Mission system on

After the update of the quiz game, all players who participated in the game got a data panel. But the golden reward Peter got when he opened the blind box-the player panel, is very different from the ordinary data panel. There are three biggest differences: First is the digitization of character. According to the panel introduction, all the injuries Peter has suffered since then will be manifested in the act of dropping the blood bar. In other words, as long as the health bar is not emptied, he will not die!

"Is it so amazing? I don't believe it!"

Tony felt even sourer after listening to his introduction. Everyone opened the blind box together and ended up with a bunch of rubbish, and this kid earned a big prize.

Peter scratched his head: "I'm not sure, but the panel does say that. If the health bar drops to one-tenth, I will have some negative states."

The negative state will disappear as the health bar recovers. As long as the health bar is not cleared, it will recover at a slower rate.

Tony felt that he had missed a hundred billion as he listened, jokingly said: "To be honest, I want to shoot you in the head now, to see if it is so amazing!"

Peter said with enthusiasm: "Maybe I can try it, I feel that my body has changed a lot from before!"

Tony shook his head, and asked, "Can you increase your HP?"


The second point that Peter's player panel is different from the regular data panel is that it can be enhanced with points. Strengthening physical fitness can increase blood volume. In theory, as long as the points are enough, if he continues to strengthen his physical fitness, the blood volume will continue to increase, and there is no upper limit!

Tony tweeted: "If this is the case, you might be able to live forever."

They have all played games. The health bar in the game represents the vitality of the character. When converted to the real world, vitality is the lifespan. If it can increase blood volume, is it equivalent to prolonging life?

Peter smiled shyly, "Perhaps, but I think the task system is more interesting."

Immortality may be an irresistible temptation for some older people, but Peter is just a high school student now, and he doesn't have much interest in it.

Besides, it can only be done theoretically. In reality, it is very difficult to get points, and it is impossible to get many points to strengthen physical fitness.

The quest system is also the biggest difference between Peter Parker's player panel and the regular data panel. By accepting and completing tasks, he can earn points and other rewards!

This is too important. After a few quiz games, they all know how difficult it is to get points.

There is only one channel, which is giving the right answer and winning, but after a game, even if you get all the correct answers, you will not get many points. Just like this game, two teams of four players, on average, each person only has single-digit points.

But now Peter has another way to earn points!

Tony can only sigh: "What a lucky kid, you made a lot of money this time!"

tony asked curiously: "What task does the quiz game give, maybe I can help you."

"Uh, I haven't read it yet, wait a minute..."

Peter did not hide anything. He opened the mission system with his mind. After reading it, his face was surprised and excited, and said: "the first mission is-[Help], Pepper Potts is dying, you can choose To save the life of this beautiful lady, of course, you can also sit on the sidelines."

["Mission difficulty: C, task reward: 15 points (public) 5 points (individual), mission failure: 50 points deducted (if the points are insufficient, an unknown penalty will be imposed]

Peter scratched his head: "Pepper Potts, who is she?"

Tony frowned: "Little Pepper... she is my girlfriend. Do you remember the previous video about Aldrich Killian?"

He has always been worried about whether this paranoid lunatic will retaliate in advance after the video exposes Killian's conspiracy.

The ominous hunch has come true!

Peter remember the identity of Pepper Potts, and immediately said: "Mr. Stark, then I will take this task!"

At this time, the countdown on the light curtain was almost over.

Tony took a deep breath and calmed himself down, "Peter, listen, I am very grateful for your kindness, but I do not recommend that you accept this task, because you will return to your own world after the game is over."

Of course, he also hopes Peter will take over the task, but Peter is a visitor from another world after all, just like Bruce Wayne.

Bruce was deprived of the right to return to his world because he was punished by the game. Peter Parker answered the questions honestly and should return smoothly after the game is over.

Tony doesn't want Peter to be trapped because of this task and fall into the same situation as Bruce Wayne, where he can't return. And the penalty for this task is also very serious. deducting 50 points, tony participated in several quiz games before. Even if he counts the points he spent, it is less than 50 points.

if you got Insufficient points, you will be punished!

"Mr. Stark, I want to save miss pepper potts!" Peter shook his head, and he didn't know the identity of pepper potts before But now that he knew it, of course, he would save pepper potts.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be Spiderman.

Without waiting for Tony to persuade him, Peter took the task, and found that after accepting the task, a window jumped pop-up: [whether to create a team.]

He chose yes, and then the team panel appeared. There were only two people on the team, besides him, there was Tony's name!

"Mr. Stark, you can also team up with me to do missions!" Peter exclaimed happily, "I understand, the public points in the mission rewards are shared within the team!"

   "Really?" Tony was taken aback, and then smiled: "Thank you, Peter."

He will save Pepper anyway. Peter is willing to take the risk to help so that he is grateful, and at the same time, he can do tasks to earn points, which is naturally a good thing.

At the same time, a pop-up window popped up in the data panel in front of him, a team invitation from Peter.

Tony's steel suit also has a similar design. Naturally, he was not surprised. He directly accepted the team invitation, and the team panel popped up, and there was a detailed task introduction on it.

Before he could take a closer look, the countdown on the light curtain returned to zero, and they returned to the earth from eternal space.