public opinion [edited]

"Hahaha, we have to admit that Tony's hobby is very high-end, don't just look at those expensive stockings, you must know that the wine poured on the stockings is also very precious!"

"Look, he started licking, wow, he is licking carefully, I dare to say that this woman must be pleased. after all, a young billionaire is licking her feet!"

On the TV screen, yesterday Tony's private life video is being replayed.

The director of the tv show also intentionally gave a big shot close-up, Tony's wretched face was frozen on the screen.

Back to the studio, a male host and a female guest, a standard lady.

The lady spoke with a fluent RAP tone: "Trust me, if it were me, I would give Tony a perfect experience, I won't let him lick me, I will lick him".

The host smiled on his face when he heard this and said to the camera: "Hey, Mr. Stark, did you hear that? Our lady Lisa has invited you. Would you like her phone call anytime? contact us!"


Tony turned off the TV with a dark face "Damn it! Every news is broadcasting this now. This world is hopeless. No one pays attention to the poor and starving Africa. Children, or the war in the Middle East, they will only look at me because I was licking women's feet!"

What's even more outrageous is that there are still many people protesting under the Stark Building, and the content of the protest is even more outrageous.

Men protested that Tony Stark was not worthy of being a superhero and should reveal the technology of the steel armor to the whole society, women protested Tony Stark's objectification of women and sexism, and should apologize to all women!

There is no doubt that Tony has become the most famous person in the world today. He had also anticipated this situation, but he never expected that he made the limelight in this way.

Except for the angry Pepper and the neutral ancient one, all the people present were smiling.

Bruce coughed slightly and said with some emotion: "You are rich, young, and at the same time a playboy. Normally, you will be the focus of the public wherever you go."

Bruce is the same in Gotham. Buying a luxury car, or dating an actress, can easily make headlines in the news.

The two glanced at each other, with quite a bit of sympathy, of course, it was only for such a moment, and then they immediately looked away.

ancient one has been used to seeing the vicissitudes of the world, she only cares about one thing, that is, what will the future of the earth be like?

ancient one: "Tony Stark, can you let me check your body?"

Tony heard this, and he subconsciously leaned back, what a joke, is it possible that this bald sorcerer is like the woman on the TV, she wants to lick me?

ancient one kept waving her hands, " No! I don't hate technology, but, I only believe in the power of magic!"

ancient one shook her head: "You already have traces of magic. You are the winner of yesterday's game. The rewards you get are also magically given to you, especially the third item-the technological imprint of the ancient sage."

"What do you know?" Tony became interested.

"I have never heard of the name ancient sage, but there are ancient gods in this world. They have the power to change everything, and they can both create and destroy the world. I suspect that ancient sage is one of them."

Nick Fury asked in a deep voice: "Ancient one, are the ancient gods also on the earth? are legends true?"

ancient one shook her head. Instead of answering the question, she said, "That game will appear again, Tony, Bruce, I need you to follow me back to Kamar Taj."

"Why?" Tony frowned and refused without even thinking about it: "I'll stay here, I won't go anywhere!"

Bruce also shook his head and said: "Ancient one, you should take the initiative to change the situation, not just avoid blindly, even if you lock us up, that game will still come."

ancient one believes that Tony and Bruce, as players in the game, are also unstable factors.

She can't solve that weird game temporarily, all she can think of is dealing with Tony and Bruce first.

Director Nick Fury also rejected this proposal, "No, ancient one, you have no right to take them away, they have to accept the control of SHIELD!"

"Hey! I don't accept anyone's control, I am free!" Tony replied immediately.

The ancient one is reasonable. but Seeing that they all refused she changed her way: "Then I will be by your side, at least to observe the game coming up close at least once."

Director Nick has no opinion on this, he just calculated in his heart: Can this seemingly powerful sorcerer be used for his benefit?

Tony is still very upset: "I don't like someone following me!"

Bruce folded his arms around his chest: "I don't care, there is already a stalker by my side anyway."

This time the ancient one made a final decision: "That's it, In the next few days, I will stay here with you until the game comes."

Tony put his head in his hands: "This is my home!"

"Tony! Now is not the time for you to be arrogant, you should know how important that quiz game is. The whole world has undergone tremendous changes because of this. This is an unprecedented crisis!" Nick Fury solemnly said.

Bruce took the sentence: "Not only your, but my world will also change because of this. I dare say that the game light curtain must also appear in my world."

He is very anxious, anxious to return to Gotham.

Gotham without Batman, God knows how chaotic it will become.

In the next few days, the impact of the quiz game continued to ferment. Tony Stark is still hot, and he doesn't want to go out now.

There are paparazzi under the Stark building. All of the United States, no, it should be said that all media in the world are continuing to report on the scandal history of Iron Man, Stark Industry President, and Tony Stark!

A lot of Hollywood actresses came forward and claimed to have been licked by Tony too!

The woman who was licked by Iron Man in the live broadcast has also entered Hollywood, talking about Tony in front of media reporters, including his length and other privacy.

and she said that she would write a memoir, which would be passed on for generations.

What is even more exaggerated is the stockings manufacturer that Tony licked. They launched red and yellow stockings overnight and registered the Iron Man trademark, and they are selling very hot right now!

Tony was deeply troubled by this. He dialed director Nick's phone and yelled in hatred:you fu#king bastard, Really I don't know. It's all you and the politicians behind you.?"