Hostages rescued

"How about we play a game?"

The Joker grinned, his eyes sparkling, like a naughty child who got a fun new toy and couldn't wait to find a companion to play with.

"Yes, that's it, let's play a quiz game too!"

"Haha, I will perform better than Batman!"

As he spoke, he danced happily.

Playing games with a madman is scary just thinking about it.

The bald guy and the others felt more and more horrified, cold sweats all over, but they also had no right to refuse, they could only nod tremblingly and agree.

"Okay! Then the game begins!"

The Joker brought a chair and sat in front of them like a well-behaved schoolboy, and then he kept a weird smile on his face, did not speak, and just sat in silence.

The bald guy and the others secretly communicated from the corner of their eyes, and naturally did not dare to speak, so the empty factory building fell into silence.

At the same time, the Avengers also used task reminders to find this abandoned chemical plant.

They have been keeping in touch with Alfred. Alfred asked them to pay attention to safety. According to some intelligence, there are a large number of armed personnel in this abandoned chemical plant.

Although the Avengers were not worried about encountering danger with the force of these people, this was a rescue mission. For the safety of the hostages, they all sneaked into it carefully and tried not to cause too much movement.

However, no obstacles were encountered along the way, no suspicious militants were seen, and the two hostages were found very easily. It was incredibly smooth.

"We have found the hostages. They are safe for the time being." Steve pressed his headset to inform Alfred of the situation, and at the same time motioned Thor with his eyes to watch the surroundings.

Tony Stark raised his eyebrows and said, "That's it? I thought that the opponent who could trouble Bruce would be good!"

They crossed the time and space dimensions and came on such a legendary expedition, but in the end, they didn't even meet a little girl and felt a little disappointed.

Peter Parker smiled: "As long as the hostages can be rescued safely, but Mr. Stark, we'd better stay vigilant and be careful."

He stepped forward to untie the two ladies.

Lois Lane covered her mouth with her hands, "God, you are... Iron Man and Captain America and Spider-Man, you are the Avengers!"

Due to the emergence of the quiz game, Lois Lane is no stranger to the Avengers members and knows that these are superheroes from another world. But she didn't expect to see them here!

Tony Stark couldn't stand his instinct to tease her up, stepped forward to support her, blinked, and smiled: "Lucky girl, your name may be engraved in history, think about it, other superheroes of the world, to save a charming and beautiful lady, did not hesitate to cross the barriers of dimensional time and space... How romantic is this, isn't it?"

Peter Parker coughed twice and hurriedly said, "Miss Lois, Mr. Clark is currently participating in a quiz game, so he can't come in person, so he ask us for a favor."

"Is Clark also selected by that weird game?" Martha Kent looked worried: "The last game heralded his death. What will it bring this time?"

"Superman is dead and resurrected." Steve Rogers helped her. "When you were trapped, a quiz game came to show the scene of Superman coming back from the dead."

Both Martha Kent and Lois Lane were caught here before the quiz game came, and of course, they couldn't see the scene of Superman's resurrection.

"That's great!" Martha Kent patted her chest and smiled: "Even if the future hasn't happened yet, we don't want Superman to be killed."

She is very smart and did not directly reveal that Clark Kent is Superman.

But everyone presents already knew the secret.

Thor, who watched the wind at the door, reminded: "We'd better leave here. I heard gunshots and it's very close here."

"Captain, would you like to send them back to Wayne Manor? I'm going to play with those people." Tony Stark said cheerfully.

This rescue mission made him feel a little bored, so he might as well watch a quiz game.

"Stark, our task is to save people, don't do unnecessary things, okay?" Steve shook his head and refused.

Peter Parker also persuaded: "Mr. Stark, the task is not completed. It should be necessary for us to send the hostages back to a safe place."

Tony didn't insist, so the group left the factory in the same way.

Peter Parker posted the news to the team channel as soon as possible: "Mr. Wayne, we have successfully rescued the hostages!"

Bruce Wayne has no time to reply at this moment.

Because the countdown to the answer has already begun, this question seems to be easy, choose one of the two, whether Arthur Curry can get the Poseidon Trident, in his opinion, should be able to do it.

Diana and Arthur Curry themselves think so, except for the absent-minded Clark.

The moment the countdown started the rush to answer began.

["The player Diana answered successfully!"]

Diana said immediately: "I choose a!"

The other three also chose a and the correct answer was announced. They all got it right!

Diana got 2 points for answering successfully, and the other three got 1 point.

At this time, the video was not played immediately on the light curtain. Instead, the scoreboard was first given. The top one was Bruce Wayne. He answered 3 questions in a row. The first question was still scored, and now a total of 4 points.

Second place is Diana, who got 2 correct answers to 3 questions and now it is 3 points.

Clark Kent and Diana tied for second with 3 points, while Curry Arthur was at the bottom with 2 points.

At this time, Bruce Wayne opened the team channel and saw the good news from Peter Parker, "Clark, your girlfriend and mother are saved, and they have been successfully sent to Wayne Manor!"

"Great!" Clark said with a sigh of relief, you really helped me a lot!"

"We are a team, aren't we?" Bruce Wayne shrugged.

Then he spoke on the team channel: "I thank you on behalf of Clark. Besides, it was Lex Luthor who took them, right?"

Peter Parker: "Haha, in fact, we didn't help much, because we didn't encounter any enemies in the process of saving them, which is very strange. So we can't confirm who is behind the scenes."

He introduced the rescue operation in a few words. The process was very simple. Follow the task prompts to find the target, and then bring the people out and it's done.