Superheroes are night owls

Peter was thinking about things in his head, but it didn't affect his wandering around the city in the least. he has a spider sensor, even if he closes his eyes, he can avoid all obstacles in front of him. Even if he fails to dodge, he can react in time before hitting it.

And just as he was thinking, the data panel suddenly flashed out, and a new task popped up.

[Save family]

["Heroes should bear the responsibilities and pain that ordinary people can't understand. Because of your recent actions, the rats in the gutter hate you very much, but they don't dare to confront you head-on."]

["They choose to catch your relatives to threaten you. And what you have to do now is to protect your family!"]

["Attention: Time-limited mission, 30 minutes until the countdown ends. if the mission fails, the hostage will die!"]

["Task reward: 5 points."]

Peter's eyes wide open immediately, damn, this group of scums dares to touch my uncle and aunt, fortunately, I have a player panel!

After clicking on this task page, he can see a real-time map, which looks no different from the map in the game. The location of Peter is marked with a green dot on the map. At the edge of the map, there is a red triangle guide sign, showing him the way.

After having the player data panel, although Peter was a little uncomfortable at the beginning, he always confuses reality with virtual games. But soon, he realized the benefits of the data panel.

When he is fighting crime, the player panel occasionally releases some unexpected tasks, just like this [ save family], and provides all-around guidance to help him avoid many traps.

Who would have thought that in this real world, there are game players?

Peter immediately turned around, ejected the spider web in his hand, went in a big circle in mid-air, jumped to the top of a tall building, look around with the map and guidance provided by the mission, and quickly determined The approximate location!

The task counted down for 30 minutes. Peter went all out. It took less than 10 minutes to find his uncle and aunt. In a black van, Uncle Ben and Aunt May were tied with ropes and taped to their mouths, and they shrank in the corner and didn't move much.

There was panic and worry in their eyes. They were panicked about their future but also worried about their nephew, Peter Parker.

The villain who kidnapped them didn't hide their purpose from the beginning. they caught this old couple just to avenge Spider-Man's recent actions against them!

"Hahaha, Spider-Man? Just a stupid high school student, do you know why those superheroes always have to cover their faces? Because they dare not reveal they're true identity! They are just a bunch of rats in the gutter!"

"That's right! If no one knows the identity of Spider-Man, maybe we can't do anything to him, but he has been exposed now, he is just a high school student, there is nothing to worry about!"

"BOSS, we have caught his family very smoothly, that little spider should have lots of trouble time now, we will give him a surprise!"

A goon called the boss to report the situation.

Just then, the car suddenly braked, and several scoundrels in the car crashed into a ball.

"Hey! Bob, what the hell are you doing, can't you drive well?"

"I, I don't know what's wrong... The car is a bit out of control as if someone was pulling it on the side."

"Ha, are you kidding me? Who can hold a high-speed car..."

Before the words were finished, several people looked at each other, and for a moment, a terrible thought arose in unison.

Spiderman is here?

how can he be so fast!?


After the car squirmed away for a while, it finally hit the fence and stopped. This is a remote street with no pedestrians around, and even the street lights look dim due to a long period of neglect.

The driver got up from the steering wheel in a daze, and when he looked up, there seemed to be a figure squatting on the street light pole.

Am I seeing things? 


The closed car door was easily torn open like fragile paper, and the scoundrels in the car couldn't help exclaiming. Then, a bunch of spider web shot in, directly muddling their faces.

Pulled by a huge force, although the scoundrels in the car were all armed with guns, they had no chance to pull the trigger at all.

" spiderman!"

When Peter got into the car and saw that his uncle and aunt were safe, he breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the driver in front tremblingly took out the pistol.


The gunshot sounded, but it was hit crookedly.

Peter raised his hand and squeezed his wrist, followed by pulling it into his arms, swiping the other hand, and slapping him directly.

After a few days of the mission, Peter received a lot of bonus points. In addition to strengthening himself, he also bought some abilities such as "Street Fighting" and "Intermediate Fighting Mastery" in the points store. his strength is improving rapidly!

"uncle, aunt Are you OK?"

Peter hurriedly rescued his uncle and aunt. Seeing their frightened appearance, he felt very guilty, "It's all my fault, I'm the one who is responsible for this."

"No, Peter, what you did is right, no one will blame you!" Uncle Ben encouraged him and then smiled bitterly at his wife, "May, we should move out of this city as soon as possible."

Peter has persuaded them previously, but Uncle ben is a bit unwilling. He is old and does not want to leave the city where he has lived and worked for half his life. But today's encounter has sounded like a wake-up call for them. They cannot be the weakness of Spider-Man!

The crisis was resolved without any risk. After the mission was completed, Peter packed up these scoundrels and sent them to the nearest police station, and then escorted the uncle and aunt home.

After the three returned home, they chatted with each other for a long time and did not go back to their rooms to rest until late at night.

But Peter still found it hard to calm down, so he opened the team channel and told about today's experience on it.

Tony responded quickly: "lad, this is the price of being a superhero. You have to learn to adapt. It's a pity that you don't have me in your world, otherwise, I will provide you with some help."

Peter: "Thank you, Mr. Stark, I disturbed you so late, haven't you rested yet?"

Tony Stark: "Don't you know, when the night falls, our lives have just begun, you can ask batman."