vent anger

Thor finally chose to open the blind box under Loki's instigation.

he stared at the light curtain without blinking. When he saw that Steve and Bucky had both received the mystery award, Thor was not jealous, but he was envious. he is also looking forward to it now, what kind of reward can he get from the blind box?

["Congratulations to player Thor Odinson for obtaining Pokémon Pikachu (naughty character, but full of potential, has been bound to the host)!"]

A purple light appeared on the light curtain, and Loki frowned when he saw it.

Thor was pleasantly surprised, "A little point is exchanged for a purple reward, Loki, you are right, I should take a gamble!"

There is not much time left for Loki. When the countdown was about to end, he chose to open the blind box. He thought that the stupid Thor would be able to get a purple reward. can't he get a gold reward?

However, only a white light appeared in the light curtain: ["Congratulations to player Loki Laufyson for obtaining Fireball magic (low level)!"]

"Damn it, why am I the only one white?"

When the white light poured into his body, Loki was disappointed. This so-called fireball technique was simply a joke. He was one of Asgard's most powerful magician, so naturally, he didn't like this little trick.

On the other side, a purple halo fell in front of Thor, and a little fluffy yellow fellow appeared.

This little fellow is chubby and very cute, with a pair of long ears on his round head, two red marks on his cheeks, and a denticulate tail that resembles lightning.

Right now, he is looking at Thor with a sarcastic expression on his face.

"Mouse?" Thor and Pikachu stared at each other eyes, thor said with disappointment, "Why can Bucky get a dinosaur from the purple reward, but I only have this yellow mouse?"

He stretched out his hand to this little fellow, but as soon as he touched its furry body, he suddenly heard a tender cry:


Zi Zi Zi!

A flash of electric light flashed, Thor immediately swayed, and it took a long time to slow down, and then a mouthful of black smoke erupted, and his black face was full of disbelief: " I, God of thunder was electrified!?"

"Hahaha! This is the funniest joke I have seen today!" Loki burst into laughter at the sight, watching Thor's dark and funny appearance, and the loss of pulling out the white trash reward was diminished a bit.

At this time, a voice came over his head: ["This quiz game is over, I wish you all a happy life, the next quiz game will start soon, and players are also asked to be prepared!"]

As soon as the quiz game's voice fell, the four of them felt a circle flickering in front of their eyes, and in the next instant, they were sent back to the earth.

each appeared in the original position, and Nick Fury had arranged for people to wait for them.

Bucky just recovered from the trance when he heard an angry voice: "Bucky Barnes, go to hell, bastard!"

boom! boom!

Two tracking missiles dragged out the tail flames and shot them at him accurately. Bucky was about to transform into a Tyrannosaurus subconsciously to resist the missiles, but Steve Rogers had already run in front of him and stood upright. Raise the shield!


There was an explosion, and the flames blazed into the sky, but they were all blocked by the door-like ice shield in front of Steve, and the two of them were unscathed.

Tony Stark controlled the armor to fly over their heads, and was about to get two more missiles, when Nick Fury shouted: "Control your emotions, Tony! This is a downtown area!"

He originally watched Tony Stark behave normally, and thought that after his persuasion, tony had let go of his hatred, but he didn't expect it to happen suddenly.

"Tony, you shouldn't be so impulsive!" Steve also shouted towards the sky, "The culprit who killed your father was Hydra. Bucky was just a brainwashing tool for killing people. he did those things out of his control!"

"Want me to forgive him? Go ask God!"

Regardless of Steve's persuasion, he raised his hand with another high-energy laser but was also confiscated by Steve's shield.

The magic shield was indestructible, and Tony swooped down to avoid Steve and Bucky in a melee battle, but Steve reacted very quickly, grabbing his arm and throwing it straight away.

The steel suit suddenly lost his balance, but he didn't crash into the buildings.

But this is the result of Steve's reduced strength. He was originally a super soldier, and now he has inherited Braum's strength. If he goes all out, he feels that he can blow tony's suit with a single punch.

"Steve, you don't have to intervene, please!" Bucky took the initiative to step forward and looked at Steve and said: "In any case, it was me who killed his parents. You also said that I should bear the consequences! "


Steve said something, but he was pushed away. tony's suit kicked out flames from his feet, rushing straight like a missile, and instantly slammed Bucky to the ground!

and then constantly swinging his iron fists.

"FUCK! The skin is so thick!"

Tony shouted while punching bucky: "Asshole, do you think you can clear all guilt?"

"No! I have never been like this, I have thought about..."

Bucky has a blue nose and a swollen face. He has been beaten a few times for speaking, and his nose is twisted, but he still speaks: "I'm sorry, Tony, I'm sorry..."

"Shut up, bastard!"

Tony just kept swinging his fists and beating Bucky with punches, but Jarvis reminded him: "Sir, the enemy's ability to recover and resist is very strong. I am afraid that high-energy lasers will not be able to kill him!"

Bucky Barnes has also transformed. His physical fitness is already very strong. After eating the devil fruit of the zoan-type system, his ability to fight and recover has improved again.

Even if he doesn't have any resistance right now, and it seems that bucky has been beaten badly, in fact, tony hasn't hurt his muscles or bones.

Zi Zi Zi!

Tony was furious and pulled out his mechanical arm directly, which was considered to have caused substantial damage to Bucky.

   Steve wanted to step forward to help, but was stopped by Nick Fury. he shook his head and said in a low voice, "It's okay to let him vent his anger."

But looking at Bucky's appearance, Steve still couldn't bear it, and shouted at Tony Stark: "Bucky is just a weapon controlled by Hydra, just like your battle suit. he didn't have his thoughts and wisdom before..."


Tony turned to Bucky's smashed face again, and took the time to sneer: "What are you talking about? Compare him to my suit? Is he worthy? My suit is wise and thoughtful. ! Jarvis, tell him you are angry now!"

Jarvis: "..."