Dr. Zola

"Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, congratulations on finding me!"

Snowflakes dotted the computer screen, the human face inside was very blurry, and strange electronic sounds came from the speakers on both sides.

"Dr. Zola!" Steve and Sam glanced at each other, both recognize the face on the screen.

"It seems that I don't need to introduce myself anymore." Dr. Zola's electronic voice is exceptionally weird. "Captain America, it's not the first time we met. Last time I was caught by you embarrassedly. at that time I was in prison, but this time, we have enough time to have a good chat."

"We have nothing to talk about." Steve frowned and looked around. He didn't find any suspicious targets, not even a Hydra spy.

Sam stared at him vigilantly. After they came in, the door behind him closed automatically, and the light above his head was dim, setting off a scene like a horror movie.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is looking for me all over the world. Now that you have achieved your goal, shouldn't we should have a good chat?" Dr. Zola knew what was happening outside.

Now he can be regarded as another kind of life form, such as a digital life.

With the gradual development of network informatization, Dr. Zola is like the god of the Internet world, he can exert more power than before when he was restrained by his body.

Only tony's artificial intelligence made him a little hesitant, if there was no Jarvis then even S.H.I.E.L.D.'s network firewall was not worth mentioning to him.

Steve circled the computer, "I'm not interested in chatting with people through the computer screen, if you have the courage, you can take the initiative to show up!"

"Hahaha..." Dr. Zola smiled, "I'm right here, right in front of you! In 1972, I was terminally ill and could no longer live, but I found that after giving up my body I feel freer,

As you can see, I live in a computer now!"

He directly exposed the secret of his ability to come back from the dead and survive to this day.

Steve and Sam were very surprised when they heard this. Zola's consciousness was alive in the computer. No wonder they didn't find any clues in the real world after searching for so long. they and Zola are not in the same world!

"That is to say, as long as we destroy the computer in front of us, we can kill you?" Sam asked deliberately.

Of course, Steve understood his suggestion, and immediately rolled up his sleeves and made a gesture of smashing the computer.

Dr. Zola on the screen sneered and said: "No need to play tricks in front of me, my consciousness has been backed up, if I can survive here, then I can survive everywhere!"

With the help of the mysterious technology of the chitaurians, Dr. Zola's current situation has been strengthened. He no longer needs this secret base. The backup copy of consciousness can be loaded into a small U disk and taken away.

"It's amazing. A person's mind can be copied like a file package?" Sam shook his head. The technology that Hydra masters is indeed more advanced than S.H.I.E.L.D.

Steve frowned and said, " Hydra has already gone into destruction, and there is no soil for your survival in this world. We can't find you now, but one day, we will catch you from the computer program! "

"Hydra never needs any soil, because we will make soil. After World War II, I lurked to S.H.I.E.L.D. because of the paperclip project..."

Dr. Zola didn't know for what purpose began to tell about his own experience.

Sam hurriedly recorded with his mobile phone, while Steve tried to contact S.H.I.E.L.D. secretly, only to find that in this room, the mobile phone had lost all signals and could not communicate with the outside world.

And the secrets revealed by Dr. Zola's narration also made him immersed in it.

The development of Hydra does not happen overnight, but is parasitic on SHIELD's body while sucking the blood of SHIELD, and constantly strengthening itself.

For so many years, the outside world has thought that Hydra has been buried along with the red skull.

But in fact, Dr. Zola has secretly rebuilt the Hydra and used S.H.I.E.L.D. and the international situation to continuously expand its tentacles around the world.

Compared with America they once parasitized, the reborn Hydra relied on S.H.I.E.L.D. and America to live more moisturized lives, for example making trouble in the whole world, and constantly inciting disputes, which is what Dr. Zola said. The so-called 'we will cultivate and make soil'.

They also assassinated those who might pose a threat to them, including Tony's father, Howard Stark.

In addition, there are of course other more secret information, Dr. Zola did not have any reservations, and he said all the secret of hydra.

For the time being, they can't tell whether what he said is true or not, but it is correct to record it, they can investigate it slowly after they return. the question now is, why did Dr. Zola tell all the secrets of Hydra? Neither Steve nor Sam felt right.

"Are you curious?"

Through the old camera, Dr. Zola seemed to be able to see through their minds, "Steve, do you know how many times I watched your chanting Long Live Hydra? Join us! As long as you are willing to join hydra, you will be the new leader of Hydra!"

Sam heard this with a look of surprised expression, "You said all this information is for the captain to join you?"

This is too whimsical Steve naturally refused without even thinking: "Impossible! My mission is to destroy you!"

Although he still doesn't know why he chanted long live Hydra in the future video exposed by the quiz game, in any case, he would not take refuge in Hydra.

Dr. Zola on the screen shook his head, "That's a shame. Alexander was ecstatic about that video. He felt that he was old and you were his most suitable successor. To show his sincerity, he even sent Bucky Barnes to rescue you..."

"Shut up! You brainwashed Bucky into a pure tool of murder and destroyed everything about him!" Steve gets angry when he mentions Bucky.

Think about his friend being forced to kill for Hydra over the years. I don't know how much innocent blood has been on his hands.

A soldier who was originally brave and kind-hearted was brainwashed into a cruel tool of murder, which was even more horrible than killing Bucky!