Alexander pierce in big trouble

[The new question was laid out on the light curtain: "Why did Alexander Pierce order the hunt for Captain America ?"]

["A: Steve Rogers plots to overthrow S.H.I.E.L.D., that's why try to kill him to stabilize the situation!"

"B: Steve Rogers has an important clue to Hydra, so he wants to kill him!"

"C: Steve Rogers is the murderer of Nick Fury, and Alexander Pierce wants to avenge his friend!"

"D: None of the above options are correct."]

Tony laughed twice, "I know the answer!"

Following the order of their previous answers, Tony Stark's turn to answer this question.

Natasha smiled and said: "As long as you are not a fool you can see the correct answer, I am still curious. Why is the captain's encounter in the elevator this time different from the video we saw last time?"

"Perhaps because of the timeline?" Coulson touted: "The captain's appearance in the video just now is so attractive. In the future, you and Director Nick should see through the true identity of Alexander."

At the hearing.

Alexander Pierce has given up struggling at this moment. He knows that when the later video is exposed, no matter how much he quibbles, he will not be able to persuade these congressmen.

Faced with the questions raised by the councilors, he can only remain silent. This is the only thing he can do now. Observing the surroundings from the corner of his eye, mysterious people in black appeared at several entrances and exits of the venue, all with vigilance. Looked at him with his eyes.

More security forces were deployed outside the building. Alexander Pierce regretted it a bit. He thought that today's hearing was to trouble Nick Fury, so he did not bring any Hydra agents.

As a result, he didn't expect that the hearing did not pit Nick Fury, but instead pit him into it.

Damn it!

If the Winter Soldier is still there, he can come to rescue me at this time!

Just when he regretted it, Tony had already made a choice, "I choose B!"

["Congratulations to player Tony Stark for answering the question correctly and earning 2 points!"]

Immediately afterward, a video began to be played on the light curtain, and Alexander Pierce, who was dressed in casual clothes, appeared in the camera. It seemed that he had returned home from work.

The room was dimly lit, and Alexander came to the refrigerator in the kitchen, only to find a person sitting on the sofa in the shadow, this person wearing a mask, and hiding in the shadow at the same time.

The few people present recognized him in a second, he is Winter Soldier aka bucky barner.

"Bucky has always been brainwashed by Hydra, and Alexander regards him as the best weapon..." Every time Steve mentions this, he feels very angry.

In the shot, Bucky looks like a cold robot, even facing Alexander Pierce, he still said nothing and was silent.

Alexander Pierce naturally didn't care about this, he gave an order directly to Bucky: "There has been a change in the schedule. This opportunity is rare. Two sixth-level targets. They caused me to lose Zola. Kill them within ten hours".

Even the people watching the excitement under the light curtain can understand who Alexander Pierce's sixth-level goal refers to, and Captain America is one of them!

"Look, I said it a long time ago, Captain America is our pride, we shouldn't get him wrong!"

"Come on, old man, no one cares about that period of history now, but I also admit that Captain America is cool, especially in the previous scene of destroying the fighter plane. it's was so cool!"

"Frankly speaking, I still haven't figured out who this Alexander is, but there is no doubt that he stood opposite Captain America. He is a badass!"

"Did you watch the video without your brain or glasses? Don't you understand yet? Alexander Pierce is the man behind the insight plan!"

"Isn't that the Nick Fury behind the scenes?"

"Idiot, that black man is just a substitute for the dead, understand? It's like the routine in the Hollywood movies we've seen. Good people are always misunderstood, ..."

Originally, because the insight plan was exposed, the crowd watching the live broadcast under the light curtain raged and rioted. Fortunately, after several quiz games, the officials were well prepared and tried their best to appease the chaos.

Immediately after the wonderful performance of Captain America attracted their attention, just like when watching a movie, the audience was yawning when setting up a literary play, and their attention was attracted when a wonderful fighting scene appears.

In the video, just as Alexander Pierce set up Bucky's task, his maid went and returned, but she left something and was ready to come back to take it. By coincidence, she saw Bucky hidden in the dark.

Alexander pretended to sigh: "Linate, you should have knocked on the door."

Then he picked up the pistol on the table, pulled the trigger very decisively, and killed the innocent maid!

Such a cruel scene completely confirmed the fact that he was a villain, but the video did not end there, fast forward to a fierce battle scene.

Captain America once again staged a wonderful drama that was praised. He used his shield against the enemy's rain of bullets and went forward bravely until he met Bucky, the Winter Soldier.

In the shot, Natasha first fought Bucky, but she was not his opponent. Seeing that Bucky would kill Natasha, he throw his shield toward bucky, but it was blocked by Bucky's mechanical arm.

Natasha shrugged, "I have to admit, Captain, you fight better than me."

"Don't say that Natasha, we are ordinary people, and they, they are all artificial soldiers!" Tony Stark snorted coldly, and he wanted that Steve and Bucky in the video would fight to the death.

Regrettably, this video ended without revealing the result of the battle between the two.

Nick Fury clapped his hands and attracted their attention, "While the next round of videos has not yet started, we can analyze the timing of these videos."

"The video sequence of the Insight plan is first. In that video, you also agree with the Insight plan, but after Steve's persuasion, perhaps something else happened in the middle. You found Alexander and hoped to postpone the Insight plan." tony spoke first.

Tony continued: "Then Nick was attacked and died, but he was not completely dead. He gave the important information to Steve, which is why Steve will be hunted down by Alexander later."