
Rumlow's true identity is the senior combatant of Hydra—Crossbones!

"You have successfully evacuated, right?" Pierce asked in a deep voice.

"The action went smoothly!"

"Very well, there is a task for you next. You take the Winter Soldier to the Arctic Ocean and search for Captain America!"

Crossbones hesitated: "Let the Winter Soldier meet Captain America? Will it be a bit risky?"

"Hmph, didn't you watch the live video just now? Captain America is ours! Let his old friend greet him, this is our sincerity!"

Pierce said confidently: "Find him! Wake him up! With Captain America, our next plan will surely proceed smoothly!"

"But in case this game will expose you later..."

Pierce glared at him very uncomfortably, "You talk a lot today! Don't worry about so much, go and act immediately, don't let other people get ahead!"

The other people in his mouth are naturally referring to the director Nick Fury.

Perhaps by coincidence, Nick Fury also wants to send someone to find Captain America.

His purpose is very simple. Since Captain America will become the spy of Hydra in the future, he should be killed!

Otherwise, there is no way to explain to the big people above and the completely boiling public opinion.

But the problem now is that from the previous video, too much stunning intelligence has been exposed, and the director has no idea how many Hydra spies are still lurking in his SHIELD.

"We can only wait until this game is over, and the Avengers must be formed as soon as possible!"

Nick Fury had to squeeze his mind for a while.

In the golden beam of light, Natasha opened her mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time. "This is unexpected."

Thor shrugged, "The answer is over, can I go? I'm going to get my hammer!"

"You only think about your hammer!" Tony shook his eyes, "The answer won't end like this."

As soon as the voice fell, they heard a magnificent voice from above:[ "Second question, Howard Stark died at the hands of one of the following."]

["A: Captain America/ Steve Rogers

B: Winter Soldier /Bucky Barnes

C: Black Widow/ Natasha Romanoff

D: Howard Stark!"]

Tony Stark had not recovered from the shock of the first question, and was immediately aroused by the second question!

His eyes widened suddenly, he couldn't help but clenched his fists at the golden beam of light, and shouted: "Damn! Are you kidding, that's my father?!"

Howard Stark is his father and Tony's grief.

this secret is now torn apart by the quiz game in front of countless people, and Tony is naturally unable to control his emotions.

the indifferent voice was not used to him: ["The player Tony Stark broke game rules, and he will be punished at the first level!"]

The dazzling electric light fell from the sky, slashing Tony like a whip. He gritted his teeth and cursed, "Really... fu#k you!"

Natasha looked at his embarrassed appearance, and said to Thor, who was staring at the lightning in a daze, "Did you see it? This is what happens when you broke rules."

"Are you kidding me? I'm Thor, how could I be afraid of being struck by lightning?" Thor laughed.

Bruce took the time to ask, "Is Howard Stark Tony's father?"

He understands Tony's mood very well now. When he heard his mother's name in the first quiz game, he also failed to control his emotions.

"Yes, Stark Industries was created by his father, a very good scientist and businessman." Natasha greeted him, "As far as I know, Howard Stark died in a car accident. D The option is the most likely."

Tony thinks so too, that's why he thinks that this game is playing around with himself and his dead father!

But Bruce has a different point of view, "If it is an obvious problem, then there will be no value in this question, so you might as well associate this problem with the previous one."

When Natasha heard this, her face changed. She knew of Howard Stark's other identity-one as the founders of SHIELD!

It is rumoured that Howard Stark once led a team to search the place where Captain America disappeared, but found nothing.

Is there something hidden behind his death?

Because the information is top secret, Natasha did not disclose it, but Bruce saw the subtle changes in her expression.

so I am right!

The death of Howard Stark is not that simple!

Tony did not pay attention to the changes in Natasha's expression, but he also understood Bruce's doubts and frowned and asked, "You mean, my father's death is not that simple?"

"I know too little information." Bruce shook his head: "It can only be deduced from some experience. Remember the first game?

Before the final result is announced, I am the same as you now, also thought that this game was playing me, but later I learned that Superman's mother was also called...Martha. "

His words made Tony lose his thoughts.

The death of his parents in a car accident has always been Tony's heart sickness. He rarely touches on this sad past and has never suspected that there is some kind of conspiracy in the death of his parents.

but now…

He had to face this cruel past!

If the death of his father is a conspiracy, who is behind the scenes?

From this point of view, the D option can be eliminated first.

Tony looked at Natasha intently, "You must know something, right? Your name appears in the options!"

Natasha looked calm, "I can only say that your father's death has a certain probability of being a conspiracy, and it may also be related to the Hydra!"

Howard Stark created the Avengers, if someone wants to target him, then the man behind the scenes is very likely to be Hydra!

This is an objective analysis of Natasha and a woman's intuition.

Tony's face was gloomy, and Bruce's words only made him a little suspicious, but Natasha's words made him almost believe that his father's death was a conspiracy.

He knows that Natasha is an experienced agent, and she must know some intelligence information that is difficult for ordinary people to access!

Damn it, Captain America killed my father?

Captain America was labelled as a spy for Hydra in the first question. If he contacted Natasha again, Tony could easily infer who was the murderer of his father!

But he hasn't lost his mind completely, he asked in a cold voice, "Who is the Winter Soldier? Have you heard of it?"