The price of devil fruit

This secret research base is very remote.

Nick Fury made it very sturdy and secret, and only he knew about this secret base, and even the spies lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. by Hydra knew nothing about it.

Tony looked at the various high-tech instruments in the base and exclaimed: "These things are not cheap. I have reason to suspect that the funds obtained by SHIELD have all fallen into the pocket of Nick Fury!"

"Haha, you are right." It was Coulson who came to greet them, stepping forward and lowering his voice: "Secretly tell you that this scientific research base does not belong to S.H.I.E.L.D. to be precise, but it does Build with funds from S.H.I.E.L.D. ."

He is now promoted to become a superhero and accompanied Tony to joke with Nick Fury.

"Frankly speaking, I also admire the director. Although his plan is very risky, we have no other better choice, and everything he does is for S.H.I.E.L.D.!" Coulson knew Tony does not approve of Nick Fury's development of the cosmic cube. but tony was willing to participate in this research before, how could he not be interested in the cosmic Cube containing infinite energy?

But in the quiz game, they saw the video of the Battle of New York with their eyes. they also knew that the cosmic cube attracted alien enemies. Out of prudent considerations, Tony naturally felt that Nick Fury's actions were too risky.

"I know you are all secretly saying that I am arrogant, but in my eyes, Nick Fury is the most arrogant one. He always thinks he can control the situation, but in the end, he messed up everything!"

Tony didn't give Nick Fury a face at all, and said: "The development of the cosmic cube must be led by me to be safer and more secure!"

"for that, you have to convince Dr. Banner first." Coulson winked at him.

Don't think that Dr. Banner burst his clothes and transforms into the hulk, but in fact, he is also a scientist, and he can be regarded as Tony's colleague.

Of course, Tony didn't think that Dr. Banner could compare with himself in professional knowledge, and he immediately snorted, "He is only worthy to be my assistant."

Steve coughed twice, but Dr. Banner hurriedly passed by in the corridor not far away in a white coat, seeming not to notice them.

"Coulson, have you fully mastered the power of the Devil Fruit now? How do you feel?" Steve changed the subject and asked curiously.

His good friend Bucky also ate the Devil Fruit, but it was not the same as the Devil Fruit that Coulson ate, and seemed to have little growth potential. He is currently undergoing relevant inspections (research) at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Coulson frowned: "Not so good. The power of the devil fruit is amazing, but it also has a price. In addition to not being able to touch the water, it will also cause other damage."

The devil fruit he got was much higher than the devil fruit that Bucky ate in all aspects, but the price paid was not small.

After the last quiz game, he used his freezing ability to save people and experienced the feeling of being admired as a superhero, but he lay at home for several days afterward.

After receiving relevant inspections, he learned that his body functions were beginning to age. In layman's terms, he had spent several years of his life being a hero!

Later, several experiments were carried out to prove that each time Coulson used the ability of devil fruit, he would lose a certain lifespan.

Bucky's research also gave the same conclusion, except that Bucky is a super soldier who has been transformed. His physical activity is stronger than that of ordinary people, and the cost of lifespan is also lower.

"At the expense of life? No wonder it's called Devil Fruit!" Steve reminded him with a solemn expression, "Then you should try not to use freezing abilities in the future."

Coulson shrugged, "There will always be a way."

They all think that the side effect of the devil fruit is the consumption of vitality, but this is a misunderstanding. The devil fruit comes from One Piece, and the human body in the One Piece world is more active than normal earth people.

And the devil fruit eats lots of stamina. Of course, Coulson's physical fitness cannot be compared with the humans in the world of One Piece. If stamina is insufficient, it can only squeeze vitality.

The three of them walked through the busy corridor, but did not go directly to the laboratory, but went to the conference room first.

In the meeting room, Natasha, Dr. Banner, Bruce, Clint barton, and others are already in place. This is another meeting within the Avengers.

Natasha waved to Tony, "I watched the live broadcast of the Stark Industry Fair, your new toy is very interesting!"

"Haha, of course." Tony Stark sat down beside her.

Nick Fury put his chin in his hand and said:

"Now that everyone is here, let's start. My time is very tight, so you just listen to me quietly, and wait for me to finish, then ask questions, OK?"

Except for Tony smirking, Nick Fury got a good response from everyone else. Nick Fury glanced at Tony, picked up the remote control, pressed it a few times behind him, and immediately cast a projection screen.

What appears on the holographic projection video is a global map with dense red dots flashing continuously.

"Almost all of the Hydra spies in S.H.I.E.L.D. have been cleaned up, but Hydra has grown with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D The red dots all represent the secret bases of Hydra. The next thing we need to do is to clean up these bases. Of course, you don't need to do anything like this, at least for the time being."

After Nick Fury finished speaking, a big picture appeared on the projection screen. He said in a deep voice, "Dr. Zola, he used to be a scientist under Red Skull, with the paperclip project he sneaked into SHIELD and expanded hydra secretly. he is the real brain of Hydra!"

"If it weren't for the exposure of the quiz game, everyone would think that Dr. Zola was dead, including me. Not long ago, I surveyed Dr. Zola's cemetery. Guess what I saw?"

Tony shrugged. "Is the coffin empty? Maybe it's a fake corpse?"

"There is a corpse in the coffin!" Nick Fury "And after DNA comparison, the corpse belongs to Dr. Zola!"

Tony and others frowned.

" Since Dr. Zola's body is lying quietly in the coffin, why does the quiz game make it clear that he is still alive?"