Thor is back

Thor nodded, and then he was about to call Heimdall to open the Rainbow Bridge.

But at this moment, the shining bright light suddenly fell from the sky, and disappear in less than 1 second, in that place a one-eyed man appeared in front of everyone.

He was wearing golden armor, holding a long spear, and his long hair dangling in the wind.

"Father!" Thor was a little surprised, but he didn't expect his father to come personally.

sif and the other two also hurriedly stepped forward and knelt on one knee, "King!"

Bruce looked at Odin coldly, especially at the spear held by Odin. If he remembers correctly, isn't Odin's gungner already seized by the quiz game?

Odin just nodded at Thor and the others, and put his gaze on Bruce, noting that Bruce was staring at the spear in his hand.

He couldn't help coughing, "Guest from another world, do you want to negotiate with me on behalf of Midgard?"

The gungner was seized by the quiz game, so Odin had to find another spear from the treasure vault. He couldn't show up empty-handed, right?

"No, I'm just a messenger, the king of Asgard, since you have come to the earth, then someone else should negotiate with you on behalf of the earth." Bruce prefers to call him the king.

Odin's eyes were deep as if he had seen everything about Bruce, he meant to point out: "A person who sticks to rules is often bound by rules."

Without waiting for Bruce to answer, he said again: "Negotiations, we will talk later, please give me and my son some room to talk, is that ok with you?"

"Of course." Bruce had to turn around and leave.

This neighborhood was originally a community. The residents were evacuated when they were attacked by the Destroyer. At this time, there was a police cordon outside.

When Bruce came near the cordon, Agent Coulson greeted: "Mr. Wayne, is he, Odin? The legendary god-king Odin?"

"A one-eyed old man who looks very wise." Bruce folded his arms around his chest and said. "Nick Fury should come here."

Coulson looked around and sighed: "He is very busy now...Of course, no matter how busy he is, he will make time to come over, after all, he is the king of Asgard."

Quiz games, unsurprisingly, caused an uproar all over the world, especially among politicians. after all, the Battle of New York has been hammered out and has nothing to do with other countries for the time being, and other countries are also happy to watch the excitement.

During the Battle of New York, the military launched a nuclear bomb toward Manhattan, and through the omnipresent light curtain, everyone in the country could see it.

So after the quiz game is over, people who advocate freedom will run on the streets or carry out March against the government as usual.

The official departments, large and small, all were battered, and Nick Fury was naturally one of them.

However, after receiving a call from Coulson, he also said that he would come to meet with King Odin as soon as possible.

"Father, now Asgard must be in a panic, right? !" Thor felt that Odin came at an untimely time.

Odin was quite surprised: "Thor, my child, I am impressed by your changes."...

This kind of remark was impossible to say from the reckless Thor before.

If according to Thor's personality, there is only one thinking in his mind, if he encounters any trouble, he just grabs his hammer and fights.

Now he can think about far-reaching things.

This made Odin very relieved and patted him on the shoulder. "thor, the brave Asgardians are not as vulnerable as you think. Of course, your mother set an example for them too!"

Asgard did fall into chaos, and the quiz game had a much greater impact on them than the earth.

After all, no one wants to see their homeland destroyed one day, the battle of New York has a good ending, but their Asgard can only turn into ruins in the universe.

Odin was troubled by their quarrels and simply came to the lower realm to find a little relaxation. It was enough for a queen to come forward to stabilize the hearts of the people, at least the effect was better than him.

Frigga has shown supreme courage in quiz game video, and it has also brought inspiration and confidence to the Asgardians.

In comparison, he, the god-king Odin, has just been embarrassed not long ago.....

Thor naturally couldn't guess the twists and turns inside, and asked him: "Father, are you here to punish Loki?"

"His matter, I'll talk about it later." Odin took out Mjölnir.

Thor's eyes lit up and he was about to take it back, but he was evasively avoided by Odin. He held his shoulder and asked in a deep voice: "Thor, they all say you are the hammer God and without Mjölnir, you are nothing! What about you? Do you think so too?"

"I..." Thor looked at the pink hammer with a complicated expression on his face.

He wanted to refute this sentence, but thinking about his current situation, he didn't have any confidence in his heart.

"Remember the quiz game? Hela destroyed your hammer, but you are still Thor! Mjölnir is just a symbol. It is not the hammer that gives you power.

Odin's tricky teachings caused Thor's mouth to stop. While he was stunned, Odin quietly lifted the seal on him.

His reckless anger toward Thor was not iron-proof, so he sealed his divine power and banished him to the earth to be tested.

Thor always thought that only by finding the hammer could he regain his powers.

But in fact, his divine power has always existed, it was just in a sealed state.

Now that the seal was open after the shining light enveloped Thor, his divine powers come back. which also made Pikachu very happy, and simply danced on his head...

Odin looked at the furry little fellow and said with a smile, "It will be your companion and comrade in arms. Take care of it, Thor."

"I don't think " Thor still remembered that this little fellow was doing electrotherapy on him before.

He pulled Pikachu's jagged tail on his head, "Remember, little thing, you will follow me obediently in the future, don't mess up!"

"Pika Pikachu!"

Pikachu gave him another electric shock without saying a word. Thor has now recovered his divine powers, of course, without fear, his face is joyous, with one hand on his hips, "Your electric shock is too weak, why don't you take a look at mine!"

With a snap of his fingers, a bolt of lightning hit Pikachu. Pikachu can absorb lightning, but it is still very weak and the lightning absorption is limited.

When the electric light dissipated, Pikachu immediately fell to the ground as if he has lost consciousness.

Odin watched him having fun with Pikachu, thinking that this stupid boy is still a child after all.