Peter Parker, A New Player Joins The Game

Hydra focused on the technology of the chitaurians and the mysterious mind scepter and carried out many experiments with the scepter.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. released the news of the Cosmic Cube, Dr. Zola guessed that it was a trap, but the Chitaurians had to take risks, so they had to send out crossbones and other sacrificed cannon fodder, Hydra's calculations are simple. If the chitauri win, they will take advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack on S.H.I.E.L.D

the crossbone was able to come back alive, which surprised them. According to the speculation of Dr. Zola and Baron Strucker, once the chitaurians plan fails, most of the cannon fodder invested by their Hydra will be wiped out.

"Although the Avengers are strong, they are not invincible. Their enemies are not only Hydra. People who hate Tony Stark have formed an anti-Stark alliance, which will give us a lot of help. This new experimental project is their sincerity, Rumlow, you will get the power you want! "

Baron Struck cheered them up.

Since Alexander Pierce was captured and Hydra's spies lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. have been exposed one by one, the power of Hydra has naturally been hit hard.

However, as a veteran villain organization on the planet, the background is still very sufficient. This time the cooperation with the chitauri can be regarded as a test, and they have contacted the Anti-Stark Alliance.

Dr. Zola also felt that although their future was tortuous, it was also bright.

However, he is still a little worried. "The only thing that needs to be cared about is the quiz game. This game will always expose our plans, so..."

At this time, Rumlow, inspired by Baron Strucker, was full of excitement and began to fantasize about getting superpowers, kicking Iron Man, punching Captain America, and slapping the Winter Soldier with a backhand.

But suddenly he saw a huge light curtain rising outside the window, and the enemies he was thinking of appeared on the light curtain.

He interrupted Dr. Zola: "The quiz game is here again!"

With the emergence of the light curtain, the quiz game has come again, and people on earth are now accustomed to it. Officials of various countries have also made mature plans for this and arranged for manpower to maintain order.


In eternal space.

["The quiz game begins, player: Tony Stark, player: Dr. Banner, player: Bruce Wayne, player: Peter Parker are all in place!"]

Under the golden beam of light, the four of them looked at each other. Tony, Banner, and Bruce were all acquaintances, and there was also a baby-faced teenager who seemed very innocent when sandwiched between them.

There was a voice-over everyone's heads:

["This game mode is for the team to answer, please make up two teams, the time limit is 1 minute, and the countdown starts."]

"Banna, you and he are both new players! Why don't you form a team?" Tony took the lead, and he blinked at Bruce Wayne. "Man, we both form a team!"

After getting along these days, he also knows that Bruce has a flexible head, especially in several quiz games. He has performed well and is very suitable as a teammate.

Bruce refused without saying a word, "Dr. Banner, let's form a team!"

Tony's character flaws are too obvious, and he is more suitable to be an opponent than a teammate. Bruce hopes to find a way home from this quiz game, and of course, he wants to win the game.

Compared to the unfamiliar baby-faced boy, as long as Dr. Banner does not change into the Hulk, he is the best partner among the people present.

Dr. Banner also nodded, "Okay, Bruce, I will team up with you!"

Tony looked upset, "Hey, are you going to be my enemies? You lose! Boy, your name is Peter Parker, right? Listen to me, and I let you be the winner!"

Peter Parker was stunned at this moment. The last second he was studying the changes in his body at home, the next second he was brought here by the golden beam of light.

"Little boy, don't tell me that you haven't figured out the situation yet. This is a quiz game!" Tony saw this, and feel even more unhappy with this baby-faced teammate.

"What is a quiz game?" Peter Parker said bitterly, "Am I kidnapped by an alien?"

In the world he lives in, there is no huge light curtain, and there is no trace of a quiz game, but from now on, everything has changed.

"Damn it, a rookie who doesn't know anything? This is deliberately increasing the difficulty of the game, isn't it?" Tony curled his lips, "but still I can beat you all by myself!"

Bruce was keenly aware of Peter Parker's anomaly, pointed to Tony, and asked: "You haven't heard of a quiz game, then do you know who he is?"

"Sorry, I don't know him, nor do I know you. Are you aliens?" Peter Parker was crying, "I have to go to school today."

"Ha, I think you're going to be absent from class, little boy, you don't even know me?" Tony frowned, his eyes rolling around Bruce and Peter, "Are you also from another world?"

he thinks that his name has been famous for a long time. After the quiz game came, the name of Iron Man spread throughout the universe. how can this little boy named Peter Parker have never heard of his name?

He immediately suspected Peter Parker's origins, and immediately asked: "Tell me, do you know Stark Industries? God? The Shield? The Battle of New York?"

Faced with questions, Peter Parker could only shake his head constantly, and he had never heard of a single one.

At this time, the countdown has ended. ["Player Bruce Wayne and player Dr. Banner formed team A, player Tony Stark and player Peter Parker formed team B, and the two teams will be rushing to answer the questions and get points rewards for answering the questions. Points will be deducted if they fail.]

[In the end, the winner will receive a mysterious prize. The first question will start in minutes. Please answer the questions carefully and strive to win! "]

"The game mode is like the previous Steve and Thor's team answering questions, but don't they choose each other's questions?" Dr. Banner looked at the extra answer button in front of him.

Tony is still throwing questions at Peter Parker, and finally learned that although this baby-faced boy is also from New York, there is no Iron Man in his world, no Stark Industries, and no Bruce Wayne, it should be another parallel universe. He sighed, "Okay, okay, I hope you don't hold me back, a little boy who is absent from school!"