the light curtain!

"Shit!" Tony couldn't help but curse, "I didn't expect such a scene!"

At this time, the magnificent voice sounded again: [Player Bruce Wayne is in place, player Tony Stark is mute]

"I am Iron Man, did you hear that? I am Iron Man!"

Tony yelled, unwilling to miss the perfect opportunity to show off, but in the eyes of other people, he only saw his mouth open without making any sound. He had been muted.

At the same time, another beam of light fell from the sky, and it landed not far in front of Tony Stark. In the beam of light was a handsome guy wearing gold glasses and a suit.

Bruce Wayne from Gotham City was at a dinner party before he suddenly heard the noise outside, thinking it was another madman who escaped from Arkham.

Before he could call the Batmobile, he was brought here by a beam of light that suddenly fell from the sky.

Bruce calmly observed the surrounding situation, "No matter who you are, you should not go against the Wayne family!"

"The Wayne family? Never heard of it?" Tony poked around his ears. For some reason, he felt very upset when he saw this handsome man. But he was in a mute state, and only he could hear what he said.

Bruce tried to touch the beam of light with his hands. The golden light was a real substance, and he couldn't push it even after exhausting his strength.

[Both players are ready, the game is about to start, countdown: 10, 9, 8...]

"Damn it!"

"Is this the new trick of the Joker?"

Bruce immediately thought of the lunatic who likes to play games with him, the most dangerous criminal in Gotham City - the Joker.

This puzzling game has always been the favorite game of Joker.

[The countdown is reset to zero. The rules of this game are as follows: The game mode is a mutual answer mode. If two players can score points by answering the questions, they will receive a mysterious prize. If they fail to answer the questions, they will be punished. Please answer the questions carefully!]

[The first question would be answered by player Bruce Wayne, who is the Iron Man.

A: Tony Stark

B: James Rhodes

C: Ivan Vanko

D: Pepper Potts

Player Tony Stark needs to remove an incorrect option.]