ice-ice devil fruit

"Coulson, it's your turn." Natasha reminded.

Coulson said helplessly: "I guess I can't get anything good, it should be just a white reward."

He originally had high expectations for the blind box, but when he saw what Nick Fury and Steve Rogers had opened, he suddenly felt that he was thinking too much. There is no idea at the moment, "Open the blind box."

The gift box in the light curtain jumped out of golden light.

["Congratulations to player Phil Coulson for getting the reward from the blind box- Logia type Devil Fruit, ice-ice Fruit (Regular Edition)!"]

The golden light fell in front of him, and after the light dissipated, a strange-looking fruit was floating, covered with weird threads.

Coulson was very surprised: "It's a golden reward! Devil fruit... same reward Bucky Barnes got in the game last time?"

"Wow, Coulson, you won the jackpot today!" Tony applauded.

"Coulson, this reward is very good! Bucky can transform into a dinosaur after eating the devil fruit. This fruit can change everything about you!" Steve congratulated him on his good luck.

In the last round of quiz games, he and Bucky participated together and won the game. Bucky was rewarded with devil fruit.

But Bucky's devil fruit is a purple reward, and this ice-ice fruit that Coulson opened is golden, which means this fruit is more precious!

Coulson smiled "I feel like I've used up all the good luck of my life..." After noticing the cold eyes of Natasha and Nick Fury, he immediately closed his mouth.

Then he shrugged his shoulders: "According to the director's original agreement, I will share this fruit. It is much larger than the Senzu bean. if we Cut into five parts it would be enough for all to eat."

Steve reminded: "I remember Bucky said that Devil Fruit is very unpalatable!"

Nick Fury said: "There are a lot of delicious fruits, but the fruits that can bring extraordinary abilities, there is only one in the world that Coulson has."

He hesitated for a while, and said, "Coulson, you should eat this fruit. I am afraid that after the game is over, this fruit will not be in our hands to eat."

Now they don't know how many big people are staring at this quiz game. The mysterious rewards given in the game have also made many people who have not participated in the game extremely enthusiastic.

If there is no global live broadcast, Nick Fury hopes Coulson can share this devil fruit for research.

But in this situation, if it weren't for being in eternal space and temporarily losing contact with the earth, Nick Fury would be sure that his mobile phone would be blown out at this moment.

If he returns to the earth, the devil fruit will eventually fall into the hands of those dignitaries.

Rather than giving it to those dignitaries, it is better to let Coulson eat it himself, which can enhance the strength of S.H.I.E.L.D. and

Avengers anyway.

Tony folded his arms and said: "Nick is right, Coulson, you'd better eat it now."

Natasha added: "Even if you eat the fruit, you can still do research. We were studying Bucky's condition before."

Coulson is not a fool. Of course, he understands their worries, but he asks: "Tony, what about your senzu beans?"

senzu beans are also purple rewards, and they will be targeted by the government.

Tony shrugged: "I'm not afraid of them."

Coulson thought that he was stupid. Tony Stark was a billionaire in addition to being Iron Man. As a traditional military businessman, Stark Industries had a great position in America.

And he was just an ordinary S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. To put it bluntly, in the eyes of those people, he was just a wage earner.

Coulson didn't think about it anymore and ate the fruit directly.

After the first bite, his whole face was wrinkled. It smelled like shit, and it was so unpalatable!

Suffocating the urge to vomit, Coulson stubbornly cleaned up the whole devil fruit, leaving no dross behind. He immediately felt a cold current digging through his body.

In the blink of an eye, ice crystals began to condense all over his body, and with the icy breath, Coulson turned into an ice man!

"The devil fruit is poisonous?" Natasha was a little startled.

Steve explained: "The devil fruit that Bucky eats is Tyrannosaurus fruit, so it can become a dinosaur. The devil fruit that Coulson ate is marked with ice-ice fruit, and now it becomes ice man... Is it normal?"

" Captain is right!" Iceman Coulson smiled: "I'm fine! I feel good now, better than ever! This devil fruit can make me directly into ice man, which is called elementalization. Able to avoid physical damage!"

While talking, he changed from an ice man to a normal person again, and there were some introductions about devil fruits in his mind. After swallowing the devil fruit, he could transform into an ice man.

"That is to say when you become iceman, it would be okay even if you are blown up by a missile?" Tony asked curiously.

"Ordinary missiles should be fine, but if it's a nuclear bomb... I'm not sure."

Coulson stretched out his hand, and the air immediately condensed into an ice spear. "Theoretically, I can freeze everything, but I need physical support. If my physical strength is strong enough, I might be able to freeze a nuclear bomb before it explodes. but I definitely can't do it now."

"Wow, it's cool!" Tony exclaimed, "This devil fruit you eat is more powerful than the devil fruit Bucky eats, no wonder it's a golden reward."

Although Bucky can transform into a dinosaur and has high resilience, it cannot be said that it is immune to physical damage. The elementalization of ice-ice fruit is stronger.

Coulson smiled: "Perhaps, but I also have a weakness. I can't swim anymore. After eating this devil fruit, I become a duck."

"Compared with the ability you have now, this weakness is nothing." Nick Fury shook his head, and he was also very satisfied with Coulson's change.

This time the Avengers have one more member. four people received their rewards and the quiz game bid farewell to them.

["This quiz game is over, wait for the next quiz game, I wish you all a happy life!"]

Then, the golden beam of light sent them back to the earth.

As expected by Nick Fury, he had just resumed communication, and the ringing of his mobile phone never stop. The call was either from a high-ranking official or a wealthy person.

It is normal for the former to have its contact information. After all, SHIELD also needs to take the official budget, but why can these rich people call shield?