It's really you

Odin frowned. After several questions and answers, he also found that Loki appeared a bit more frequently.

My son, either tossed the Nine Realms or tossed Asgard, jumping around all day.

Frigga patted the back of his hand and said with a smile: "Loki will always be our child. No matter what he does, I will forgive him."

In the eternal space.

Loki and Thor have been arguing. The former believes that the answer to this question should be Hela. After all, they have seen Hela's power in the previous video.

And they also saw that Hela held a grudge toward Asgard.

Thor didn't think so. He felt that Loki appeared too frequently. Judging from the previous experience of answering questions, it is possible to say that the answer to this question is Loki!

"You are so stupid, why don't you believe me? Anyway, I won't hurt mother!" Loki shouted.

Thor: " Loki, you have a problem. Sometimes I don't know if I should trust you or not, because you will always betray my trust!"

To fight for the throne this time, Loki framed him, and Odin fainted with anger; in the video about the Battle of New York, Loki would stand opposite him again.

Thor shook his head, he was firm in his choice.

Coincidentally, Steve and Bucky also think that Loki is very suspicious.

"Steve, you also found out, that these few questions can always be related to Loki!"

"I know, Loki, he sounds like a bad guy, so choose him!"

When the countdown started, Steve rushed to choose D, Thor followed by D, and Loki also try to choose C, but Thor made a choice ahead of him. Loki option was simply ignored.

["Congratulations to Team B for the successful answer and gaining 2 points, Team A got 1 point for the correct answer!"]

Because this question was chosen by team A, even if the answer is correct, it can only get 1 point according to the rules of the game, but team A has a lot of negative points, and it is good to get 1 point.

Thor looked at Loki coldly: "Look, I chose the right one again! It is you!"

Loki held his head in his hands, he couldn't accept the result, "Impossible, how could I kill mother, this is impossible!"

Odin in Asgard frowned deeply when he saw this scene. He had a hunch just now, and the final answer may be his restless little son.

Now the premonition has come true.

Uncontrollable anger sprang up spontaneously, his beard trembled slightly, and his voice was cold: "Loki..."

"my king!" Frigga shook her head at him: "I believe Loki didn't mean it!"

"Huh, everything he did was deliberate!" Odin thought, that if Loki killed Frigga, he would be responsible for not teaching the child well.

He sometimes thinks, that even if Loki is not his real son, some of his traits and personality are indeed very similar to him.

Odin can forgive Loki for his innocuous pranks in the past, but what Loki did this time, as well as the battle in New York that was exposed by the video, is unforgivable!

He decided that when this game is over, Loki should be imprisoned and sentenced to life imprisonment!

At this time, a video began to be played on the light curtain, and several weird spaceships shuttled over Asgard and rushed towards the palace.

Asgard was invaded. Naturally, a spacecraft launched into the air to start a fierce battle with it. At the same time, a protective cover was gradually raised in the palace.

The weird alien spacecraft hit the protective cover and burst directly!

Asgardians saw this scene and cheered.

"There are enemies who dare to invade us! This is not Midgard, they must pay for it!"

"Yes, this is the great Asgard! No matter what enemy comes, we will eventually defeat it!"

The previous video about the destruction of Asgard left a deep psychological shadow on them, and now they urgently need a wave of encouragement.

"Have you forgotten that just a moment ago, the light curtain foreshadows the destruction of Asgard? And, don't you see the meaning behind this question? Asgard was invaded, the queen will be in Sacrifice in this war!"

"Asshole, you know a lot, don't you? Shut your mouth!"

While they were arguing, the barrier protecting the palace in the video suddenly disappeared, and a spaceship staggered into it!

The damaged spaceship was still able to open the hatch and saw strangely armored enemies descend from the spaceship. They were holding weapons capable of shooting red lasers.

soon began a battle with the guards guarding the palace. Although the fearless Palace guards tried their best, they were still no opponents.

An ugly-looking, pale-skinned enemy came down from the spaceship. He took out a grenade and threw it toward Odin's throne. a grenade exploded, destroying the throne in an instant.

Odin saw this scene and couldn't help squeezing his fist, "Dark Elves!"

He recognized the identity of the enemy.

The dark elves once had a war with Asgard thousands of years ago. At that time, it was Odin's father Bor who led Asgard.

In that battle, Asgard was victorious. he didn't expect that after a few thousand years, the defeated elves would counterattack Asgard!

The video continues.

The pale-skinned dark elves drove all the way and broke into the queen's palace. Frigga was with a young woman at this time, and when she saw it, she stepped forward to block her, "Get out, monster! I can forgive you!"

Dark Elve: "My life is not something that you can decide, woman."

Frigga held a dagger, "Who are you?"

The dark elve did not conceal his identity and purpose, "I am Malekith, I want to get back what belongs to me!"

Frigga couldn't help but look back at the young woman. It was obvious that what Malekith wanted to get was on this woman!

Malekith ran towards the woman, and Frigga waved her dagger when she saw it and stopped him.

The two immediately fought. Malekith was not Frigga's opponent, and he was beaten by her within a few attacks.

There was another cheer from the Asgardians, cheering for their queen. As the queen of Asgard, Frigga was not an ordinary woman.

However, Malekith, who was suppressed in the video, was not panicked, because he was waiting for reinforcements!

A dark elve with a more ugly appearance appeared. Frigga immediately shifted the target when she saw it and swung her dagger at it, but the other party was more powerful, he grabbed Frigga by the neck and lifted her.