did Batman kill Superman?

Superman is dead?

Superman is really dead?!

When this problem appeared on the light curtain, the crowd of onlookers suddenly boiled. Some shouted that Superman was finally dead, some were completely stunned, and naturally, some couldn't help crying.

Since Superman drove away the aliens, he has been active in people's sight as a savior. Wherever there is a disaster, the bright red cloak will go, bringing hope to people in despair.

In the eyes of many people, Superman is a God walking on earth, and they certainly cannot accept the news of Superman's death.

However, as the person involved, Clark himself was very calm at the moment. He seemed to be mentally prepared and muttered to himself: "Is it Batman?"

"It must be Batman who killed Superman! he is not Gotham's savior, he is just a mess of shit, he is not qualified to judge anyone, let alone Superman!"

"I can answer this question with my eyes closed. Didn't the last video reveal the ending? The kryptonite spear made by Batman can easily pierce Superman's heart!"

"Gosh, why is this? Batman is a good person, and Superman is also a good person. Whoever dies is a great loss for us and the world!"

"Although Batman has always been guarding Gotham and maintaining the order and safety of Gotham, I have to say that he has crossed the line this time! If Superman dies, next time there will be evil aliens invading the earth, who Can stand up and protect the planet?, Can Batman do it?"

In Metropolis, where Superman has the home court advantage, most of the audience around Clark are Superman fans, and they verbally criticized Batman.

If Superman is the savior of the world, then Batman is a freak in their eyes. After all, they don't need Batman to be a hero. Superman is enough. But in Gotham, it is a completely different point of view.

"Batman is too much sometimes, he doesn't respect the law, and he is violent and cold, but everyone knows that Batman will never kill!"

"Yes, even if Batman defeats Superman, he will never kill him! If Batman kills someone, then he is not Batman!"

Even the criminals and lunatics of Gotham City think that the killer of Superman can never be Batman because they are all living examples. All of them can save their lives when they fall into the hands of Batman. At most, they will be beaten badly.


Eternal Space

Bruce Wayne shook his head: "In any case, I can't kill him."

When he walked under the night sky of Gotham and attacked criminals everywhere, he always adhered to the bottom line of not killing.

This is a kind of restraint on himself!

Just like he has to deal with Superman, Bruce believes that any violence that has the potential to cause harm to society should be kept in a cage, and at least must be chained to control. Even he is no exception.

The principle of non-killing is the chain he set for himself, which may seem very pedantic at times, but with this chain or bottom line, he is Batman. If there is no such restriction, then no one knows what Batman will become.

Dr. Banner shrugged: "Frankly speaking, I don't really understand why you have to deal with Superman. Superman does the same thing as you. You should cooperate to fight crime, save disasters, and maintain social stability and peace. A win-win situation, just like S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Avengers."


Bruce neither admitted nor denied that this trip to Marvel did make some changes in his mentality. But now it's the most important to answer the question, "Excluding option A, that's one of three choices. Ares, the God of war, is just a character in mythology in my world, but since it appears in the options of this question, it means that the myth maybe is real."

"We have all seen Thor, Loki, and God King Odin, and so on, it is not impossible for Ares, the God of War, to exist."

Bruce mused: "In myths and legends, Ares, the God of war, is the child of the God-king Zeus and the queen Hera. He is one of the twelve gods of Olympus. God of War, he can draw strength from war... Such a god, if it really exists, is definitely an unstable factor for human society!"

"Ha, I don't think so. Isn't it possible that without the god of war Ares, can humans live together peacefully and there will be no war?" Dr. Banner shook his head.

Bruce glanced at him and continued to analyze: "Doomsday and Steppenwolf are not familiar to me. I only hope that this game can provide some videos for reference."

"hope so."

Tony Stark and Peter Parker on the B team also failed to analyze any valuable clues.

Tony frowned and said: "Just choose A! We don't know the other three options. In the previous video, Bruce has defeated Superman and can kill him easily."

Peter didn't think so, "Batman is also a good man, he shouldn't kill anyone!"

"I am the captain, I have the final say!"

At this time, a voice came from their heads: ["The candidate video is about to be played, please watch carefully!"]

"Well, let's watch the video first."

The video starts to play in the light curtain. According to the order of the four options, the first video is naturally an introduction to Batman. This is also a clipped video It takes a few minutes to briefly introduce what Batman does.

He is the guardian of Gotham City, the phantom of the night, and every time a bat light appears in the sky, Batman starts to work. In the chaotic Gotham, Batman may be the busiest person.

An endless stream of criminals continues to challenge and disrupt Gotham's order. Batman is like a hard-working sanitation worker, working hard to clean up this dirty city so that the people living in the city can have a clear morning.

The video is not long and finally ended with Batman defeating Superman. Everyone has seen this episode.

However, the previously exposed content belongs to Batman's privacy routine. Even the residents of Gotham City don't know much about it, and they watch it with relish.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect Batman to do such a great effort for Gotham. No wonder the chaos in the city became more and more chaotic after he disappeared.!"

"Did you see it? Do you still deny Batman's merits? Don't forget, he is not an alien, without any superpowers. He is just an ordinary person like us?"