Rescue Pepper potts (Part 2)

Natasha's approach is simple, but it is difficult to achieve in the current environment.

Even if the existing cryo-hibernation technology is used, there is no guarantee that people can be frozen in an instant, especially for experimental subjects that continue to produce high temperatures.

"So, I need to go all out?" Coulson smiled and took her words. "Natasha, I have to say, your idea is very good, I didn't expect it!"

Steve also thought this idea was good, but he was a little embarrassed, "Coulson, if you use the freezing ability, you may lose your life..."

Coulson raised his hand to interrupt him and said with a smile: "Captain, I have a question. When you drove a plane full of explosives into the iceberg, did you think about whether you could survive? , At that time you knew you would be frozen for decades?"

Steve shook his head. He would have been dead by then.

It wasn't just when driving a plane to hit an iceberg. When he decided to inoculate the super soldier serum, he was already mentally prepared for death.

Coulson said: "Just like in the video just now, Spider-Man Uncle Ben Parker said-with great power comes great responsibility! I believe that the quiz game gives me the ability to freeze to make me a hero. , Not a coward who is always worried about lifespan!"

"Coulson, you got my approval!" Thor gestured a thumbs up to him, he admired brave people.

Steve also smiled, "Well, Coulson, I respect your choice!"

Coulson took a deep breath, came to the wailing Pepper, and turned his head to look at Natasha, "Is it necessary to freeze her in an instant?"

"Yes, Coulson, do you need water?" Natasha had already found two buckets of water at this moment.

When Coulson first demonstrated his ability to freeze, he needed water as a medium.

But he doesn't need it anymore. "I've been working out with the captain all this time. The better my physical strength, the more precise I can control the freezing ability. I can freeze her now without the help of water, but I may need you to carry me out."

He ridiculed himself, then stretched out his hands, his whole body began to exude an icy chill, and a word suddenly popped out of his mind: Ice Age!

The freezing ability is activated!

The icy air flow immediately hit pepper's body, only to hear a burst of crackling sounds.

In a blink of an eye, Pepper Potts was frozen into a lifelike ice sculpture, and the howling expression on her face was frozen at this moment.

But through the thick layer of ice, you can still see the flame lines on her body flickering, but fortunately, it stabilized after a few flickers.

"Okay, okay, Coulson, you can stop!"

Natasha hurriedly reminded that because Coulson was in a bad state, his face was very haggard, and his eyes were deeply sunken as if he was several years old all at once.

There was a smile on his face: "It's okay, I'm fine..." Before the words were finished, the whole person fell backward.

Steve hugged Coulson behind and praised: "You did a great job, Coulson, you saved her life!"

In fact, if they didn't do anything, maybe Pepper could use her willpower to fight through the storm, but no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

Even if pepper did it in the original world line, it didn't mean she could always do it. What if she couldn't hold it this time?

Steve couldn't accept witnessing living life with his own eyes bloom just like fireworks.

At this time Nick Fury's voice came from the earphones: "Coulson's behavior is very risky, but...not bad. Captain, Falcon has found some clues and is chasing Killian. He needs your support."

"Okay!" When Steve heard the words, he helped Coulson walk out, and said at the same time: "Natasha, Thor, protect her, and don't let Coleson's work in vain!"

"Don't worry, Captain." Natasha smiled and promised, and Thor also said it was a trivial matter.

After Steve left this secret base with Coulson on his back, there was a light curtain not far away, and new questions were already displayed on it at this moment:

[" in the video just now, who is behind the series of disasters?"]

["A: Baron Strucker

B: Mandarin

C: Aldrich Killian

D: Dr. Zola."]

Steve scratched his head and realized that he seemed to have missed another highly informative exposure video.

At this time, under the light curtain, the crowd of onlookers had already exploded. Just when Steve and his party were busy saving Pepper, the light curtain started a new round of questions. The mode is:[ look first and answer later. ]

The light curtain gave a video in which America was once again subjected to a terrorist attack, and this time the terrorists were very arrogant, and even dared to record the video to provoke the leader of America, and taught them.

Are you kidding me?

everyone in the world knows that America has always taught others, when is it the turn of others to teach America?

"Are there going to be another 9/11? They are too arrogant, and the official response is still shit! Damn, why do I find our country is always in trouble?"

"You are right, aliens, hydra, terrorists... the earth is so big, why is it always our country that is unlucky?"

"Ha, let them come! We have Captain America, we have Iron Man, and even the legendary Thor and God King will come to help us! The Avengers are invincible in the world!"

"Idiot, didn't you see that Iron Man was beaten so badly in the video? His home was bombed!"

In the video just played Tony's mansion was bombed again, of course, this is no different from the video exposed in the last quiz game.

In other words, the timelines of the two videos are the same.


Eternal Space

Tony Stark frowned. He was worried about the safety of pepper on the earth, and he was also thinking about the answer to this question.

Because the previous question pulled his hips, Peter Parker questioned him as the captain, and Tony decided to use this question to prove himself.

But instead of giving his analysis immediately, he asked Peter Parker: "Little boy, which one do you think you should choose for this question?"

Peter Parker also frowned: "Mr. Stark, I don't know much about these four options. Who are they? No effective tips are given in the video."

"A and D options are from an evil organization-Hydra, and Killian, perhaps also took refuge in Hydra, as for B, the name is a bit strange." Stark briefly introduced him.

Peter Parker thought for a while and said, "Then choose B?"