Who can save the world?

The last question is quite special. Before the countdown started, a video was played on the light curtain. And this video is a doomsday scene!

"Is this what will happen after Darkside captures the earth?"

Bruce Wayne has serious eyes. Frankly speaking, when Diana revealed that Darkside had once invaded the earth, but was eventually driven away, he felt that the crisis might not be that serious. Thousands of years ago, the earth could drive away Darkside. There is no reason why it could not be done thousands of years later, right?

The era is moving forward after all.

But now the video of the quiz game shows them a doomsday future.

"I and Arthur will die, is Superman gone crazy? Why he is holding a head? It looks a bit like... Batman?" Diana's expression was also serious.

Clark saw his arms around a wrecked corpse in the video, and his heart throbbed. He didn't know who it was, but it must be the one he loved!

Bruce said in a deep voice, "We must not let this future happen!"

At this time, the audience on Earth was also shocked by the apocalyptic scene in the video.

"If I'm not mistaken, the whole earth completely changed its appearance in an instant, God, who can save us?"

"Is this the end of the world? Oh my god! This is so terrible, Superman can't stop all of this, everyone will die, we have no tomorrow!"

Most people are very pessimistic. They always feel that tomorrow is the end of the world. Some people also reminded: "Guys, haven't you noticed what this question says? Someone can stand up and save us!"

"Who? All I can think of is Superman!"

"I think it should also be Superman. Besides him, who else can stand up to save the world? Do we have to depend on Batman who has no superpowers, I don't think so?"

There was a lot of discussion among the audience. Among the four options, Superman and Batman were the most popular.

[ "The player's video is about to be played, please watch it carefully. After the video is over, the countdown to the answer will begin!]

Along with the prompt sound, a new video began to be played in the light curtain. The first candidate was Superman. In a few minutes of the edited video, it introduced the growth process of this 'God of Human'.

Before this, people only saw the powerful and unmatched abilities of Superman. As long as he wanted, he could destroy the entire world alone.

They didn't know that this man had always lived an ordinary life. He had also been confused by his superpowers, worried that he would become a monster in the eyes of the world. later development also verified his worries. After Superman showed his powerful abilities, it caused the world's alert and target.

Officials tried to control him and turned him into a super weapon. superheroes like Batman even wanted to destroy him, just because this 'god' has no human nature and is an unstable factor.

And in this video, people can see not only a Superman who can resolve crises countless times and is almost omnipotent, but also a good son named Clark Kent, and a good boyfriend.

He cherishes the people he loves, and being with them is the greatest happiness.

He also realized his belief, that is to learn to love the world like his family and girlfriend, this is the real Superman!

Of course, shots are showing superhuman powers in the video. He almost has an indestructible body of steel, can fly at supersonic speeds, can shoot Laser beams from his eyes, and has ice breath.

Whether it is General Zord, Doomsday, or Steppenwolf, they all have powerful superpowers, but they are all defeated by Superman!

At the end of the video, Superman returns from the resurrection and ends with a violent beating of Steppenwolf.

"I must say that having Superman is the greatest luck and blessing in our world! He is perfect! I don't understand why those people always treat Superman with malice?"

"I don't understand either, especially Batman. He is a sinister, cunning, stinky Bat, he thinks Superman is a danger to our world"

"Hey, man, I have no problem with you defending Superman, but you are not qualified to insult Batman! You have no idea how much Batman paid for Gotham!"

"In any case, I always think that only Superman can save the world. Let Batman eat shit!"

In the eternal space, Diana said with emotion: "Clark, your family is so good, and fortunately you live in such a happy family, otherwise I would worry about this world."

Clark frowned now, "I don't like this very much. I don't think Martha and Lois want to be exposed."

"We don't have a choice, do we?" Arthur Curry shrugged. "At least there is nothing shameful about your video. It's so much better than me."

Bruce Wayne is worried about another point, "This video not only shows everyone the strength of Superman but also exposes his weaknesses."

Frankly speaking, after discovering that Superman also has weaknesses, Bruce was more at ease, which is one of the reasons why he was able to accept Superman.

But he doesn't want Superman's weaknesses to be exposed, which is undoubtedly not a good thing.

What is the weakness of Superman?



"His weakness is his mother and his girlfriend?" Arthur later realized," I understand, this is the reason why you superheroes always like masking! "

Bruce reminded: "Clark, you have to hide your mother and girlfriend after you go back."

While they were talking, the light curtain started playing another video, this time it was Batman's turn.

Some people regard Batman as the guardian of Gotham, the night watchman and some people regard him as an obscure freak. Some people even hate him and feel that Batman is extremely vicious.

The Batman in the video did almost nothing, except to exercise his abilities, which is to go out to fight crime. For decades, he has never been slack in any way.

Even if he was scared, even if he paid a great price, Batman's faith did not waver at all.

In the subsequent duel with Superman, he was also determined to die and didn't expect to come back alive.

He doesn't care what outsiders think of him, he only insists on the belief and will in his heart. He has no superpower, but he has extraordinary willpower.

The highlight moment of Batman in this video is to use kryptonite to knock Superman, beat him up, and almost kill him.

He proved the bravery and will of mankind to make gods bleed.