Killian meet pepper


Natasha passed the information obtained from the investigation to Nick Fury, and said with a serious expression: "Several research institutes of AIM are of high confidentiality level, and someone on it will provide them with convenience!"

"I have also been warned and reminded." Nick Fury's face is not very good.

After the quiz game revealed the existence of Aldrich Killian, he immediately sent Natasha to investigate him. However, it didn't take long for him to receive a warning message to stop his investigation of AIM.

All politicians and dignitaries sent warnings, and more than one.

Nick Fury smelled a breath of conspiracy. His investigation of AIM seemed to have stabbed a hornet's nest. There must be many conflicts of interest involved.

"Boss, you also know that the big guys above don't have any good impressions of you or S.H.I.E.L.D.," Natasha suggested, "Should we give up the investigation for now?"

In the videos released by the quiz game, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers are in the limelight, while the official as a foil is particularly incompetent and useless. If nothing is done, it will only be a hindrance.

Especially in the Battle of New York, their move to launch a nuclear bomb at Manhattan, New York was exposed, and it became a stepping stone for Tony Stark to become a hero.

Even after Alexander Pierce was exposed and arrested, the official timely dumped all the problems on the head of Hydra. At the same time, it also increased official support for S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, including funding and other conveniences.

But in private, many senior veterans hold negative impressions of SHIELD and the Avengers.

As a violent organization of superheroes, the Avengers are not subject to official restraints.

Coupled with the video exposed by the quiz game, these superheroes are saving the world. All of these have made the official attitude towards SHIELD and the Avengers a bit complicated, and there are even signs of schizophrenia.

On the one hand, providing corresponding support, after all, they need S.H.I.E.L.D. to protect the safety of the earth. On the other hand, they feel that this organization is out of control and is a great destabilizing factor, and that is why they are creating some troubles and obstacles for them in private.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury also endured a lot of pressure from the above. Of course, he knew that Natasha's reminder was out of good intentions.

However, as an experienced and suspicious Spy, Nick Fury said firmly: "No, the investigation continues, but it must be more concealed!"

Natasha sighed, "Okay, but I need teammates."


Eternal space.

At the end of the first question, Team A, Bruce Wayne, and Dr. Banner win the points.

Dr. Banner smiled and said, "Bruce, I knew you could do it, and we will win this game!"

Bruce said calmly: "It's just a point, don't be too happy."

Tony continued to emphasize the authority of his captain, "The first question is an accident. I was misled by the quiz game, but it's okay. It won't affect our final victory!"

Peter raised his hand and said, "Mr. Stark, I think we don't need to answer the second question, so even if we answer the wrong question, only one point will be deducted, which will be safer and more secure."

"No, no!" Tony shook his head, "Successful answering will add 2 points. This is the key to our winning the game, little boy, you still have a lot to learn, listen to me!"

At this time, a reminder came from the top of my head: ["The second question, watch it first, answer it later! A video is about to be played, please watch carefully, after the video is over, questions will be asked!"]

["The video begins!"]

The video began to play in the light curtain, and the background seemed to be an office, Pepper Potts is talking about company affairs with Happy.

Seeing in the video that Happy was discussing human resources issues with Pepper in a serious manner, Tony laughed out loud, "Ha, did you see, smart people have great wisdom?"

he introduces pepper to Peter, who looks confused, "Have you seen that woman? Her name is Pepper, my girlfriend. The big guy next to her is Happy, my bodyguard and driver. He also appeared in the last video."

In the video, Pepper revealed that Happy had been appointed as the head of security at Stark building, but he didn't seem to be doing very well. Soon after he took office, he was frequently complained by the company's employees. But he didn't realize it yet, and instead regarded criticism as praise.

Someone reminded Pepper that it was the appointment time, and Happy was very dissatisfied, he murmured: "Why didn't the four o'clock appointment inform me in advance?"

Little Pepper hurriedly said: "Happy, we will talk later, now I have a trouble to deal with. Okay?"

Happy asked: "What's the matter?"

pepper explained in a low voice: "A former colleague always wanted to ask me out. It was annoying."

The two entered the reception room, a man with a neat suit and a good attitude smiled, "Pepper!"

Pepper asked a little uncertainly: "Killian?"

This man was Aldrich Killian, and he praised: "You look good... really good!"

Pepper looked surprised: "Oh, my God, you look... very good, what are you doing lately?"

After the two exchanged greetings, they began to talk about business. Aldrich Killian introduced her to a gadget developed by AIM which he called it. The ultimate Creature' used three small dots to demonstrate the holographic projection technology, and a bright brain appeared in the picture.

During the introduction to Pepper, Killian approached Pepper with a very affectionate attitude, obviously teasing Pepper.

When Happy discovered this, he took the opportunity to give Tony a short report, but Tony in the video didn't care about it.

But outside the video, Tony's face was very dark, "Damn bastard, he's going to pry my corner?!"

Peter was attracted by the "ultimate creature" introduced by Killian in the video. "The ability to write human DNA...this technology is really incredible. now I understand that his original lame leg was cured by this ultimate creature.!"

"This is obvious, and Pepper is right. This technology will be applied to weapons and reforming soldiers. It is very dangerous!" Tony stared at Killian in the video.

Killian made a cooperation request to Pepper and also revealed that he had invited Tony Stark to cooperate with them 13 years ago, but Tony refused.